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White House Climate Change Information Briefs

January 13, 2021

By Paul Homewood



Further to today’s post on John Christy’s Climate Change Information Brief, it appears the Climate Mafia are already fighting back.

Roy Spencer, who wrote one of the papers, reports that David Legates has already been fired by White House OSTP Director and Trump Science Advisor, Kelvin Droegemeier, who Spencer accuses of wanting to maintain a bureaucratic career in the new Biden Administration, and has turned against the President for political purposes and professional gain.

As is his right, Droegmeier has asked Roy and the others to remove links to the brochures, as they have the White House Seal on them.

However, Climate Depot still has the following post, which not only provides links to the PDFs, but also contains the full brochures themselves.





I have also saved copies of the PDFs, which are linked here:



















  1. January 13, 2021 2:29 pm

    Climate change is politics with science makeup.

  2. January 13, 2021 2:29 pm

    Climate change is politics with science lipstick

  3. It doesn't add up... permalink
    January 13, 2021 2:32 pm

    Climate change in the White House as temperatures soar to 451 Fahrenheit.

  4. Mack permalink
    January 13, 2021 2:58 pm

    Well done Paul. In response to one of your previous posters I checked earlier and noticed that both Roy Spencer’s and Anthony Watts’s blogs had seemingly already been ‘climate-cised’ of links to the ‘offending’ material. Winter is definitely coming to the Enlightenment!

  5. January 13, 2021 3:58 pm

    Its foundation is as “deep” as that? 🙂

    We are entering a new Dark Age which has been gestating for a long long time. Science is now just another a political tool, indeed the left have politicised everything and everyone.

    Sound familiar? It should do……Uncle Joe’s Soviet Russia, China under Mao, Dear Uncle Pol Pot. Such thoughtful father figures.

    The West has gone one rancid step further into madness by politicising race and gender. Uncle Joe and Mao would be jealous for not having thought of that! Politics from cradle to grave invading every breath and every decision,

    Of course what is used is not actual science but a pretence of science as a stick to intimidate and subjugate the masses, to create division and of course ultimately to seize power which is after all what this is about, what it has always been about.

    We have to remember that temporary joke president Biden and long term dangerous unelected Cruella Deville (Queen Harris) are there ONLY because of those who sponsor them and pull their strings.

    Trump had none of that and this issue caused most if not all of his problem in that he was not in anyone’s pocket either on the left or on the right. Empty Wheelchair Joe and Queen Cruella have to jump to the tunes of their sponsors and one of those masters who call the tune is the Temperature Manufacturing Industry and its subsidiaries. Simply these two puppets will do as they are told and read the scripts they are given. The danger however is when Queen Cruella assumes her throne. She actually believes she is worthy of her position when her history says completely the opposite. There is nothing more dangerous than someone promoted above their level of competence and she is up in the stratosphere. The thought of this lose cannon with her finger on the nuclear button scares me to death. The other couple of thousand objections I have to her running anything other than a small 2 up 2 down domestic budget can wait.

  6. January 13, 2021 3:59 pm

    Its foundation is as “deep” as that? 🙂

    We are entering a new Dark Age which has been gestating for a long long time. Science is now just another a political tool, indeed the left have politicised everything and everyone.

    Sound familiar? It should do……Uncle Joe’s Soviet Russia, China under Mao, Dear Uncle Pol Pot. Such thoughtful father figures.

    The West has gone one rancid step further into madness by politicising race and gender. Uncle Joe and Mao would be jealous for not having thought of that! Politics from cradle to grave invading every breath and every decision,

    Of course what is used is not actual science but a pretence of science as a stick to intimidate and subjugate the masses, to create division and of course ultimately to seize power which is after all what this is about, what it has always been about.

  7. January 13, 2021 4:00 pm

    We have to remember that temporary joke President Biden and long term dangerous unelected Cruella Deville (Queen Harris) are there ONLY because of those who sponsor them and pull their strings.
    Trump had none of that and this issue caused most if not all of his problem in that he was not in anyone’s pocket either on the left or on the right. Empty Wheelchair Joe and Queen Cruella have to jump to the tunes of their sponsors and one of those masters who call the tune is the Temperature Manufacturing Industry and its subsidiaries. Simply these two puppets will do as they are told and read the scripts they are given. The danger however is when Queen Cruella assumes her throne. She actually believes she is worthy of her position when her history says completely the opposite. There is nothing more dangerous than someone promoted above their level of competence and she is up in the stratosphere. The thought of this lose cannon with her finger on the nuclear button scares me to death. The other couple of thousand objections I have to her running anything other than a small 2 up 2 down domestic budget can wait.

  8. Mike Maloney permalink
    January 13, 2021 4:27 pm

    From all the reading I’ve done the crucial point seems to be saturation of CO2 absorption. If this is correct then any further warming due to rising CO2 levels will be minimal and the whole climate emergency crashes to earth.

    So is it true or not? Does the CO2 GH effect drop off exponentially after 400ppm? Where is the relevant science on this?

    • Nancy & John Hultquist permalink
      January 13, 2021 6:22 pm

      Well before 400. Here is a place to start, and note this is a post from 11 years ago when the topic was “hot.” Because of this aspect of CO2, the idea was developed that the slight warming assumed via CO2 would increase H2O vapor in the atmosphere and a positive feedback would ultimately cause gllobal warming.

      The Logarithmic Effect of Carbon Dioxide

      Search with clues from the post, and spend lots of time reading.

  9. MrGrimNasty permalink
    January 13, 2021 4:40 pm

    “I have also saved copies of the PDFs, which are linked here.”

    So Meester Holmvood, you admit to possessing and distributing ze terrorist materials.

  10. January 13, 2021 11:16 pm

    “I have also saved copies of the PDFs, ” … me too!

    The bar-stewards will not get away with it.

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