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Early Freeze Up For The Great Lakes

November 16, 2014

By Paul Homewood 


h/t Joe Public






I don’t suppose we will hear this news from Roger Harrabin anytime soon.


ABC report:


Cold temperatures and snow across the Great Lakes in November is certainly nothing out of the ordinary, but this morning, a layer of ice was visible on parts of Lake Superior in Ashland, Wis.

While this may not seem unusual given the current stretch of unseasonably cold temperatures, it is actually several weeks earlier than normal.

The first sightings of ice on Lake Superior and the Great Lakes overall usually occur during the beginning to middle of December. However, a perfect combination of last season’s record ice coverage, cooler summer temperatures, and an early blast of arctic air this fall has allowed for areas of ice to form earlier than normal for the second year in a row.

PHOTO: Ice, on average, usually begins to form in shallow parts of the Great Lakes

Last winter featured relentless, record breaking cold leading to the second highest ice coverage on record for the Great Lakes as a whole.

Lake Superior also set a record for the longest length of time that ice was observed on the lake. In 2013, ice was first observed on Nov. 25, and it did not all melt until early June 2014.

PHOTO: Ice coverage on Lake Superior for the 2013-2014 season

The extent and longevity of the ice coverage were both equally impressive. It is also important to note that this year the ice is being observed about 10 days earlier that last year’s record-breaking season. However, an early start to ice formation does not mean another record breaking ice coverage season is on the way. The overall winter pattern over the next few months will ultimately determine where this year’s ice coverage will go.

Read the rest here.

  1. November 16, 2014 1:32 pm


    Worldwide deception of the public will end if we are able to get answers to questions surrounding formation of the UN on 24 Oct 1945.

    The next year, on 3 Oct 1946, David Snell wrote an article for the Atlanta Constitution concerning Japan’s atomic bomb program at Konan and its atomic test off the east coast on 12 August 1945.

    In researching their book, “The Flight of the Hog Wild,” Bill Streifer and Irek Sabitov recently discovered a response from Izvestia – the official Communist newspaper of the Soviet Union – published ten days later on 13 Oct 1946:

    I cannot read Russian myself, but I understand Izvestia called the Atlanta Constitution article “delirium” and described the author – David Snell – a “provocateur.”

    Hopefully one of your readers will be able to read and confirm/deny this translation.

    [Bill Streifer said the full citation is “The Chain Reaction” (Цепная Реакция) by B. Ilyin (Б. Ильин), as part of a selection of related articles under the title “On Topics of Foreign Life” (На темы зарубежной жизни), Izvestia, Oct. 13, 1946, p. 4.]

  2. Green Sand permalink
    November 16, 2014 3:02 pm

    Canadian Ice Service – 2014-11-15 18:00:00 UTC

    “Ice Warning in Effect”

  3. November 16, 2014 3:07 pm

    Reblogged this on the WeatherAction News Blog.

  4. Otter (ClimateOtter on Twitter) permalink
    November 16, 2014 3:26 pm

    This is exactly as some predicted, and it means one Rotten winter coming. Meh.

  5. John F. Hultquist permalink
    November 16, 2014 4:43 pm

    Thanks, Paul.
    Cold, snow, and ice are just a part of life on the North Coast of the USA.
    One such city is Cleveland, Ohio. A couple of miles north of the city is an intake, called the Crib, for water. Located thereon is a web-camera with a view to the south and the City’s skyline. Lake Erie is shallow and is often (nearly) covered by ice in late winter. Contrast this with the rather deep east end of Lake Ontario that almost never has ice cover.
    Here is the link to the Crib-cam:

    [They did have wind monitoring equipment there. I do not know if that is still the case but references to this are still around.]

  6. November 16, 2014 5:06 pm

    Thanks, Paul. Not good news. ;-(
    The USA is beginning to freeze while Washington preaches global warming. Oh, the irony!

    CFACT will send a delegation to Lima where Col. Walter Cunningham, former astronaut, and Marc Morano will be attracting attention to climate reality and contrasting it to the modeled world of the IPCC.
    They are making a documentary, “Climate Hustle”. You can see their two trailers at

    The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) (David Rothbard and Craig Rucker) is at

  7. November 16, 2014 5:51 pm

    as I just said

    “Hottest Year” Update

    it is globally cooling and the America’a above [40] latitudes will note this climate change first.

    My own results show that it has been cooling significantly in Alaska, at a rate of -0.55K per decade since 1998 (Average of ten weather stations).

    That is almost one whole degree C since 1998. And it seems NOBODY is telling the poor farmers there that it is not going to get any better. NASA also admits now that antarctic ice is increasing significantly.

    NASA Announces New Record Growth Of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent

    2 decades from now it will be like it was in the forties,

    do the stats, do the maths and do the astronomy (don’t know a short word for that>?)

  8. GoFigure560 permalink
    November 16, 2014 8:37 pm

    NASA is evidently claiming that while Antarctic sea ice extent is increasing, the ice volume is decreasing.

    Anyone know anything about this?

  9. Dave Lowry permalink
    November 16, 2014 10:27 pm

    I think that it’s difficult to prevent climate change and one of the first steps in this direction should be the understanding of the oceans, since I think that they play the most important role in climate change. And oceans, in their turn, react to human experiments and interference… For example, I think that the climate changes in the Arctic area was influenced, decades ago (and still are) by the naval wars led in that area during the two World Wars and by the testing done in that area, such resulting from here: Everything that is happening now is a result of our past interventions, although we are speaking about global warming or about the increasing of the ice in that area.

  10. November 16, 2014 11:51 pm

    Reblogged this on Globalcooler's Weblog and commented:
    Here we go again, not that it will change anyone’s mind.

  11. November 17, 2014 1:57 pm

    Years ago I looked at “Climate Science” papers, to see what the Global Warming fuss was about. It was clear to me that the temperature measurements weren’t good enough, and after “adjustment” not honest enough, to justify being confident that we had entered a mild spell. What persuaded me that we had had a warming in the weather was indirect evidence – the increase in the length of growing seasons, and the like. (I suppose since then the satellite measurements might be called in evidence too. I still distrust the reported surface measurements.)

    Anyway, to my point: is early icing in the Great Lakes the sort of indirect evidence that I should note as an indicator of cooling? An indicator, I mean, if indicators from elsewhere carry the same message, and carry it consistently for some years.

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