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German Hydrogen Rollout Fails To Take Off

June 13, 2024

By Paul Homewood


h/t Patsy Lacey



ESSEN, Germany, June 12 (Reuters) – Investor caution about hydrogen as a future source of energy to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases did not suggest slowing resolve to phase out fossil fuels, German industry executives and policymakers said on Wednesday, pleading for patience.

They told a conference organised by the Handelsblatt business newspaper that regulatory support for new value chains would bring about a large-scale switch to renewably derived hydrogen energy early next decade.

Germany wants national electrolysis capacity of 10 gigawatts (GW) by 2030. Last month, it approved an acceleration bill to help decarbonise the EU’s lead industry, whose manufacturers are key to future hydrogen consumption.

Critics say that final investment decisions on only 300 MW of projects, according to data presented by utility E.ON , indicate of possible failure, while reliance on future bulk imports is nebulous.

If Germany does not manage the move to hydrogen, it will weaken the entire bloc’s chances of adopting it and competing successfully with the United States and China.


Without massive subsidies, hydrogen is a non-starter in Germany.

21 Comments leave one →
  1. jeremy23846 permalink
    June 13, 2024 12:08 pm

    I believe that Germany has concluded that it is prohibitively expensive to convert gas fired power stations to hydrogen, which may have something to do with it.

    • June 13, 2024 5:13 pm

      Hydrogen is much safer and easier to use if four of its atoms are combined with one carbon atom in a combined cycle gas fire power station, which burns just as cleanly as the hydrogen and is much less explosive and corrosive. This has the advantage that large amounts of this gas are available naturally from under the ground and do not require expensive creation using large amounts of energy and material.

  2. Gamecock permalink
    June 13, 2024 12:24 pm

    Investor caution about hydrogen as a future source of energy to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases did not suggest slowing resolve to phase out fossil fuels, German industry executives and policymakers said on Wednesday, pleading for patience.

    Hydrogen is not a source of energy. ‘Industry executives and policymakers’ don’t know that ???

    They told a conference organised by the Handelsblatt business newspaper that regulatory support for new value chains would bring about a large-scale switch to renewably derived hydrogen energy early next decade.

    Yeah, regulatory support for new value chains will gitter done.

    Germany wants national electrolysis capacity of 10 gigawatts (GW) by 2030. Last month, it approved an acceleration bill to help decarbonise the EU’s lead industry, whose manufacturers are key to future hydrogen consumption.

    No, they aren’t going to consume it; they are going to leave.

    If Germany does not manage the move to hydrogen, it will weaken the entire bloc’s chances of adopting it and competing successfully with the United States and China.

    Competing? Wut? What kind of competition is it, a race to the bottom?

    • AC Osborn permalink
      June 13, 2024 2:08 pm

      Of course Hydrogen would be a “source of energy”.

      Just as a charged battery becomes a source of energy, or pumped hydro becomes a source of energy.

      If you don’t believe it try starting your car without a battery, or use any other item totally reliant on a battery to “make it go”.

      What it isn’t is a “natural” source of energy.

      • John Bowman permalink
        June 14, 2024 2:10 pm

        Isn’t a battery a store of energy released by chemical reaction within, and pumped hydro – elevated water – a store of potential energy which turns into kinetic energy under the influence of gravity which becomes electric energy when run through a turbine?

        Too pedantic?

  3. HarryPassfield permalink
    June 13, 2024 12:38 pm

    Surely, hydrogen cannot be a ‘source of energy’ if it first has to be created from another, natural, source if energy.

    • HarryPassfield permalink
      June 13, 2024 12:40 pm

      …by the use of another natural source…

      • AC Osborn permalink
        June 13, 2024 2:41 pm

        See my comment above to Gamecock.

        The word natural is the important part of your comment.

        You do not get energy from oil, coal, gas or nuclear without putting energy in to get them out of the ground/ water etc.

        But Hydrogen requires the double use of energy, first to get the natural source out of the ground and then wasting part of that energy to create Hydrogen.

        Just like batteries, pumped hydro, and other gravity effect systems

  4. In The Real World permalink
    June 13, 2024 12:59 pm

    Off topic , but might be of interest .

    I seemed to have been banned from commenting on a couple of media sites .

    Have always been polite , and have just used facts against the propaganda in some news items . But now cannot sign in or even register with a new name .

    Have always used INCOGNITO , and never use google as it is the biggest censor in the world , and blocks anything that does not agree with its left wing agenda .

    So they must use the IP address .

    Have also noticed that some sites put up adverts relevant to my local area , so it does seem that ” BIG BROTHER ” is really watching .

    Will check out about hiding IP address , I think it can be done .

    • June 13, 2024 1:14 pm

      Whilst it may be IP address it may also be from cookies implanted in your device so it is advisable to completely clean ALL associated devices as they may be interlinked. Also email address and mobile phone number will lock you in/block you out.

      The best solution is to use a VPN (as in virtual private network) so nobody knows who you really are by going through a proxy. Opera browser is free to download and there are quite a few others.

      For my part I work on the basis that it is impossible to be anonymous on the internet so I don’t bother to try. If anyone opts to block me (the Guardian did just for linking to one of their own articles) then it is their loss not mine.

      • In The Real World permalink
        June 13, 2024 1:53 pm

        I have always used SPYBOT S&D to clean cookies etc , which does seem to get rid of a lot of the implanted rubbish .

        And Duck Duck Go as search engine which is supposed to be less intrusive .

        But I do think that there is a lot more tracking of everybody nowadays .

      • In The Real World permalink
        June 13, 2024 3:59 pm

        Doing a bit more reading up on them watching you .

        If you click on this link it does seem to immediately pinpoint where you are .

        Must just be from the IP .And I thought I was as discreet as possible .

        So will have to do some more checking up on what is happening .

      • gezza1298 permalink
        June 13, 2024 6:07 pm

        It doesn’t pinpoint my position but has me miles away. In fact various trackers seem to thing I am anywhere but where I actually am.

      • In The Real World permalink
        June 14, 2024 10:52 am

        Just an update on this one .

        Did a SPYDOT S&D scan today , 2 weeks since last one , and it removed 258 minor programs . I guess just cookies .

        So perhaps we are being bombarded with a lot more rubbish now , as well as all of the stuff which is keeping a check on us .

  5. 1saveenergy permalink
    June 13, 2024 2:29 pm

    “Without massive subsidies, hydrogen is a non-starter in Germany.”

    Let me rephrase that …

    Because of the laws of physics … hydrogen is a non-starter !!

  6. renewablesbp permalink
    June 13, 2024 2:34 pm

    Time to get the fag packets out again. Hydrogen as a main energy source is never going to be viable until there is a much cheaper supply of electrical power. Even if that ever happens why throw most of it away to make hydrogen??

  7. June 13, 2024 4:41 pm

    Hydrogen is a Fools goal. The energy chain to create, transport, store and the use hydrogen takes over 30% of the energy used to create it in the first place. Add in the burning of hydrogen to get heat and you are down to less that 50% of the initial energy source. Not ideal unless you have unlimited free electricity.

    Much better to switch everything to electric. Generate from wind / solar transmit over existing grid and the plug in your motor / compressor / device.

    • June 13, 2024 5:26 pm

      It’s more like 70% of energy used to create hydrogen is not recovered after being consumed. It’s ERoI in a combustion environment is only ~30%.

  8. gezza1298 permalink
    June 13, 2024 6:21 pm

    Give it a few more years and there won’t be any German industry left to decarbonise – a success for Net Zero. Harder Logistics specialises in relocating factories and moves 1700 companies a year out of Germany. Eastern Europe was a popular destination but now it is often locations outside Europe – China, Mexico, India. And on top of this, retail sales are dropping across the EU. I mean, who would think a policy of making things more expensive would have any effect?

    • John Bowman permalink
      June 14, 2024 2:16 pm

      Isn’t the aim to ‘decarbonise’ Countries, that is return them to the state they were in prior to the Industrial Revolution, agrarian societies, then ‘de-agriculturalise’ them to return their populations to hunter-gatherers… next stop the Stone Age shortly after which stones will be banned?

  9. energywise permalink
    June 13, 2024 7:00 pm

    If Govt deceit could drive electrons, we’d have too much electricity, forever

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