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Shameful Behaviour by Prof Paul Williams Reading University

June 13, 2024

By Paul Homewood


Some climate scientists don’t like it when their shoddy work is exposed as junk!




33 Comments leave one →
  1. June 13, 2024 1:59 pm

    An excellent video. Reading University has for long been a hot-bed of fake climate science. Paul Williams is following in the tradition of Ed Hawkins and many others. I agree – disgusting behaviour by Paul Williams.

  2. saighdear permalink
    June 13, 2024 2:04 pm

    Yes, and isn’t it “funny” how the MSM of many Eurolands has also been going with the gravy flo on all this recently. Just watch European ( appeal to the Remoaners) Sat TV to SEE their news programmes, Watching alone is educational.

  3. Joe Public permalink
    June 13, 2024 2:09 pm

    The Prof/Doc Williams rightly gets absolutely hammered in the replies to this X-posting

    • June 13, 2024 3:19 pm

      What iIfound so odd was that he has reported and bitterly complained about numerous posters being unkind to him then goes and does exactly the same back to someone who has always been perfectly polite. If he is that unhappy with X then why not just ignore it?

      Then again (and just to balance the scales!!!) anyone who dyes his hair as badly as he does, deserves all they get.

      • rusticus1 permalink
        June 13, 2024 3:48 pm

        As ever, “It’s OK when we do it”. They can dish out the most appalling invective, but they can’t take anything shot back at them.

      • rusticus1 permalink
        June 13, 2024 3:51 pm

        As ever with these people, “It’s OK when we do it”. They dish out the most appalling invective, but when anyone comes back at them they run crying to mummy.

  4. malfraser9a75f35659 permalink
    June 13, 2024 2:14 pm

    Excellent. As usual, follow the money.

    • gezza1298 permalink
      June 13, 2024 6:35 pm

      Professor is just a job title….

      • energywise permalink
        June 13, 2024 6:58 pm

        Correct, it doesn’t imply competence

  5. renewablesbp permalink
    June 13, 2024 2:29 pm

    All you need to know about Climate crisis theory: “it is a crock of crap”.

  6. GeoffB permalink
    June 13, 2024 2:37 pm

    Professor Paul Williams from the same school as Michael Mann!

  7. David W. permalink
    June 13, 2024 2:45 pm

    If Paul Williams is an example of what Reading University has to offer, then Reading University has a problem. He maintains that air turbulence severity is indirectly controlled by CO2 without a shred of data or evidence to back up his claim.

    The same Paul Williams from Reading University a few years ago also claimed that in the future it is possible that helicopter flights will struggle to get off the ground because warmer air is thinner!!! I kid you not.

    It’s shameful that Paul Williams claims he is an expert when he makes such ignorant claims. Every pilot calculates the weight of fuel and cargo against air temperature and altitude given the known flight parameters of his aircraft and flight course before each flight. If the pilot can’t take off it will be because of pilot error in the pre-flight checks and nothing to do with warmer air and climate change. If this was the case helicopters would not be able to fly in hot climates and as we know this is not the case.

    It’s totally preposterous for a Professor to make claims like these without offering any scientific data in support.

    • June 13, 2024 3:04 pm

      ” in the future it is possible that helicopter flights will struggle to get off the ground because warmer air is thinner!!!”

      Is that why “climate scientists” (the Met Office) put weather stations next to heliports?

      Official Met Office Battersea Heliport Weather Station site'10.5%22N+0%C2%B010'45.9%22W/@51.4694804,-0.1796151,42m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d51.4695833!4d-0.1794167?entry=ttu

      Official Plymouth Kinterbury Point Weather Station'46.9%22N+4%C2%B012'04.3%22W/@50.3966451,-4.2015455,173m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d50.3963611!4d-4.2011944?entry=ttu

      There are more!


      • David W. permalink
        June 13, 2024 4:09 pm

        I wouldn’t have thought that is why weather sites are located near heliports. Its most likely so that pilots have real time, up-to-date data on wind and weather for their approach for landing and take off schedules.

    • bobn permalink
      June 13, 2024 3:45 pm

      It was Reading Polytechnic, and its still just a Polytech with sub-literate teachers.

      With idiots like that on their staff Reading will never get taken seriously.

      • miket permalink
        June 13, 2024 4:09 pm

        Not sure that’s true boba (re polytechnic). My Dad studied psychology at Reading Uni from 1950 to 1953!

        Doesn’t stop me agreeing with all the foregoing comments though!

      • miket permalink
        June 13, 2024 4:11 pm

        Sorry, typo bobn.

    • June 13, 2024 5:32 pm

      Hi David, sorry if it came across wrongly, I was being rather facetious. Those station’s data is now being (mis)used for climate data purposes.

    • Roy Hartwell permalink
      June 13, 2024 5:52 pm

      Having recently watched a programme about a massive airlift of climbers from basecamp at Everest, the helicopters seemed to manage adequately in the rarified air at 20,000 feet so a little warm air shouldn;t cause many problems!

    • June 13, 2024 6:08 pm

      I am not qualified to comment other than share my experience with the board. Whilst serving in Irag during with summer of 2006, military helicopters were grounded when temperatures exceeded 50 degree C, which it did on the odd occasion. This was because it affected the aerodynamics and lift! I think we would agree that such temperatures were extreme though.

      • David W. permalink
        June 15, 2024 11:46 am

        With regard to Helicopters grounded as a precaution during the Iraq war when temperatures rose above 50C. Again this is still about payload vs the conditions and during war helicopters do have to carry live arms and munitions which are extremely heavy. This is not the case for almost all other helicopter flights globally.

        The prediction made by Prof Paul Williams some years ago was that helicopters would not be able to take off in the future due to climate change ie; warming. He assumed that pilots would be foolhardy enough to try in the first place whenever conditions are outside of the safe flying envelope for any flying machine, be it wind, temperature, altitude, precipitation etc. It would be foolish for any pilot to attempt to take to the air under the wrong conditions. Just as it would be foolish for a captain of a sailing vessel to needlessly take to the seas in horrendous conditions.

        Prof Paul Williams predicted that it would become more likely in the future that helicopter pilots would not be able to take off due to rising temperatures. However, he completely negated facts which indicate completely the contrary to his predictions. Every few years new technologies and better materials are improving the performance and therefore the flying envelope of all aircraft including helicopters. Therefore, the reality is that the reverse is the case and it is becoming less likely to find conditions when helicopters cannot be used as their payloads are increasing with every new technological advancement regardless of any assumed warming. For a start, recorded extreme temperatures are not all increases, many temperature extremes globally have been declines in temperature records which means assumed warming is NOT global. Basically what he said does not stand up to scrutiny for so many reasons and again Paul Williams comes with no data in support of his wild predictions.

  8. patrick201196a449 permalink
    June 13, 2024 3:04 pm


    Reading uni seems to be a breeding ground for unconventional scientists.

    I remember the fun we used to poke at “Captain Cyborg”, (Kevin Warwick), of Reading uni, who inserted an RFID chip in his forearm, allowing him to be recognized by RFID reader door locks.

    He claimed that made him the first Cyborg! This was around 2000, at that time he was a regular object of derision in the Register.

    cheers Patrick

  9. sean2829 permalink
    June 13, 2024 3:30 pm

    They just made Michael Mann a Fellow of the Royal Society. I’ve also heard the Royal Society has dropped the motto “Nullius en Verba”. Perhaps in honor of Michael Mann’s contributions and aptly seconded by Paul Williams the new motto should just be STFU.

    • energywise permalink
      June 13, 2024 6:56 pm

      I hope Mark Steyn wins his appeal against Mann – if there’s any honesty and integrity left in our judicial world, he will of course

  10. energywise permalink
    June 13, 2024 6:53 pm

    Junk science by junk pseudo scientists, no doubt benefitting financially from the plump greenfoolery funds

  11. John Billot permalink
    June 13, 2024 7:45 pm

    It seems that Reading Uni Climate Scientists get more stupid the higher CO2 goes. Worrying trend for them, they’re doomed I tell you.

    • chriskshaw permalink
      June 14, 2024 6:08 pm

      Finally, correlation and causation beautifully cross correlated and supported by observations. Thank you. CO2 atm concentration negatively affects critical thinking ability

  12. 2hmp permalink
    June 13, 2024 9:32 pm

    Climate Scientists are becoming ever more desperate to find a scintilla of evidence to support climate emergency theory disregarding any hard facts to the contrary.

  13. June 14, 2024 10:31 am

    Williams is a believer, therefore his arguments can be undermined e.g. the lack of proof re dangerous AGW.

  14. June 14, 2024 10:47 am

    This is the nub of the problem. There are thousands of “climate change” posts in Universities where personal incomes are dependent of promoting the ideology to get into and keep noses in troughs. This is exacerbated by the fact that the universities themselves also grow fat on this tax payer money.

    The climate grant seeking industry as a consequence has completely distorted academia. If anyone is seeking a grant then climate change has to be inserted into the synopsis for work regardless of it’s relevance to have any chance to be considered.

    How many times have we heard that scientists working in the oil and gas industry are not allowed to comment because they “must” be inherently biased (corrupt) because their livelihoods depends on that industry. If we accept this unfair generalization as even a possibility then the same MUST apply also to those directly dependent on the climate industry for their income, and oh does it show!

    The bar for work promoting the climate scare is very low and the consequence is that shoddy work like this is promoted without question, just like the Krap exposed by Dr Peter Ridd and Dr Susan Crockford amongst others. In every single case those who’s climate claims are challenged go after the person not the data they produce to support their challenge to the default “caused by climate change” claim where modeling not empirical data is invariably cited as “data” which it most certainly is not. This is about as unscientific as it is possible to be.

    We have filled our academic institutions with those who shout loudest, bullies and boors. Just have a look at the climate funded “professors” and experts and their outrageous personal attacks on skeptics who dare to question claims regarding climate change. This is standard behaviour right across the climate industrial complex. Never do you see the data presented by skeptics being challenged. Instead it is always nasty personal attacks which for me tells you the skeptic is right all along. That personal attacks against skeptics is being allowed and accepted by both politicians and the media shows just how corrupt those in the climate industry are and how flimsy their ideas are.

    The boor in chief of course is none other than the hocky shtick “inventor”, the man who awarded himself a Nobel Prize and even made his own certificate. This is the kind of person fronting “climate science”, driving the perpetuation of the climate scam, a person who conducts his “science” by political shenanigans.

    • June 14, 2024 11:06 am

      As many posters here are probably aware, “ad hominem” is a standard tactic used by the believers.

      • June 14, 2024 2:57 pm

        Correct but when it is supposed klymutt scientists doing it you have to be aghast. That no pretend journos call them out on it tells us all we need to know.

        What is so pathetic is the shear laziness of the argument falling back on activist speak when he supposedly is a scientist…”he is not a climate scientist” is so asinine as to call into question the scientific credentials of the user of this meaningless term. I am two climate scientists by their reckoning because I am qualified in two of the many subjects which come under the klymutt science umbrella, b

        But also by their non-science ( nonsense if said quickly), my opinion does not count because I work in the business of extracting the hydrocarbons which ironically support each and every single one of their klymutt hypocritical lives.

    • David W. permalink
      June 14, 2024 3:09 pm

      I have been saying this for twenty years and nobody believed me. Finally people are waking up.

      For twenty years, the dumb media for instance would report on say; Door mice numbers are in decline due to Manmade climate change because a new scientific paper had uncovered a link. In actual fact it was a student who needed funding for his or her degree and the only easy funding available was climate change funding. So all the student had to do was tie in their thesis to manmade climate change and hey presto! They had the funding and a doctorate. That’s why to this day it seems that almost all new scientific papers about anything is linked to Mankind’s use of fossil fuels.

      What is even more sick and unjust is that you are funding the lies and distortion because it’s you who is paying the climate change levy on your energy bills. Its been that way for twenty years and almost everybody has been ignorant to it even though it’s printed on the bottom of every householder’s quarterly energy bill as clear as day…..CCL charge!! Its Climate Change Levy stupid. But nobody cared enough to read it or question it. But now the real costs are coming and its hurting and finally people are asking questions and realising all the lies. The people are becoming very angry and within the next few years they will become very, very angry and I believe that some key people will face calls for prosecution and possible jail for their deliberate manipulation of the facts. This will include key professors at Universities heavily involved in the production and adjustment of Meteorological data. Mark my words.

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