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What Michael Howard Forgot To Tell You!

August 20, 2018

By Paul Homewood


A couple of pointed replies to Michael Howard’s ridiculous article last week in the Mail:



  1. August 20, 2018 4:13 pm

    Unfortunately, writing sensible letters to newspapers makes no difference when you have a Government made up of idiots like Claire Perry (and the long list of her predecessors and MPs, who were equally idiotic when it came to energy and climate change policy).

  2. markl permalink
    August 20, 2018 4:35 pm

    Allowing China to increase C02 emissions is the elephant in the Climate Change room. If C02 is the devil in disguise that we are being led to believe what sense does it make to allow the largest emitter to increase their output? Anyone that doesn’t see the real reason for limiting C02 emissions being wealth redistribution is naive.

    • Mike Jackson permalink
      August 20, 2018 9:16 pm

      I’m not sure “allowing” really comes into it, markl! Its like the story of the man who bragged about having a tiger as a pet. When he was asked where it slept he said “anwhere it damn well pleases!”

      India and China get a free pass because they’re developing. Aye right! In India’s case, developing a space programme and according to some a nuclear programme as well.

      They get a free pass because who’s going to say ‘no’?

      But if CO2 is the devil and oil and coal are two of his demons, how come it’s still OK to fly to far off places for climate conferences and to set up anti-fracking protest camps where 90% of the detritus they leave behind is plastic?

      And why is nobody challenging the hypocrisy of the likes of Perry and Gove who, at least by implication, condone this farce?

  3. August 20, 2018 6:02 pm

    The BBC totally fails to address the question of the cost of renewables, much of which is hidden away, such as in network costs (could this be why National Grid is so keen on them?).
    Actually no, they always mention that the cost is falling rapidly.

    Today on the BBC World Service was a classic whinge between the presenter and an expert on “Climate Policy” (no balance needed when interviewing an “expert”), about the Australian govt trying to pass energy legislation without mandating Paris. Textbook smearing of nasty right-wingers, who apparently just want coal-fired power stations to continue, nothing at all to do with cost and reliability, which of course were not mentioned.

  4. MrGrimNasty permalink
    August 20, 2018 8:56 pm

    If the DM is true to recent form, they’ll next publish a plausible but hogwash rebuttal of those letters from some energy/climate institution PR guy/gal, and then no more, so that they get the last word.

  5. Coeur de Lion permalink
    August 21, 2018 11:28 am

    As I write, UK wind is producing 0.57GW or 1.59% of demand while coal is at 2.34GW and 6.52%. We are paying double for two separate generation systems, one to rescue the failure of the other.

    • MrGrimNasty permalink
      August 21, 2018 12:25 pm

      Picked up then, as BishopHill has tweeted, 0GW and 0% at times since Sunday!

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