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Climate Apocalypse Hits Britain!

June 5, 2019

By Paul Homewood


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As we all now know, our climate is rapidly disintegrating before our very eyes.


You only have to look at the climate data for this spring here in the UK to understand the emergency which is now facing us:



UK Mean temperature - Spring

Mean temperatures this spring were only the 18th highest since 1910, and not even as high as 1943, 1945, 1952, 1959 or 1961.

Nobody under the age of 20 will have even experienced any change in temperature trends during spring.


UK Rainfall - Spring

As for rainfall, this spring was pretty much average, and there has been no change in trends since the start of the record.



Evidence of environmental degradation was everywhere to be seen in Lincolnshire last month:




It makes you long for those halcyon days of the past:







  1. Joe Public permalink
    June 5, 2019 11:47 am

    Keep embarrassing them with facts, Paul.

  2. The Man at the Back permalink
    June 5, 2019 11:51 am

    Yes I have just been for short drive around parts of Lincolnshire to see the degradation before it gets a lot worse. /sarc off.

    It has been a bit dry this spring – but as my son said to me – “well if you must live in one of the driest parts the UK – don’t moan if you have to water the garden a bit”.

    The level of Climate Derangement Syndrome is amazing. – meanwhile back on the real planet –

  3. June 5, 2019 11:55 am

    Reblogged this on Climate- Science.

  4. Simon Aked permalink
    June 5, 2019 12:08 pm

    Extremely average?

  5. Chris Reynolds permalink
    June 5, 2019 12:12 pm

    This should be compulsory reading in all schools!

    • keith permalink
      June 5, 2019 4:24 pm

      It should also be compulsory reading by Gove, Clark and Perry.

  6. June 5, 2019 12:51 pm

    It’s been very average – if there was such a thing – in Devon; some warm days some cold days, some warm nights, some cold nights, some wet days some dry days, some still days, some windy days. Absolutely unmemorable and thus un-apocalyptic.

  7. MrGrimNasty permalink
    June 5, 2019 1:22 pm

    It’s been a good year on the South Coast, enough soil moisture to prevent drought stress, and the long dry spells mean all the usual bacterial/fungal leaf diseases that infect via the rain are absent.

    Decorative Hawthorn and Crab Apple trees are usually a mess with pests/disease by now, but they are all glowing.

    Below average year for aphids I’d say, except the Cherry Aphids seem to be having a ball.

    Seen far more (and varied) insect and bird life in the garden and countryside than recent years.

    Still, best enjoy it before the imminence end of humanity/planet earth!

  8. dennisambler permalink
    June 5, 2019 1:27 pm

    “From 22 January to 17 March in 1947, snow fell every day somewhere in the UK, with the weather so cold that the snow accumulated. The temperature seldom rose more than a degree or two above freezing.

    There were several snowfalls of 60 cm or more, and depths of level snow reached 150 cm in upper Teesdale and the Denbighshire Hills. Across Britain, drifts more than five metres deep blocked roads and railways. People were cut off for days. The armed services dropped supplies by helicopter to isolated farmsteads and villages, and helped to clear roads and railways.

    “The winter of 1962/63 was the coldest over England and Wales since 1740. As in 1947, anticyclones to the north and east of the British Isles brought bitterly cold winds from the east day after day. As in 1947, depressions followed tracks to southward of the British Isles and their fronts brought snow to England, Wales and the southernmost parts of Scotland.

    Mean maximum temperatures for January 1963 were more than 5 °C below average over most of Wales, the Midlands and southern England and in some places more than 7 °C below average. Mean minimum temperatures over this area were equally far below average. The story was much the same in February.

    Lakes and rivers froze. Ice formed on harbours in the south and east of England. Patches of ice formed on the sea. Huge blocks of ice formed on beaches where waves broke and the spray froze. Coastal marine life suffered severely”

    • MrGrimNasty permalink
      June 5, 2019 6:47 pm

      What is fascinating about the UK is the frequent flip from cold/warm extremes in consecutive years, rather trashes the usual nonsense that nature will get all out of sync. and fail because the seasonal average has warmed by a degree over many decades!

      December 2010 was of course exceptionally cold in England, the coldest that anyone alive will have ever experienced, and only 0.1C warmer than the coldest in the last 360 years. And then December 2011 was almost 7C warmer on average!

  9. June 5, 2019 1:32 pm

    How much did man-made warming contribute to these average temperatures? 😆

    • Harry Passfield permalink
      June 5, 2019 2:29 pm

      Good question, OB.
      It needs to be asked of all alarmists, along with: how much do UK emissions contribute to it – and how much will the global average temperature fall as a result of the UK going to ‘zero-carbon’?

  10. Gerry, England permalink
    June 5, 2019 1:53 pm

    The brief bit of weekend warmth has gone. As it is South of England Show week it reminds me that when I went last year it was not flaming June despite to warm weather we had last summer. The Saxon settlement dwellers who camp in their tents on site told me that they were reaching for blankets, furs etc on the night before such was the ‘warmth’. Bit of rain has been nice as it has been reasonably dry but nothing out of the ordinary. Not felt the need to do any watering so far. Not seeing any emergency in my corner of the land.

  11. John of Cloverdale, WA, Australia permalink
    June 5, 2019 2:04 pm

    Correlates quite nicely with the AMO Index.

  12. Harry Passfield permalink
    June 5, 2019 2:26 pm

    Most depressing today, watching PMqs with the stand-ins. Rebecca Long-Baily for Labour was in full ‘climate emergency mode, as were a few others around her and on the Tory benches. Back in the studio Jo Co asked the Tory MP on the panel if Michael Gove was still a ‘Climate Denier’!! And the Labour MP there claimed that he and the rest of the Tories were stopping the resurgence of a Green economy where 100s of thousands of jobs were going begging in the green businesses that were burgeoning in the country. She even brought up the Swansea Lagoon again, saying that not going for it was putting Port Talbot steel-makers out of work because the government would not support them. Unbelievably crass, stupid and ill-informed.

    It would have been interesting to get their thoughts on the health-giving properties (or not) of coffee, as understood ‘by the science’ up until last week, and their thoughts on it now.

  13. Phoenix44 permalink
    June 5, 2019 2:26 pm

    In South-West France where I visit for a few days every couple of weeks, they were worried about effects of late frosts on the vines and have been waiting for the sunny weather for some weeks now. They get a few nice days, then back to rain and relatively cold days. In Bergerac today its currently 12 degrees, which is four or five degrees below average.

    • JimW permalink
      June 5, 2019 3:24 pm

      Yes here in Tarn its cold and wet again today after 4 days of heat that came after weeks of wet weather. Same as last year. Hope June doesn’t follow the same pattern, it was bad news for the farmers last year with a crop washed out.

    • John F. Hultquist permalink
      June 5, 2019 5:13 pm

      Rain, wind, and cold can cause “shatter” of grape clusters.
      Grapes are essentially self-pollinating, so nice days and gentle wind are needed.

      When bees are the pollinators, say for cherries, a similar thing happens as they don’t like cold and wet any more than I do. There will be fewer cherries, but because they don’t have large bunches, the phenomenon looks different.

  14. Kelvin Vaughan permalink
    June 5, 2019 5:48 pm

    CET Max for today in 1944 is 18.6C the forcast for today is 18C.

  15. June 5, 2019 9:31 pm

    Earth’s ongoing cooling (since 2016) explained in half a page:
    The sun’s varying magnetic output (governing Earth’s cosmic-ray arrivals, hence cloudiness; Svensmark effect; ignored by IPCC) peaked in 1991 and has been declining since then. Earth’s surface temperature peaked 25 years later, in 2016, and has been declining since then. The 25-year lag is due to ‘ocean memory’ (also ignored by IPCC). CO2 is blameless.

  16. john cooknell permalink
    June 5, 2019 9:42 pm

    They would also have you believe the beaches are covered in poisonous plastic, the only problem is they aren’t.

    Even the beaches in our overcrowded little island are cleaner of man made waste than they have been for years.

    The world population has grown from 1.5 billion to over 7 billion in 150 years, experts predicted the end of civilisation long ago, but we are all still here! I was told at school fifty five years ago that the world could not feed or deal with the human excrement of so many people, but we are still here and the natural world still flourishes.

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