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WWF Lie For The Penguins

December 22, 2014

By Paul Homewood 


h/t QV





WWF want your money and are prepared to lie for it.


This is what they state:




As we all know, sea ice around Antarctica has been at record high levels in recent years.


But, as Wikipedia explains, the extent of sea ice is largely irrelevant either way.



Adélie penguins living in the Ross Sea region in Antarctica migrate an average of about 13,000 kilometres (8,100 mi) during the year as they follow the sun from their breeding colonies to winter foraging grounds and back again. "Follow the sun" means that during the winter the sun doesn’t rise south of the Antarctic Circle, but sea ice grows during the winter months and increases for hundreds of miles from the shoreline, and into more northern latitudes, all around Antarctica, so that as long as the penguins live at the edge of the fast ice, there will be sunlight. As the ice recedes in the spring, they remain on the edge of it, until they are once again on the shoreline during a sunnier season. The longest treks have been recorded at 17,600 kilometres (10,900 mi).


According to WWF, the Adelie’s extinction status is “near threatened”, which no doubt explains why their population has increased by 53% in the last 20 years. Again, from Wikipedia:


Based on a 2014 analysis of fresh guano-discolored coastal areas, there are 3.79 million breeding pairs of Adélie penguins in 251 breeding colonies, a 53 percent increase over a census completed 20 years earlier. The colonies are distributed around the coastline of the Antarctic land and ocean. Colonies have declined on the Antarctic Peninsula, but those declines have been more than offset by increases in East Antarctica. During the breeding season, they congregate in large breeding colonies, some over a quarter of a million pairs. Individual colonies can vary dramatically in size, and some may be particularly vulnerable to climate fluctuations. 




As for the oil pollution, most comes from expeditions of scientists and greenies telling us we are destroying the environment. 

Penguins have flourished for millions of years, through all climates, without the help of greenies. If WWF want to help them, the best thing they can do is keep away.





One of the things they would like money for is:




You could not make it up!




I have, on the advice of the Charity Commission, made a formal complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority.

  1. Bloke down the pub permalink
    December 22, 2014 12:25 pm

    It looks like a large chunk of ice has broken off the Antarctic ice sheet. Wailing and gnashing of teeth from WWF and Greenpeace in 5,4,3,….

  2. December 22, 2014 1:02 pm

    I wonder if there’s a “Fake-Charity” Commission one can complain to?

  3. Fred from Canuckistan permalink
    December 22, 2014 1:54 pm

    Nobody does fraud like an environmentalist.

  4. Billy Liar permalink
    December 22, 2014 4:45 pm

    Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 – fraud by false representation.

    The defendant:
    – made a false representation
    – dishonestly
    – knowing that the representation was or might be untrue or misleading
    – with intent to make a gain for himself or another, to cause loss to another or to expose another to risk of loss.

    The offence is entirely focused on the conduct of the defendant.

    A solicitors letter to the trustees laying out the facts and giving them 7 days to take it down would probably work. If it didn’t, they would only make it more obvious that they engage in deception.

  5. John F. Hultquist permalink
    December 22, 2014 6:06 pm

    The source of Bloke’s image:
    Then do 3 clicks: Antarctic, Daily, Blue Marble View

    Anyway, “broken off” doesn’t mean much.
    It might float around for awhile, then reattach.
    Being the summer solstice, there may be some melt.
    It is unlikely to float off to Cape Town.

    This ice sheet is a good place for Peru to send the Green-p perps that vandalized the Nazca Lines and also took their message to Machu Pichu. Monitoring the ice’s travels close-up seems like a good thing to do.

  6. December 22, 2014 8:00 pm

    If it’s an advert, then the ASA are the people to complain to. Same for the Greenpus one.

  7. manicbeancounter permalink
    December 22, 2014 11:05 pm

    The “Adopt a Penguin” campaign is especially misleading. The WWF does not care for the penguins in any way like a zoo does.

  8. Brian H permalink
    December 23, 2014 5:15 am

    In the interests of science, a colony should be transferred to Baffin Island, to see if they can swim faster than poley b’ars.

  9. December 23, 2014 1:50 pm

    Aunty’s at it again, with its deliberate scaremongering on this subject.

    “Adélies in decline” she states in the article below:

    Yet a report in “Birds News” of July this year states “Adelie Penguins thriving amid Antarctica’s melting ice

    The new census found 251 total breeding colonies in Antarctica, including:

    • 41 previously un-surveyed colonies.
    • 17 previously unknown colonies, 11 of which may be recent colonizations.
    • 13 previous colonies not found, including eight that have apparently gone extinct. (Adélie Penguins occur only where sea ice is present for at least part of the year.)”

    That’s according to a study published July 9, 2014, in The Auk, Ornithological Advances.

    Best of luck with your complaint to the ASA, I hope this additional ammunition is of use.


  1. The BBC & Penguins | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

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