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Arctic Sea Ice Update–May 2017

June 5, 2017

By Paul Homewood




Arctic sea ice extent continues to run well above the level of the last two years.

Much more significantly though, the average extent for the whole of May was the highest since 2013, and was also higher than 2004 and 2006.




Despite the downward trend since 1979, it is clear that May extent has stabilised for the last decade and more.

Temperatures across the Arctic have been below average throughout May:



Daily mean temperature and climate north of the 80th northern parallel, as a function of the day of year.



And the Greenland ice sheet has continued to grow at a record rate since last September:




As for the Antarctic, although sea ice extent has been running at below average this year, it is still higher than in 1980 and only slightly less than 1986.




  1. Ian Magness permalink
    June 5, 2017 10:40 am

    Before you say it Paul: … but you won’t see this on the BBC or read about it in the Grauniad….

  2. June 5, 2017 12:13 pm

    The MASIE update is here, including images and graphs.

  3. Jack Broughton permalink
    June 5, 2017 12:37 pm

    Seems that we are a Wadham or so down on the 1981-2000 trend. But, if I understand the data on Ron’s excellent web-site, a lot of the variance arises from the pacific component of the arctic figures, which seem to distort the more stable behaviour of the rest of the arctic ice extent.

    Surprised that the BBC has not latched on to the reduced Antarctic ice as proof of imminent disaster.

    • dave permalink
      June 5, 2017 2:51 pm

      “Surprised that the BBC has not latched on to the reduced Antarctic ice as proof of imminent disaster.”

      They will, they will. They are waiting for that iceberg the size of Wales or Delaware or Siberia or wherever to calve so that they can hysterically report a “double whammy.”

      • dave permalink
        June 5, 2017 2:56 pm

        Another thing that is not being reported is the lack of tropical storm ACE:

      • dave permalink
        June 5, 2017 4:41 pm

        “Dahling, we will always have Paris!”

        “No, we won’t! Not after that demned Trump!”

        “We will have the Arctic!”

        “Refusing to melt anymore!”

        “Well, we will always have the Antarctic Pensinsular!”

        “Yes, we will!”

        “Where is it by the way?”

  4. eric permalink
    June 5, 2017 4:40 pm

    It would be helpful if all graphs had the same reference time period. If the standard is
    30 years, use the same 30 year period.

    • dave permalink
      June 5, 2017 4:46 pm

      “…same reference time period…”

      Not a chance, friend. They [you know who you are] are just just like Nero! Always fiddling!

  5. June 5, 2017 5:57 pm

    With all these statistical arguments I am surprised that no mention is made of Volcanic activity. I suspect that little is known on this subject where climatic matters are concerned, apart from effects of atmospheric pollution etc.
    Tectonic movements generate large energy outputs often at places not under scrutiny. the recent surge of water from beneath the Greenland icecap could well be a case in point.
    Also it could be a good area to explain the El Niño effect.
    I suspect that as the total energy from volcanic activity has been estimated as a mere 0.078 Watts per sq.m it has been relagated to inconsequential and ignored in the models.
    Perhaps we should now be looking beneath our feet, rather than gazing into the atmosphere.
    Meanwhile I rest in my armchair and contemplate!

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