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There’s Big Money In Flight Turbulence!!

June 14, 2024

By Paul Homewood



There’s big money in air turbulence!





Professor Paul Williams, who has written several studies claiming that air turbulence is getting worse because of climate change, was rather put out when his work was exposed as shoddy, junk science by Paul Burgess on GB News the other week.

Burgess simply presented the actual data from the FAA, which quite clearly showed there had been no increase in flight turbulence incidents since 1989, despite what Williams’ computer models said. According to Williams, GB News should not have even invited Burgess on the show, and certainly not given viewers the actual facts. He even labelled the latter as far-right and a supporter of the BNP!

Some might say he complaineth too much!

It turns out though that there is an awful lot of grant money hanging on Williams’ theories and models, for both himself and Reading University!

Between 2009 and 2014, Reading University received £466,448 in grant funding from the Royal Society:





2014 to 2017 brought another £273K, also specifically for turbulence research:




And currently there’s an even bigger pot of cash from the NERC, to be shared around Williams, his cronies and Universities:



These research grants are hugely important to universities and staff.

I wonder whether the grants would have dried up if Williams’ studies showed turbulence was not getting worse after all?

27 Comments leave one →
  1. christreise permalink
    June 14, 2024 5:49 pm

    Burgess v Jim Dale on GB news again soon. If Dale can keep his overbearing gob shut he may learn something! (Its going to be on Car Pollution and why Electric cars are so good (Said no-one except Dale!)

    • gezza1298 permalink
      June 14, 2024 9:52 pm

      The words ‘Dale’ and ‘learn something’ must be a very rare combination.

      • christreise permalink
        June 15, 2024 9:53 am

        My bad. Mutually exclusive should have been in my OP lol

      • John Bowman permalink
        June 15, 2024 3:20 pm

        Mark Twain, No amount of evidence can convince an idiot. Never argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

  2. tomo permalink
    June 14, 2024 5:56 pm

    Williams is an alarmist jerk – easy to say – but his reaction to being challenged and his appetite for smearing perceived sources of criticism of his work make him drop straight into the Mann bucket.

    • energywise permalink
      June 14, 2024 8:43 pm

      They’re all just grubby cash hoovers, no morals, no integrity

  3. justgivemeall permalink
    June 14, 2024 6:10 pm

    news flash more cat now than forty years ago. Might be a few more planes in the air that might equate to more flights hitting cat. These people never waste a good tragedy.

  4. GeoffB permalink
    June 14, 2024 6:19 pm

    All of the climate scam is to get research money, the lies and cover ups that come out of academia are just motivated by the need for continued funding. Look at climate gate in 2009, it was just denied by the academics, who closed ranks . Then there are the continued adjustments to historic data. Maybe we should do more research on grants for publications that states “Due to climate change XXXXXXX has got worse”

    • energywise permalink
      June 14, 2024 8:41 pm

      Exactly Geoff – it’s all about money,m science has been corrupted

  5. Artyjoke permalink
    June 14, 2024 6:25 pm

    Huh, facts, what rubbish, my computer model says different.

  6. mjr permalink
    June 14, 2024 6:54 pm

    here is a video that Paul Burgess posted a couple of days ago in response to the nasty ad hominem attacks on him by Paul Williams following the GB news appearence

    Shameful Behaviour by Prof Paul Williams Reading University (

    • michael shaw permalink
      June 14, 2024 9:18 pm

      Thanks for the video link. I’ve never heard beforehand of either Williams or Burgess but Mr Burgess’ reply to Williams’s criticism was based on true, empirical proof rather than unproven personal accusations. Well done Mr Burgess, obviously a scientist and a gentleman.

      • mjr permalink
        June 15, 2024 7:24 pm

        Burgess is a frequent guest on GB News / Talk TV whenever there is any climate bullsh*t as he is a convincing talking head.. He has had a number of run ins with the aforementioned Jim Dale who is usually invited to provide the bullsh*t

  7. Penda100 permalink
    June 14, 2024 6:55 pm

    Who needs facts when we’ve got models – that tell exactly what they were programmed to say.

    • energywise permalink
      June 14, 2024 8:40 pm

      Exactly – if I order a model that shows seawater is dry, I’ll get one

  8. petergerman91995fad4b permalink
    June 14, 2024 6:56 pm

    Its obvious that Williams is just another climate zealot but its good to hear

    that money is the real motivator again.

  9. June 14, 2024 7:12 pm

    Same old business. More turbulence being reported, and more planes in the air. Sound familiar?

  10. June 14, 2024 7:13 pm

    There’s been a large increase in the number of commercial flights in the last four decades. Could that by any chance have an effect on the stats? 🤔

    • renewablesbp permalink
      June 15, 2024 12:01 pm

      the graph Burgess shows relates cat incidents per xxxxxx miles flown. So increased flights don’t come into it.

  11. energywise permalink
    June 14, 2024 8:39 pm

    Anything from Reading College, or the MSM, should be largely ignored – the green gravy train knows no bounds at present

  12. gezza1298 permalink
    June 14, 2024 9:55 pm

    I might be wrong – and under a Kneeler / Ranting Rayner government it might change – but being far right and/or a BNP supporter are not illegal.

  13. glenartney permalink
    June 14, 2024 10:34 pm

    Paul Burgess is very calm, polite and measured when responding to Jim Dale and now this Professor of very little brain. He replies with well researched data.

  14. Phoenix44 permalink
    June 15, 2024 8:12 am

    The “professor’s” paper only covers the North Atlantic, so I’d bet £1 it’s p hacked and he couldn’t get a result for anywhere else. His childish, spoilt response is appalling. If his university had any credibility it would censure him, but it won’t.

  15. June 15, 2024 11:00 am

    It appears that the infamous aircraft incident reported to have occurred May 21st may well have been connected to the solar flare incident occurring May 11th : Well known for the fantastic worldwide auroral activity that demonstrated its arrival, it also resulted in a sudden massive spike in Thermosphere Climate Index which reached its peak 20th May ( It is normal for TCI peak to occur around 10 days after a solar surge). The result was a serious increase in thermal activity and turbulence at upper levels in the atmosphere and it would seem that the unfortunate aircraft hit one of the “waves” associated with this.

    The “usual suspects” decry this as “just coincidence” -of course !

    • June 15, 2024 11:54 am

      Isn’t this an example of the major problems being caused by the immediate and false attribution of just about everything to “Climate Change” (whatever that term is actually supposed to mean). If acceptance is given to the claims that all these events are down to the same phoney cause then the real reasons get dangerously overlooked.

      The recent defensive claims from a water supply company that bacteria in supplies was a likely result of said “Climate Change” was just one of thousands of totally unjustified claims made over recent years.

  16. June 16, 2024 12:27 am

    “I wonder whether the grants would have dried up if Williams’ studies showed turbulence was not getting worse after all?”

    ABSOLUTELY! This shows the complete corruption that IS “climate science”. I use lower caser because of my shear inability to take this mob seriously. They are taking tax payer money under false pretences. The whole system is corrupt from those administering the money to those applying for and incredibly getting it with few (if any) difficult questions asked.

    This whole farago is a circle jerk with those handing out the money and those receiving it forming an unholy alliance.

    Here is a scenario: “Climate Scientist” does a bit of free work then says “Oh no it is worse than we thought” and is invited to apply for grants. Writes navel gazing synopsis gets the grants(s) and the show is on the road. The university gets it’s money so it is happy, climate navel gazer gets a salary and is invited and encouraged to build an empire which needs funding, so keeps producing entirely model based twaddle based on navel gazing which in turn produces garbage output which is used to apply for more money which it gets very easily because it uses all of the correct religions terminology in the application(s).

    Conclusion, making funding available to these chancers (snake oil salesmen) produces snake oil. Who ever would have thought?

    This becomes a perpetual motion machine with those paid salaries to administer the grants need navel gazers like him to request and spend the grants producing more navel gazing which they need to provide more money to fund.

    Cut off the oxygen (money) and you will see 99.99999999% of the artificially generated climate hysteria magically disappear because receiving the grant money IS the business.

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