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No, BBC, Tornadoes Are Not Getting Worse

June 7, 2023
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By Paul Homewood


The BBC are up to their tricks again!




According to the video:

“Greater warming is creating more severe storms, making tornadoes more likely to form on any given day”

As we know, the facts say the opposite – there are now fewer tornadoes than in the past, and on average they are getting weaker not stronger:




The video also makes the claim that tornadoes have been shifting from the traditional Tornado Alley of the Great Plains, to the South East, where more people tend to live in mobile homes, and are consequently are in more danger. (It’s funny how global warming always seems to make things worse!)


In fact the Tornado Alley thing is a bit of a myth; the South East has traditionally been the most affected region for tornadoes, particularly Mississippi and Alabama:

Notice that he compares the last decade with the 1990s. However the full data for Mississippi since 1971 shows a completely different story and a declining trend, while the 1990s wasan unusually quiet decade:


Meanwhile in the US as a whole, there is no evidence of increasing death tolls, which rather ruins the BBC’s attempts to imply otherwise:



Another complaint will be winging its way!

  1. GeoffB permalink
    June 7, 2023 5:55 pm

    Paul….Why not give BBC Verify a go, here is an extract from their press release, I am sure you will get a retraction….oink oink (flying pig)

    We’ve brought together forensic journalists and expert talent from across the BBC, including our analysis editor Ros Atkins and disinformation correspondent Marianna Spring and their teams. In all, BBC Verify comprises about 60 journalists who will form a highly specialised operation with a range of forensic investigative skills and open source intelligence (Osint) capabilities at their fingertips.

    They’ll be fact-checking, verifying video, countering disinformation, analysing data and – crucially – explaining complex stories in the pursuit of truth.

    • pardonmeforbreathing permalink
      June 7, 2023 7:43 pm

      Geoff. I had not seen that. Thank you for bringing this to a wider audience. Ask yourself, based on what you posted above, do you seriously think the BBC is spending money on 60 people to really go after the truth, because if that is literally correct then the whole leftist narrative that flows from every branch of the BBC programming would be compromised. More probably is that it is to do the exact opposite. It is a very expensive licence fee payer funded piece of theater with the deliberate intent of even more tightly controlling the narrative by supressing any information or opinion which does not follow the narrative. Just look at their Pravda level reporting on the climate change fantasy. They exclude factual information challenging the narrative while at the same time they promote fact free opinion which supports the narrative.

    • Phoenix44 permalink
      June 8, 2023 7:45 am

      Oh I can’t wait for more journalists to “analyse data”. I’ve been doing that for 30 years or so and I can say from that experience that I’m not sure a single journalist anywhere – and very few data analysts too – know what they are doing.

  2. 186no permalink
    June 7, 2023 6:00 pm

    Despite stating there is no link between CC and the incidence of tornados they are still getting more powerful, in clusters and being more impactful…..

    What I would like to see is population growth and density overlaid against twisters over the time scale in the above – is there a correlation between twisters/incidence/historic, repeated locations/EF count?

    A twister going through one location where no one lives and then returns years later when the population arrived and settled is bound to be more impacting than “before” – or is that specious naivety on my part?

    • pardonmeforbreathing permalink
      June 7, 2023 7:44 pm

      Think you just booked your seat on the bus to the correction camp…:)

  3. It doesn't add up... permalink
    June 7, 2023 7:34 pm

    Indeed, the BBC does tell powerful twisters of the truth.

  4. Bloke down the pub permalink
    June 7, 2023 7:38 pm

    As I understand it, tornadoes and their related storms are driven by the difference in temp between the Arctic and the Gulf of Mexico. We are told by the climate alarmists that Arctic warming is amplified and the Arctic is warming faster than everywhere else (where isn’t?). By their own predictions, tornadoes should be getting less frequent and intense.

  5. MrGrimNasty permalink
    June 7, 2023 8:02 pm

    With the Arctic suffering amplified warming(!), it would follow that the clash of cold and warm gulf air intrusions would have less of a temperature differential, and less energy to form tornadoes.

    As I pointed out before, note how the video starts with an emotionally manipulative section to lower the watchers defences to the disinformation to follow. And the weasely way they acknowledge that there is no evidence tornadoes are getting worse by the main metrics, but then contrive a spurious way that climate change is still somehow making them worse.

    Where is BBC Verify, all asleep on their watch!

    • Phil O'sophical permalink
      June 7, 2023 9:59 pm

      Suggesting they are asleep is letting them off the hook, MGN. Like the all too often used trope that the Covid response was well intentioned blundering. The truth is, for many, too awful to even consider; they would rather believe a provably false premise. No, Verify are wide awake, but verification is not in their terms of reference. As someone pointed out their real moniker is BBC Vilify.

  6. Gamecock permalink
    June 7, 2023 9:49 pm

    Don’t play their game. More tornadoes . . . fewer tornadoes, it’s proof of double-ought nothing.

  7. Peter permalink
    June 7, 2023 11:46 pm

    “Are tornadoes in the US getting worse?”
    Classical case of Betteridge’s law of headlines.

  8. Stuart Hamish permalink
    June 8, 2023 7:28 am

    The record E3 + U.S tornado count year in the series [ plotted from the NOAA’s data ] just so happens to be 1974 – the year Joe Biden entered the senate . The 1970’s of course was the decade of diminishing temperatures in the US land series temperature chronology and the 70’s global cooling scare . The years 1971 and 1973 are the only two years in the timescale – aside from 2011 – that nudged past 80 E3 + twisters . The year 2011, furthermore was a ‘warming hiatus’ year . So we can be confident the BBC narrators pronouncement ” Greater warming is creating more severe storms making tornadoes likely to form on any given day” is sheer misinformation .

    It is said George Orwell based his Ministry of Truth in the classic 1984 on his experiences working in the wartime BBC . There are facts memory holed and climate catastrophist “Comrade Ogilvy’s” created almost every day in the inner sanctum of the BCC

  9. Phoenix44 permalink
    June 8, 2023 7:51 am

    I see a lot of these claims linked with “warming” but never any evidence that there has been actual warming in the areas that suffer the problems. The UAH satellite data shows no warming for some years and indeed that it has been slightly cooler for some years now than the peak temperature. So how are tornadoes getting worse due to warming if its not warming?

    • Realist permalink
      June 8, 2023 12:54 pm

      Is there even any? If anything, it is getting colder, not warmer.
      What is really strange is that are any relatively old people pushing the “climate” scam. Did they forget all they learned in what used to be an education system or even their own experiences or did they just see dollar signs and jump on the bandwagon?
      >>actual warming

  10. Richard Law permalink
    June 8, 2023 4:28 pm

    Tip for Paul: If you think the broadcast BBC is flaky, look at the stuff they offer learners of English, e.g:

    ‘How to talk to a climate denier’

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