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BBC Make Climate Propaganda Out Of Tragic Death

May 21, 2024

By Paul Homewood


h/t Stephen Tobin


Can the wretched BBC sink any lower?




Passengers have recounted scenes of "absolute terror" when severe turbulence hit their Singapore Airlines flight, launching people and objects across the cabin.

A 73-year-old British man died from a suspected heart attack, while more than 30 people were injured when the London-Singapore flight suffered a sudden drop as a meal service was under way.

Briton Andrew Davis described “awful screaming and what sounded like a thud" in the first few seconds of the incident.

Turbulence is most commonly caused by aircraft flying through cloud, but there is also "clear air" turbulence which is not visible on a jet’s weather radar.

“Injuries from severe turbulence are relatively rare in the context of millions of flights operated," aviation expert John Strickland told the BBC.

"However, severe turbulence can be dramatic and lead to severe injuries or sadly in this case a fatality."

Flight crews are also trained in how to respond to turbulence, he said.

"It is not for nothing that airlines recommend keeping seatbelts loosely fastened throughout a flight, be it long or short," he added.

Aviation journalist Sally Gethin said wearing a seatbelt could be the "difference between life and death", explaining that anything not bolted down is at risk during severe turbulence.

Research has shown that climate change will make severe turbulence more likely in the future.

You are utter scum, BBC.

How can any organisation try to play politics with a tragic death like this one?

  1. John Palmer permalink
    May 21, 2024 7:34 pm

    CAT – or clear air turbulence has been a very well documented danger ever since modern air travel started. Often encountered over deserts and warm oceans, it is by all accounts – and as demonstrated by this very sad incident, dangerous and unpredictable.

    But those at the Bulls**t Broadcasting Corp wouldn’t know of course – they only cycle, walk or go by train…….

    • Nigel Sherratt permalink
      May 21, 2024 8:45 pm

      Detectable I believe as one flies towards it, hence the ‘fasten seatbelts’ warning. Don’t ignore it!

      • May 22, 2024 9:48 am

        Sometimes detectable, but…

        There’s another type of turbulence called “clear air” turbulence – which as the name suggests is cloudless and can’t be seen. This is much more problematic as it’s very difficult to detect.

    • mjr permalink
      May 22, 2024 2:18 am

      ah…. but there were never any occurrences of CAT prior to the beginning of the industrial age … say 1800… ergo it must be due to western industrialisation and so it is man made global warming that must have caused it. Simples… that is BBC logic for you!

  2. 1saveenergy permalink
    May 21, 2024 7:37 pm

    “Can the wretched BBC sink any lower?”

    Yes of course they can, & we have to pay the bastards for the privilage.

  3. renewablesbp permalink
    May 21, 2024 7:42 pm

    The BBC are beyond belief. Total Scum organisation.

  4. Jack Broughton permalink
    May 21, 2024 7:42 pm

    The BBC should say : “Unvalidated and most-probably incorrect climate model based “Research” has shown that climate change will make severe turbulence more likely in the future.

    • May 21, 2024 8:32 pm

      Being realistic I wonder if a rule for the press that they have to cite at the very least the source whenever they use the line “Research has shown that…” and ideally who funded e.g “Research [by XYZ, funded by ABC see citation in show notes/ end of article] has shown that…”

      As well as address my pet hate “since records began” without qualifying it with the year they began and which records.

      • HarryPassfield permalink
        May 22, 2024 8:42 am


      • May 22, 2024 10:00 am

        And don’t forget the “scientists say” or “according to experts”. The BBC LOVE to give a pretence of authority to their garbage claims by having a professor or someone with a PhD pronounce without ever informing us of the relevance of their education. I suppose it is because 99% of that lefty turgid organization have at best a worthless degree in wimins studies or social studies or politics, so they think anyone with an “ology” is by default an expert, especially if they sing to the Klymutt tune.

  5. May 21, 2024 8:05 pm

    Complaint duly in. Sections of The BBC are a cancer in our society. Whoever wrote that last line is sick in the head, whoever allowed it to be publishhed is equally sick. This must be stopped. Rather than just post on here can everyone put in a complaint in the strongest possible terms… need to be polite anymore – this is plain evil we are talking about here.

    • glenartney permalink
      May 21, 2024 9:05 pm

      Mine too.

      Awaiting Stage 1 fob off

  6. May 21, 2024 8:11 pm

    I heard this on the BBC Radio news and was horrified at how the BBC will use any tragedy to push its biased propaganda about the climate change scam.

    • May 21, 2024 8:13 pm

      And yet Ofcom sanctions GB News for being biased. That says all you need to know about how the UK has been taken over by globalist scum of the WEF/UN

      • May 22, 2024 10:02 am

        Of course, as mild as GB news are they are a threat to the New World Order…and therefore need to be silenced.

    • JohnAM permalink
      May 22, 2024 6:38 am

      Last night’s Midnight News had this as its first item complete with the Globull Warming claim.

      Towards the end of the bulletin was a report of the (possible) problems with Mangrove areas. It also ended with the claim that this was caused by increasing sea level rise and ….. Globull Warming.

  7. tomo permalink
    May 21, 2024 8:13 pm

    That scaremongering turbulence goon from the yooniverstii of Central Berkshire is going to show up on “danooze” in 3,2,1?

    Ready, camera one? sound? OK, run teleprompt….aaand …. action!

    Somebody is going to put 50p into”Weather or Not” Jim Dale (AKA Nostrildamus) to opine on this aren’t they?

  8. Stuart Brown permalink
    May 21, 2024 8:15 pm

    Some 40 years ago, a steward giving me my plastic in-flight meal had a black eye and scars on his face and hands. I made some (hopefully) sympathetic remark and he told me he’d been pinned to the ceiling by the drinks trolley on a previous flight due to CAT.

    Any link to that ‘research’? Probably not, but the link to the BBC will remain unclicked here. Self important toads. Is there a petition to scrap the license fee going on?

    • devonblueboy permalink
      May 21, 2024 9:22 pm

      Similarly I was on a flight from Hong Kong to Saigon in 1972 and we experjenced CAT,with injuries to cabin crew from hitting the ceiling. Just as well that climate change hadn’t been invented back then!

      • It doesn't add up... permalink
        May 22, 2024 4:33 am

        I can take the record back to 1969 flying into Bermuda against a strong jetstream. They were serving afternoon tea when the tea tray hit the ceiling in a 707. The leg took 9 hours (normally 7 1/2) and I was starting to wonder how much fuel reserve was left.

        I also recall somewhat lower altitude turbulence flying between Moscow and Helsinki in 1962 and return in prop aircraft (IL-18 and ?DC5) that was quite a fairground ride through the cloud: the Russians restricted flight altitudes to limit the extent of the horizon for passengers.

      • May 22, 2024 8:00 am

        I was on a similar flight on Singapore airlines in the Thailand area in the early 70’s and also experienced the plane dropping many thousands of feet with the oxygen masks popping out.

        I don’t remember the same amount of damage. I do wonder if planes were more robust back then and had far less electrical equipment so were more flown by pilot skill rather than expecting the electronics to take over.

        Having hired 2 new hire cars in the last few months I was irritated by the amount of interference from the so called safety equipment. You couldn’t move without being beeped at. How new drivers build up their skills I don’t know and wonder if modern planes are the same.

      • May 22, 2024 8:13 am

        Flying to South Africa from Singapore (ironically) 40 years ago I shared this unwelcome experience too. Luckily a client so was in First Class sleeping flat out with seat belt on. Even so the vomit comet experience was unwelcome.
        it was pretty hairy in audio visual terms. One thing I have never understood is why still not a better method of anchoring the trolleys. They are pretty substantial if suddenly flying overhead. Anyhoo… back to horse drawn travel?

      • HarryPassfield permalink
        May 22, 2024 8:47 am

        Devon, if you suffered CAT back in 1972 it ‘could’ have been caused by the in-coming Ice-age! /s

  9. Stuart Brown permalink
    May 21, 2024 8:45 pm

    Name and shame the Torygraph too:

    “How turbulence works – and why it can be deadly

    As a recent case on Singapore Airlines shows, sudden bumps can be fatal and, thanks to climate change, winds are only getting stronger”

    • May 22, 2024 7:23 am

      Why? The Telegraph only reports “there are discussions” going on about whether or not CC will make turbulence worse. That seems reasonable enough, unlike the BBC claim

      • May 22, 2024 9:08 am

        The headline says

        “As a recent case on Singapore Airlines shows, sudden bumps can be fatal and, thanks to climate change, winds are only getting stronger”

  10. frankobaysio permalink
    May 21, 2024 8:49 pm

    This seems to be based upon an article from 2023 where a study ….. Shows that turbulence is increasing and this is caused by “carbon emissions” …..

    Link here

    Maybe a FOI letter to insist on actual data be provided rather than stating assumptions as fact. Ofcom …. Where are you!

  11. May 21, 2024 9:06 pm

    My concern would be the amount of incidents involving Boeing aircraft recently. Now this could be completely outwith their control, but there is mounting evidence of incidents involving Boeing aircraft.

    There has been talk of lack of spares of Russian made components due to sanctions. I hope this is not as a consequence of this.

  12. John Anderson permalink
    May 21, 2024 9:16 pm

    The greater number of aircraft movements the greater number of incidents of sudden clear air turbulence. Clear air turbulence is basically caused by temperature variations, so if global temperatures drop, there’s a greater temperature variance between the poles and equator. More clear air turbulence.

  13. Epping Blogger permalink
    May 21, 2024 9:25 pm

    especially so when they use false claims to create fear.

    will this mean all BBC staff are grounded. Thought not. Or will they get danger money – that will do nicely.

  14. Gamecock permalink
    May 21, 2024 9:49 pm

    Oh, Gamecock thought BBC ended all articles with,

    “Research has shown that climate change will make ____________ more likely in the future.”

  15. May 21, 2024 10:57 pm

    There are a number of reasons for turbulence, from the low level effects of wind as it passes over terrain, to cumulus clouds with strong up/down drafts, often extreme in severe thunderstorms, then there are the strong winds over mountain ranges like the Andes, then at much higher levels (approx 35,000ft) clear air turbulence is often found.

    Rain showers/thunderstorms show up well on the weather radar, but CAT does not. Generally the only knowledge you have is from the met forecast and from radio messages from other aircraft. CAT is more often associated with the jet streams, which will often have very strong winds in the central core of the jet, and sharp boundaries outside of the core. It is the rapid change of wind speed at the edges of the jet that give rise to the worst turbulence.

    Reducing altitude is often the only way to escape the turbulence, but half way across the Atlantic it can take time to get clearance to descend.

    Each type brings its own challenges. When landing one has to be mindful of the aircraft limits such as max crosswind limit. Not to mention microbursts where a column of air you are flying in descends quicker than you can climb.

    Flying near a mountain range, take care not to be caught in the downdraft which will have you flying into the side of said mountain range. It has happened.

    Don’t even think about flying through a thunderstorm – go round it if you can – sometimes a challenge when flying through the ITZ over Africa.

    However, after 30+ years of commercial flying I have never encounter anything as severe as this particular incident.

    • May 22, 2024 12:02 am

      This thread is not about turbulence is it? It is about the BBC using the subject to promote propaganda.

      • Ariadaeus permalink
        May 22, 2024 2:11 am

        After earlier posts by folk that know nothing about CAT JBW is being helpful by trying to throw light on the subject.

  16. trevorshurmer permalink
    May 21, 2024 11:16 pm

    For your information, I have made a personal complaint about the BBC reporting of the incident tonight on Newsnight. Maitless asked whether turbulence would get worse, and an ‘expert’ said yes. I turned it off then!

  17. bobn permalink
    May 21, 2024 11:40 pm

    All the commenting is totally premature. There has not been a full investigation report published yet. They havent confirmed it was CAT; they may have been in cloud. That region is notorious for its thunderstorms (CBs). Modern aircraft are very efficient and many modern crews have become quite complacent, just letting the autopilot fly the aircraft. Was it on auto at the time? What had the pilots seen on radar? Or were they just doing their income tax returns and letting the autopilot fly over a powerful CB. Its in or over a CB that this scale of windshear could occur. However all these idiot commentators are speculating when we dont yet have the data.

    Nothing new in that i suppose.

    Yes I flew jets for 20yrs.

  18. 1saveenergy permalink
    May 22, 2024 1:03 am

    Research has shown that … the BBC canot be trusted on anything anymore.

  19. mjr permalink
    May 22, 2024 4:51 am

    Woke up early and caught BBC Hardtalk.. On at 04.30 so might get overlooked BBC News – HARDtalk, Jim Skea, Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    “Stephen Sackur speaks to Professor Jim Skea, a key player collating the latest climate science, and right now the situation looks grim. Are humans bungling our chance to avert disaster?”

    James Skea full time climate grifter.

    Basically we are all doomed, doomed ! another impartial, and well reasoned BBC discussion (that doesnt blame india and china in any way).. Its all my fault for having a gas boiler and my grandad having a coal fire

    • mjr permalink
      May 22, 2024 5:01 am

      and of course this is the interviewer (who is a labour supporting liberal lefty BBC shill) who got shot down by the Guyanan PM in March BBC News – HARDtalk, Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of Guyana

      According to his wiki entry, “The interview gained widespread international attention as many in the media accused Sackur of Western hypocrisy regarding carbon emissions and condescension towards developing countries.”

    • Phoenix44 permalink
      May 22, 2024 8:05 am

      “a key player”. How fo you become such a thing? What does it even mean? It’s all quite laughable. The hysteria assumes each day brings new “climate science”.

  20. europeanonion permalink
    May 22, 2024 7:16 am

    Imperial college, it appears, according to the BBC, have set out to prove the BBC’s theory concerning climate. Today they are focusing on rain. In a Descartian way, they are trumpeting the message ‘I’m pink, therefore I’m spam’, an obvious understanding, it, we, are pink, is there any doubt? The thrust of their pronouncement is a sort of medievalism, the necessity to find something antagonistic, malign in the mysterious forest, unicorns and flibbertigibbet research, Newton’s diversion into calchemy , a return to the study of humours Sane people nonplussed by nature seek to find the demon that makes methane sprites in bogs and holds the world in thrall at the discovery of the Cottingley fairies; the Orson Welles’ green men invading a gullible USA. A belief in the supernatural to fill gaps in learning. Already utility companies are asking for double figure rises in bills and United Utilities has started a charm offensive with its customers after a string of adverse comments about THEIR performance. Imperial College would do well to launch research into the fleecing of the public purse ‘pursued by a bear’. Antigonus meets his end by the highly unlikely appearance of a bear. No explanation is required and if engineering practices, the problems of over populating could be better addressed (South Forty-foot drain, 1630) then we would not be hearing about flooding but with the annual warning that drought is immanent.

    • bobn permalink
      May 22, 2024 2:07 pm

      Nicely said. Our modern western descent into infantile mysticism is amazing. Do note that Imperial College is bought and paid for by green billionaire Jeremy Grantham. Strange that Grantham Asset Management (GAM – his hedge fund), is making $billions from trading mythical ‘Carbon Credits’! So he funds the Grantham Climate Institute within Imperial to push more trading in unicorn farts. he has also funded members of the Climate change committee. Do you smell the scam?

  21. liardetg permalink
    May 22, 2024 7:32 am

    I’ll bet there is no ‘resesrch’. Show us, you lyers

  22. Keitho permalink
    May 22, 2024 7:52 am

    On LBC just now some woman “Aviation Consultant” told Nic Ferrari that it was definitely caused by Climate Change and things would only get worse because of our burning stuff. Similarly the Jet Stream was getting stronger. She then mumbled a bit about convection and such. There are only children in these jobs now.

  23. Phoenix44 permalink
    May 22, 2024 8:08 am

    So “it will…in the future”. A model then and presumably no evidence it has got worse over the last 50 years or they’d say so. Another magical increase that will only happen in the future.

  24. May 22, 2024 8:29 am

    ITV 6.30pm news said the same thing, Paul

  25. May 22, 2024 9:15 am

    I know someone who’s just been told off for not wearing a seat belt … on a vehicle doing about 0.2mph … a chair lift. I will ask next time I see them whether it was to do with turbulence.

  26. Ian PRSY permalink
    May 22, 2024 9:27 am

    It’s not fair to blame the BBC entirely – they’re just one of the propaganda outlets of the government. Take this:

    “Families to be urged to stockpile three days’ worth of food and water to help build national ‘resilience’ – amid fears of prolonged power cuts, cyber attacks and floods” Oliver Dowden launches Project Fear II later today.

    Then there’s the Met Office, issuing an AMBER warning because – it’s going to rain.

    • May 22, 2024 9:38 am

      Was not long ago that various BBC senior editors were there ‘to hold power to account’. Or, in the immortal paraphrase of Nick Robinson via a colleague; ‘tell others what they do not want to hear’.

      Which they can and still do, unless they agree with it. We are where we are as the politico-media establishment is so corrupted it either fools the credulous or alienates those still with functioning brains.

      Sadly, and I am guilty here, this translates into a democratic process shaped by a small % of a small turnout being claimed by idiot pols and idiot politicised media as a ‘mandate’… of idiots for idiots.

    • May 22, 2024 10:11 am

      He’s probably right about power cuts though!!

  27. May 22, 2024 10:03 am

    Professor said on X: “Airline travel of the future won’t be fraught with wings ripped off planes, or have thousands of dead or injured passengers.

    “It will mostly look like it does today.”

  28. May 22, 2024 10:06 am

    I get a wiff of a multifaceted attempt to stop us flying so in this case promote the idea that man made Klymutt Sheyngshe is getting worse so there are more chances of you being seriously injured or deaded on your bucket and spade flight to Malaga.

    • Ian PRSY permalink
      May 22, 2024 10:52 am

      Who’s going to break the news to Dubai, as they break ground on their new airport?

      • May 22, 2024 3:29 pm

        Being non white another set of rules apply.

        This rams home what utter bollox the whole Klymutt Sheyngshe /Nut zero agenda is. It is directed specifically at the West.

        This part of the marxist multiheaded hydra is focussed on Western countries only and in particular the Anglosphere. Why is do we have the psychologically challenged of JSO or Xo performing their pantomime against the UK when China is more than adding the UK’s total CO2 emissions each year. At the very least, they should be outside the Chinese and Indian Embassies performing their kindergarten theatrics. I suppose part of the reason is they can get away with it because of our easy going society and wokeykokey polods and plodesses. A bit like the complete silence from the screeching wimin of 4thwave of feminism, who faced with clear examples of misogyny in front of their very eyes, they either look the other way or remain silent. The examples are: a certain misogynistic and medieval ideology which has vowed to take over the world being imported at breakneck speed and fed and watered at our expense, and mediocre men claiming to be women entering women’s sports and private spaces. The reverse strangely does not seem to be happening.

  29. John permalink
    May 22, 2024 10:56 am

    in fact the expert John Strickland said, very inconveniently for the BBC, that there is no evidence that climate change is causing an increase in turbulence.

  30. pdp1140 permalink
    May 22, 2024 11:11 am

    of the 500 or so complaints about the PM Q&A feature on GB News, I wonder how many used the same or very similar phraseology? I cannot help but think the complaints were largely or completely orchestrated.

  31. tomo permalink
    May 22, 2024 12:10 pm

    Juan Browne, 777 driver and YouTuber provides level headed context

  32. Citizen K permalink
    May 22, 2024 12:33 pm

    The Daily Fail is all over it:


    A tinfoil-hat wearing cynic might think that a ‘turbulence is caused by climate change’ story might have been distributed to major news outlets by a single source. Hmmmm….


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