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Today’s Lies From The BBC

November 3, 2015

By Paul Homewood    




Wolsten reported earlier on the BBC’s interview with sacked French weatherman, Philippe Verdier. (The interview is from 16th Oct, when he was still just suspended)


At about 1 minute in, the brainwashed interview asked


But what about countries like Australia, which is facing terrible drought?









What about the regions?









The only region which has become noticeably drier is Southwestern Australia. In all other areas, it has been wetter in recent years than historically.



The Australian BOM also have a chart for pan evaporation, which is a measurement that combines or integrates the effects of several climate elements: temperature, humidity, rain fall, drought dispersion, solar radiation, and wind.




If droughts were getting worse, the evaporation would be increasing, which clearly has not been happening.


Perhaps the BBC might tell their dopey journalists to check the facts before they spout such nonsense in future.

  1. Gary H permalink
    November 4, 2015 1:36 am


  2. November 4, 2015 3:35 am

    They say that all politics is local. All “climate”, in that same sense is local. Southwestern Australia is the region that complains, the voice heard. So the continent is then “local”.

    In the US of A, California and Texas were hot as hell and dry this year. The Northeast was cool and wet. The southwest was complaining and that was the voice heard. So the world – Americans ARE the world, recall – is hot as hell and dry.

    It isn’t the weather outside your window that frightens you these days. It’s the weather on your TV screen. Climate is whatever local or TV-local weather you are shown.

  3. November 4, 2015 4:10 am

    Paul, you are going far too far. I just checked the audio ..There is a difference between what she said and what she meant to say..As he talked about benefits of warming for north Europe she quickly tried to counter with yes but some other countries will see negatives..What she meant to say is “What about when other countries like say Australia are facing terrible droughts ? they won’t be saying its a positive.” She wasn’t trying to say Australia is facing terrible drought right now.

    #2 I don’t agree with
    “If droughts were getting worse, the evaporation would be increasing, which clearly has not been happening.”
    Paul if it doesn’t rain in the first place then it doesn’t evaporate.

    • Ben Vorlich permalink
      November 4, 2015 7:34 am

      Not sure I agree with your point #2, if you compare the Annual Australian Rainfall Anomaly chart (the first one) with the Pan Evapouration chart the periods of drought appear to correlate with high Pan. For example low pan readings around 2010 and 2000 are times of high rainfall.

      I’ve not listened to the audio yet but how do you know what she meant to say?

    • November 4, 2015 9:36 am

      You checked the audio and apparently heard something which wasn’t said.
      How can you possibly know what she “meant to say”?
      In any case, there is no evidence from the data that Australia (as a whole) is facing “terrible droughts”, now or in the future.

    • November 4, 2015 9:53 am

      “What about when other countries like say Australia are facing terrible droughts ?

      As far as anyone listening is concerned, she is clearly implying that Australia is suffering from terrible droughts. And I suspect she believes that as well.

      With pan evaporation, the pan is manually filled, and then measured at the end of the day to see how much has evaporated. The point I was making is that it is often claimed that higher temperatures lead to greater evaporation, and therefore worse droughts, even if rainfall does not change. The Aussie stats suggest this is not the case

      • November 4, 2015 3:56 pm

        Listen again Paul, yes of course the BBC is completely negligent in its climate reporting, and that female reporter lives in lahlahland* (saying stuff like “the vast majority of the worlds scientists believe” etc.) , but she does NOT seem to genuinely believe Australia is in drought right now, it was just a quick of the cuff thing as she struggled to find the right words…and was not followed by any further assertion on that matter.

        Now the other many points commenters make about the interview may be valid.

        BTW how come Wolsten’s article didn’t show up for me on Google when I did a search ?

      • November 4, 2015 4:59 pm

        Not right now, I agree, Stew.

        But most, probably all, listeners would have taken away the message that droughts are getting worse in Australia, and it is due to climate change.

        She clearly believes it. After all, Al Gore said exactly the same thing in a BBC interview a few months ago, without being challenged, “so it must be right”!

        The problem is that these sorts of subliminal messages are being put out by the BBC all the time.

      • November 4, 2015 5:32 pm

        Yes they throw out alarmism at any chance..often it’s just predictive hype like Patricia….and it could be that some mad UK greens think Oz is in drought cos such predictive stories are dripping out.
        When I Checked Google news there were stories on Nov2nd
        – One from the Conversation “As drought looms, the Murray-Darling is in much healthier shape”
        – One from IBT “Australia records hottest October, faces high risk of drought: Bureau of Meteorology”

      • AndyG55 permalink
        November 5, 2015 5:42 am

        Droughts my A**E !!!

        I get most of next week off..

        and look at the weather forecast. 😦

        Yes, parts of Queensland are suffering their quite normal and regular water deficit.

      • AndyG55 permalink
        November 5, 2015 5:47 am

        And before anyone starts sprouting about October being “hottest ever” in Australia… (let’s wait for UAH full release shall we)

        … maybe we should mention that September was the 26th hottest September in the 37 year UAH satellite data.

        How come that didn’t make any news headlines !!

    • Joe Public permalink
      November 4, 2015 7:51 pm


      I’m with QV on this one.

      There’s two instances of pure speculation to opinionate on what you think she might have meant to say; followed by but she does NOT seem to genuinely believe Australia is in drought right now.

      1. The trigger words ‘facing drought [insert country of choice]’ are designed to reinforce BBC scaremongering in the run-up to COP21.

      2. How can anyone listening to a radio broadcast possibly know whether or not an interviewer “seem(s) to genuinely believe…”?

      • November 5, 2015 4:31 am

        Mate some warmists feell they can simply dismiss Rush Limburgh cos of a similar mis-speaking
        He declared that a Journal of Geoclimatic Studies paper on ‘ Benthic Bacteria ‘ proved global warming stemmed not from CO2, but bacteria burping methane in the depths of the sea. ?
        He did that cos misinterpreted a warning from Roy Spencer saying “beware that hoax Benthic Bacteria paper” as a reference to global warming being a hoax.
        – He was caught out for some minutes before people put him right.
        Yet as I say warmists still seek to dismiss him cos it proved he was caught out by a hoax.

        – Of course you can tell what people meant to say ..that is what spoonerisms etc. are all abou.

  4. Mark Hodgson permalink
    November 4, 2015 8:17 am

    This is the comment I left on Wolsten’s site (since the story is here too, I might as well include my comment here as well):

    “Like you, I was surprised that the BBC ran this interview – until I listened to it. I appreciate that I have a point of view on this subject, and am not entirely a disinterested listener, and of course everything depends on one’s viewpoint. But to me it seems that the BBC decided that they needed to do a hatchet job on Verdier. Bearing in mind that Verdier was at a disadvantage inasmuch as he was not conducting the interview in his native language, this struck me as a gloves off, no holds barred attack by the BBC interviewer. Her hatred for him and what he has done oozed out of her throughout the interview. Imagine how differently the BBC would have played it on a programme like “You and Yours” if they had decided to run an article on, say, someone sacked for whistle blowing in the NHS – the emphasis would have been completely the other way round. In the circumstances (being subjected to such blatant hostility in what I assume is his second language) I thought he did very well, and retained a calm sense of dignity throughout – unlike the BBC’s interviewer.”

    • John189 permalink
      November 4, 2015 12:50 pm

      Absolutely agree with this. M. Verdier had a good command of English, but the interviewer used slang language, for example using the word “beef” to mean “complain” or “have an issue about”. Her sentences were incoherent, with the subject changing through a mass of sub-clauses. Her questions linked multiple assumptions which could not possibly be countered in a straightforward answer by M. Verdier, even if he followed the ramblings of her English. In short, her questions were loaded, and her treatment of M. Verdier unprofessional and discourteous. No doubt also condoned by her bosses.

  5. November 4, 2015 8:46 am

    Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” Albert Einstein

  6. Andrew Duffin permalink
    November 4, 2015 12:56 pm

    I don’t know why anyone thinks the facts might have anything to do with it; this is a religious argument, and M. Verdier is clearly a heretic, so he had to go.

  7. Don B permalink
    November 4, 2015 5:04 pm

    Australia’s weather is sensitive to the whims of ENSO. Following the flooding rains of 2010/2011, Neville Nichols, then the president of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, wrote an article showing that the rainfall in eastern Australia is strongly, positively correlated with SOI.

    “I repeated this analysis just using Queensland rainfall, and reached the same conclusion. The record La Niña event was the fundamental cause of the heavy rains and floods, ie it was a natural fluctuation of the climate system. There may be a global warming signal enhancing this natural variability, but if so then this effect has been quite subtle, at least thus far. The dominant influence on Australian rainfall variations is the El Niño – Southern Oscillation, and it is this influence that makes Australia a land of “droughts and flooding rains” (Nicholls, 1988).”

    • Don B permalink
      November 4, 2015 5:19 pm

      Speaking of “droughts and flooding rains”….

      More than 100 years ago, Australian poet Dorothea Mackellar wrote in “My Country”

      I love a sunburnt country,
      A land of sweeping plains,
      Of ragged mountain ranges,
      Of droughts and flooding rains.

      The brainwashed BBC interviewer has a lot to learn.


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