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Temperature Adjustments In Greenland

September 1, 2014

By Paul Homewood


h/t Armando





In April, DMI published their annual report on temperature trends in SW Greenland.

They have built up a temperature series built around the three stations of Nuuk, Ilulissat and Qaqortoq, and present this graph. (They also show Tasilaq, or Angmagssalik, which is in Eastern Greenland, for comparison).




The record mild year of 2010 stands out, but otherwise temperatures in the last decade have been around the same level as the 1930’s and 40’s. At Nuuk, for instance, the 2013 annual mean temperature was –0.3C; twenty eight other years have been as warm or warmer, including five in the 1940’s.

Looking at the 10-Year average for Nuuk, we find that the current figure is –0.2C, only slightly warmer then the 1928-37 figure of –0.3C.




The amount and rate of rise in the last two decades is also comparable to that in the years leading up to 1937.


What is interesting, though, is that GHCN/GISS have felt it necessary to adjust the DMI temperature record. And, you’ve guessed it, they’ve cooled the past.


For instance, DMI show the annual mean temperature for 1940 as –0.2C, but GISS now give it as –0.9C. As current temperatures now shown by GISS match the actual ones, this has created an artificial warming trend.

The effect of these changes can be seen on the before and after graphs below.


nuuk gif




Defenders of these sort of adjustments maintain that they are necessary when the long term trend diverges from that of other nearby stations, suggesting an inhomogeneity.

This argument, however, clearly does not stack up, as the same sort of adjustments have been made at other nearby sites, such as Angmagssalik, and further afield at Reykjavik.







So I ask, who can we trust to give us the true record in Greenland, the experts at DMI, or GISS?

  1. A C Osborn permalink
    September 1, 2014 5:46 pm

    I wouldn’t be surprised if DMI have not already done some “Quality Controlling” of the data in terms of very bad values etc.
    What GISS does is Scientifically unjustifiable.

  2. frederik wisse permalink
    September 1, 2014 6:29 pm

    What are you expecting ? Civil servants straightforward ? All they probably care about is a good life and a good job-expectation . How is our friend Barack helping in this respect ?
    Will he ever let down a man or woman that is trying to help him ? Just ask his friends within the IRS !

  3. September 1, 2014 10:28 pm

    Reblogged this on the WeatherAction Blog.

  4. Mikky permalink
    September 2, 2014 10:45 am

    Any ideas as to what caused the step change in all the temperature records around 1920?

  5. Broadlands permalink
    September 8, 2014 1:00 am


    “It has often been claimed that the climate of Iceland has grown more severe since its colonization, because the forests that once covered the island “from the mountains to the shore” (Fra fjeld til strand) have almost disappeared, while agriculture and cattle raising have greatIy fallen off. However, the Icelander, Th. Thoroddsen,. professor at Copenhagen and the greatest authority on his native isle has recently proved that these changes have resulted from economic and political causes—i.e., they are due to man and not to a change in climate.”

    November 1915… H.H. Hildebrandsson: “On the so-called change in European climate during historic times”


  1. More Fraud: Temperatures in Greenland “Adjusted” to Show Warming | Climate Site

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