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Hurricane Michael Claims

October 11, 2018

By Paul Homewood


Tony Heller questions whether Hurricane Michael was as powerful as claimed, in the following  post:


A few weeks ago climate scientists said climate change is making hurricanes slow down, stall and rain a lot like Florence. This week they say climate change causes fast moving hurricanes like Michael.

I was watching the storm and the commentary this morning, and long before landfall Michael was officially declared to be a catastrophic category four hurricane (just below category five), the most powerful to ever make landfall “in that region” – and the third most intense in US history after the 1935 Labor Day hurricane and Camille in 1969.  It was a genuine pre-hurricane category four propaganda storm.

The NOAA wind gauge at Panama City didn’t back up any of the claims.  It showed a peak sustained wind speed of  62 knots before the eyewall arrived, and minimum pressure of 937.5 mb. Neither remotely close to the hype.

Meteorological Observations – NOAA Tides & Currents

The pictures of damage I’ve seen don’t compare to other “officially less intense” hurricanes, like Andrew in 1992.

Or the 1926 Miami hurricane.

Read the full post here:

Something Bad Happened, So Turn Off Your Brain


This is not the first time that official claims of wind speeds do not stack up with what has been recorded on the ground.


I shall look at this in more depth next week.







  1. October 11, 2018 5:22 pm

    Reblogged this on Climate Collections.

  2. A C Osborn permalink
    October 11, 2018 5:57 pm

    The MSM cannot get their story straight, some say the 2nd most powerful ever, some say the 4th, some say the 6th.
    They do all tend to quote the 155mph wind speed though.
    Apparently the worst of the storm hit the “Mexico beach” area, but I have seen no station data for that area.

  3. October 11, 2018 7:16 pm

    The modus operandi of the New Normal Hurricane Porn on the BBC is becoming clear:

    * Find a “scientist” (anyone employed at a uni qualifies, latest one was a Prof of English) who says that hurricanes are getting stronger/wetter/more-frequent/less-predictable
    * Find a resident who says they have never seen anything like it before (not difficult for rare events that can strike anywhere)
    * Live broadcasts with microphones exposed to the wind
    * Broadcast the warnings of authorities, who naturally exaggerate to get people to prepare

  4. John Cooknell permalink
    October 11, 2018 7:16 pm

    One of the strongest hurricane evah! But not much damage! Go figure!

  5. October 12, 2018 9:17 am

    Maximum wind speed at landfall and strength of storm surge do not necessarily correlate.

    Wind speeds 18 h before landfall correlated best with surge heights.

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