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BBC Complaint–Ozone Hole

May 17, 2024

By Paul Homewood

You will recall this BBC article from last month:




I complained to the BBC at the time, pointing out that the study did not state that the bushfires were either unprecedented or fuelled by climate change. Nor is there any evidence to that effect.

The study also stated that the main factors involved in ozone loss in recent years were natural ones such as the polar vortex, La Nina and the Hunga Tonga eruption. The BBC report did not even mention the first two, and only mentioned “volcanic eruptions” in passing at the end of the report.

The BBC has responded. As is always the case they fail to answer any of my points:

Thank you for contacting the BBC about the article:
We have looked at the concerns you have raised, the article and other sources of information on this topic.
I have included below some additional information, which I hope will resolve your concerns about the impact of the Australian bushfires.
The BBC article links to this study
Extended ozone depletion and reduced snow and ice cover—Consequences for Antarctic biota
Which includes information about the impact of the Australian bushfires, including:
Other events that may have contributed to the larger-than-normal hole size in 2020 and 2021 (but not their duration) include ozone destruction catalyzed by aerosols emitted during the 2019/2020 Australian bushfires (Solomon et al., 2023) and the injection of aerosols into the stratosphere from the La Soufrière and Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruptions in 2021 and 2022 (Evan et al., 2023; Yook et al., 2022).
The paragraph above links to a paper by Solomon et al which supplies additional information on this issue:
That information includes:
These findings suggest that if wildfire smoke injection into the stratosphere increases sufficiently in frequency and magnitude as the world warms due to climate change, ozone recovery under the Montreal Protocol could be impeded, at least sporadically. 
In the article, the BBC provides context and analysis and quotes a number of experts in this field.
For example the article includes this section:
One major reason for the longevity of the ozone hole is the vast scale and extent of Australian bushfires in 2019 and 2020. 
Jim Haywood, who is Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Exeter, told BBC News that the record duration of the Antarctic ozone hole over recent years was "a wake-up call". 
"Society cannot be complacent about our achievements in tackling it," he said.
But there are still a number of factors that are delaying ozone recovery, including wildfires and major volcanic eruptions – these release particles that fuel the ozone-eating reactions that have already done so much damage. 
I hope this additional information resolves your concerns about this article and thank you again for contacting the BBC.


So I have now filed a follow up complaint:

Your report states "A major cause of ozone loss is believed to be the amount of smoke from unprecedented Australian wildfires, which were fuelled by climate change. "
But the study you quote from does not claim they were unprecedented or fuelled by climate change. Nor is there any evidence that they were unpredecedented. Bushfires have always occurred in Australia.
Although the study speculates that bushfires may get worse in future, this has no relevance to what is happening now or to the 2019 fires.
Moreover the study finds that other natural events such a the Polar Vortex, La Nina and the Hunga Tonga volcano were mainly responsible. The first two of these don’t even get mentioned in the article, and the volcano only gets a passing mention.
Readers will therefore have been badly misled by your claim that climate change was a major cause of ozone loss.


  1. HarryPassfield permalink
    May 17, 2024 2:24 pm

    Don’t you just love the heavy lifting being done by that word, ‘believe’? A word that is a million miles from, ‘proven’.

    • May 19, 2024 1:21 am

      Harry the sun that causes the current SOLAR STORMS is 93 million miles away
      … sun variance millions of miles away affects weather

    • dave permalink
      May 19, 2024 8:05 am

      The etymology of “believe” is curious and enlightening. It is Old English and therefore Germanic. The ‘be’ is an assisting element, and can be understood as “have been given.” “Lieve” is just another way of spelling a very familiar word, “leave” in the sense of permission or grant. “I have been given leave from the army.” “The King has given me leave to enter his realm.”

      Therefore, “believe” as used in argument really means “I have been given (or I have given myself) leave TO STOP THINKING.” This is often practical and necessary for decisions have to be made and acted upon. But in the collectivist nightmare that is human society this becomes, “And now that I have stopped thinking everybdy else must too, as the mere possibility of my being told I am wrong makes me very, very uncomfortable.” “If I see you sitting on a park bench with somebody else, with your masks down, I will call the police on you!”

      Incidentally, this makes the “degree of belief” theory of probability untenable. There is no spectrum in belief. You either stop thinking or you do not. Of course, a wise person says to himself something conditional. “I will stop thinking about whether I should change my car; for the present, or until the insurance is due, or until the big end goes…” I might change my belief about global warming when all the polar bears are dead.”

  2. liardetg permalink
    May 17, 2024 2:25 pm

    Badly misled indeed. I can’t understand why upper management at the Beeb doesn’t take a grip of the climate question. It’s so damaging to its reputation . OK I bet management never looks at ‘sceptical’ websites but something must leak through the impermeable curtain.

    • saighdear permalink
      May 17, 2024 3:17 pm

      Upper management ? – U mean the sa’ dist atween e eerz ? Wid be better bla’n awa! – or maybe, just maybe if it’s not too green ( wet ) it’ll do fine to light the stoves at Drax.

      • glenartney permalink
        May 17, 2024 5:36 pm

        I am a regular viewer of the Post Office Inquiry. I am certain that the management of the BBC are from the same mould as the ones appearing everyday. Lying by amnesia. Two exceptions this week who at least seemed honest.

        Unfortunately I think it will take 20+ years for there to be a drains up in public at the BBC.

      • May 17, 2024 6:54 pm

        I am certain that the management of the BBC are from the same mould as the ones appearing everyday.

        The BBC has been institutionally corrupt for decades; see the BBC’s dismal failure to control Jimmy Savile as an example.

  3. liardetg permalink
    May 17, 2024 2:30 pm

    O/T again but I’ve just noticed that windmills are producing under one gigawatt AGAIN! We’ve just had a week of under two. Devarbonisr that you idiots.

  4. birdie3945 permalink
    May 17, 2024 2:55 pm

    I have complained many times to the BBC and they never address the complaint. giving their own version of events. The last letter of complaint, was about the increase in Arctic sea ice over the past few years. and a times was on a par with 30 years ago. I thought this should be newsworthy as the media were constantly telling us how fast the Artic sea ice was melting and in summer the Arctic would be ice free. The answer they often give is, Our aim is to inform the public about the dangers of global warming. But they do not keep up to date with facts. So it’s not News, Its just the BBC bias views.

    • glenartney permalink
      May 17, 2024 5:53 pm

      They have a standard response sequence

      1. Repeat the contents of the article.
      2. You appeal
      3. They say we asked the person and they said it is correct
      4. Appeal to the Executive Complaints Unit
      5. They confirm that the BBC report was correct in every respect.

      Steps 1 to 5 can take a couple of months or more. I haven’t tried Ofcom yet.

      • It doesn't add up... permalink
        May 17, 2024 11:24 pm

        It’s after stage 3 where you have to be able to provide fully referenced refutation of the journalist. It then gets more difficult for them to deny the truth.

        I’ve also found that dropping a line to the grammar and spelling crew when the article appears is often very effective. It’s how I got the silly article about ships causing pollution during the Evergiven blockage of the Suez canal withdrawn with a full admission that they were wrong: the emissions were caused by Etna. I used Copernicus satellite images, plus my own detailed knowledge of shipping to refute their story.

      • May 18, 2024 1:13 pm

        I used Copernicus satellite images, plus my own detailed knowledge of shipping to refute their story.

        Good work !

        Is the dialogue between you and the BBC in the public domain ? No need to provide a link if it could prove awkward for you.

      • Joe Public permalink
        May 18, 2024 1:54 pm

        “Steps 1 to 5 can take a couple of months or more. I haven’t tried Ofcom yet.”

        When you have the BBC’s false factual claim(s) by the short-&-curlies, it can take them over a year to formally concede defeat.

        Ofcom is worse than useless.

      • May 19, 2024 10:25 am

        Glen, though a different government entity, I am in second stage escalation of a *Freedom of Information request with the Meteorological Office.

        I have 100% cast iron proof that they have lied to me (the evidence/proof coming from the Met Office itself!) but it is still a grinding on process which they clearly seem to think they can win by attrition of will. In essence the Met Office is effectively inventing data for sites that simply do not exist. I find it quite obvious that there is Post Office-esque levels of denial throughout all these government controlled units. It will take a long, hard and concerted effort to correct this malaise.

        *I have supplied Paul with all relevant documents so far as an “insurance” as I have previously had very suspicious covert actions taken against my former long term email address over these issues..

      • glenartney permalink
        May 19, 2024 10:57 am


        I guessed you had some sort of issue with the Met Office. Judging by the POL it will take decades to get this into the light of day. I can’t comment on the Met Office but I believe that the Post Office and BBC are from the same mold.

        I complained to the BBC about having to put my phone number and address in a complaint. I got a bullshit justification. Now they get a random selection of numbers for the phone and an inexact address. Email should be enough. I can see no justification other than “we know where you live”

  5. May 17, 2024 4:53 pm

    “… bushfires may get worse in future, …”

    Regarding that several countries, including Australia and some in Europe, have huge problems with arsonists, is this some kind of threat?

    • Tim Getti permalink
      May 17, 2024 5:12 pm

      …… demanding money with menaces… BBC licence fee…

  6. Martin Brumby permalink
    May 17, 2024 5:08 pm

    “… bushfires may get worse in future, …”

    Yup, maybe. Or better. Or pretty much the same.

    “…the BBC’s broadcasting might be less blatantly mendacious and preposterous in future,…”

    Nah! Now you are REALLY taking the piss!

  7. Joe Public permalink
    May 17, 2024 5:37 pm

    Hi Paul.

    Ammunition for your case when it inevitably gets escalated up to the ECU:

    The PNAS paper “On the stratospheric chemistry of midlatitude wildfire smoke” states:

     <blockquote>Multiple observations of aerosol and NO2 concentrations from three independent satellite instruments are used here together with model calculations to identify decreases in stratospheric NO2 concentrations following major Australian 2019 through 2020 wildfires.</blockquote>

    The 2019/2020 wildfire season in Australia fires burned through a total of approx 24 million hectares.

    The 1974/1975 wildfire season in Australia fires burned through a total of approx 117 million hectares.–75_Australian_bushfire_season

    Methinks the latter created more smoke.

  8. Gamecock permalink
    May 17, 2024 6:00 pm

    The purpose of the BBC complaint department is to pretend they have a complaint department. They don’t.

    • dave permalink
      May 19, 2024 12:52 pm

      I assume they have a department (i.e. girl or two) to RECEIVE complaints. And I would assume THEY have some templates for answer, which are variously pitying, passive-agressive, or simply tongue-in-cheek. I say “I assume” because, that is typical of all organizations now.

      I while ago I was on a train across the aisle from some females from a Local Council going to a conference somewhere. I heard the following. “What is Jane doing?” “She has been put on the phone receiving complaints about pot-holes. She is on Valium now.” “Hhm?” “She has to tell every caller that the hole is now on an urgent list for repair. Of course, actually they have decided to ignore the potholes from now on as there is no money for repairs.” “Well she should ask for a transfer to the Housing Benefit team. They are a happy bunch. They have all been on anti-depressants FOR YEARS.”

  9. Michael Rennoldson permalink
    May 17, 2024 6:16 pm

    Justin Trudeau is still claiming that the Canadian forest fires are caused by climate change, even though it has been proven that they are caused by arsonists. I do sometimes wonder if the arsonists are the pay of the green blob.

    • It doesn't add up... permalink
      May 17, 2024 11:37 pm

      Many of them are the green blob. Several arch green academics have been convicted in California and Australia, and probably other places too.

      This Australian study seems to describe the green personality disorder very accurately:

      A person who lights a bushfire is more likely to be looking for some kind of psychological rather than material reward. Some may try to boost low self-esteem or social identity by showing the power they can wield by starting a bushfire. The firesetter may feel a sense of control as they see fire services rushing to deal with the fire they have created. Some arsonists will seek recognition or attention through their fires. The fire may create the chance to be seen as a ‘hero’ for reporting the fire or even fighting it. Among serial bushfire arsonists there may be a high prevalence of histrionic personality disorder, characterised by dysfunctional attention-seeking and emotionality. Some bushfires are lit for excitement or thrills. The firesetter may seek stimulation from the sights and sounds of flames, sirens, fire engines, uniforms and aircraft.

      In many cases bushfires, like urban fires, may be lit under the influence of a number of factors operating together. Lighting a fire in the bush might be a way of relieving boredom and creating excitement, but also a chance to gain recognition from reporting it. A firesetter may be angry at society and also suffering from a psychological disorder, though the two might be unrelated.

  10. mjr permalink
    May 17, 2024 7:42 pm

    the BBC do keep repeating the spelling mistake though. as we all know it is the BBC Compliant department.

  11. Phoenix44 permalink
    May 17, 2024 9:17 pm

    Not just arson. The report into wildfires in Wales showed that 80-90% are started by human activity. This is obvious by the frequency – far more start on weekends and Bank Holidays – and location – most start close to roads or access points.

  12. gezza1298 permalink
    May 18, 2024 10:11 pm

    I have included below some additional information, which I hope will resolve your concerns about the impact of the Australian bushfires.

    Could they be more condescending? Paul did not have any concerns about the impact of the bushfires – he was concerned that the BBC is lying again.

  13. May 19, 2024 12:02 am

    BBC article is almost entirely made of quotes from
    “University of Wollongong *climate change biologist* Prof Sharon Robinson” “deputy director of the university’s Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future research centre,”
    “study is published in the journal Global Change Biology, external”
    She provides the dramatic end lines

    It also quotes Jim Haywood, who is Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Exeter,
    two Climate Alarmist sentences

    I conclude the article is PRasNews for Prof Sharon Robinson, was probably written by her PR people
    and that BBC’s Victoria Gill just copyNpasted

    They’ve known each other for a long time
    “Jul 2, 2012
    Sharon Robinson (Wollongong) being interviewed by Victoria Gill @BBCNature about plant survival in Antarctica #seb2012 ”

    Maybe their relationship is mainly private msgs, but there are these recent tweets

    @Vic_Gill Apr 27
    We can no longer take the healing of the ozone layer for granted
    #climatechange #antarctica @uowresearch⁩

    Professor Sharon Robinson quote tweets that on Apr 27
    “Thanks @Vic_Gill”

    Professor Sharon Robinson AM @Antarcticmoss · Apr 27
    @GlobalChangeBio @Vic_Gill has written a great piece
    and of course @BBCScienceNews has some wonderful images.
    Thanks to @AusAntarctic for the krill images and of course my coauthors Laura Revell, @RacheleOssola @roy_mack

    • May 19, 2024 12:04 am

      Tweet to Gill by skeptical reader “Apr 27
      Victoria Gill, bbc climate “expert,” has just claimed that dreadful Australian forest fires of the early 2020s were fuelled by CLIMATE CHANGE.
      No Victoria they were fuelled by PYROMANIACS.”

    • May 19, 2024 1:16 am

      I don’t know when Gill got the Haywood quotes
      She interviewed him on this topic in 2022 ..and he gave some alarmist lines
      So she either used quotes from that day
      or phoned him up in 2024 to get fresh alarmist quotes
      Their interview is very Global warming activist-pals

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