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Back To The Horse & Cart

January 9, 2023

By Paul Homewood..



The spark is gone — you’re better off walking than relying on useless, unreliable vehicles and chargers that never work
As I watch my family strike out on foot across the fields into driving rain and gathering darkness, my wife holding each child’s hand, our new year plans in ruins, while I do what I can to make our dead car safe before abandoning it a mile short of home, full of luggage on a country lane, it occurs to me not for the first time that if we are going to save the planet we will have to find another way. Because electric cars are not the answer.
Yes, it’s the Jaguar again. My doomed bloody £65,000 iPace that has done nothing but fail at everything it was supposed to do for more than two years now, completely dead this time, its lifeless corpse blocking the single-track road.
I can’t even roll it to a safer spot because it can’t be put in neutral. For when an electric car dies, it dies hard. And then lies there as big and grey and not-going-anywhere as the poacher-slain bull elephant I once saw rotting by a roadside in northern Kenya. Just a bit less smelly.
Not that this is unusual. Since I bought my eco dream car in late 2020, in a deluded Thunbergian frenzy, it has spent more time off the road than on it, beached at the dealership for months at a time on account of innumerable electrical calamities, while I galumph around in the big diesel “courtesy cars” they send me under the terms of the warranty.
But this time I don’t want one. And I don’t want my own car back either. I have asked the guys who sold it to me to sell it again, as soon as it is fixed, to the first mug who walks into the shop. Because I am going back to petrol while there is still time.
And if the government really does ban new wet fuel cars after 2030, then we will eventually have to go back to horses. Because the electric vehicle industry is no readier to get a family home from Cornwall at Christmas time (as I was trying to do) than it is to fly us all to Jupiter. The cars are useless, the infrastructure is not there and you’re honestly better off walking. Even on the really long journeys. In fact, especially on the long journeys. The short ones they can just about manage. It’s no wonder Tesla shares are down 71 per cent. It’s all a huge fraud. And, for me, it’s over.
Yet the new owner of my “preloved” premium electric vehicle, fired with a messianic desire to make a better world for his children, will not know this. He will be delighted with his purchase and overjoyed to find there are still six months of warranty left, little suspecting that once that has expired — and with it the free repairs and replacement cars for those long spells off road — he will be functionally carless.
He will be over the moon to learn that it has “a range of up to 292 miles”. No need to tell him what that really means is “220 miles”. Why electric carmakers are allowed to tell these lies is a mystery to me. As it soon will be to him.
Although for the first few days he won’t worry especially. He’ll think he can just nip into a fuel station and charge it up again. Ho ho ho. No need to tell him that two out of three roadside chargers in this country are broken or busy at any one time. Or that the built-in “find my nearest charge point” function doesn’t work, has never worked, and isn’t meant to work.
Or that apps like Zap-Map don’t work either because the chargers they send you to are always either busy or broken or require a membership card you don’t have or an app you can’t download because there’s no 5G here, in the middle of nowhere, where you will now probably die.
Or that the Society of Motor Manufacturers said this week that only 23 new chargers are being installed nationwide each day, of the 100 per day that were promised (as a proud early adopter, I told myself that charging would become easier as the network grew, but it hasn’t grown, while the number of e-drivers has tripled, so it’s actually harder now than it was two years ago).
There are, of course, plus sides to electric ownership. Such as the camaraderie when we encounter each other, tired and weeping at yet another service station with only two chargers, one of which still has the “this fault has been reported” sign on it from when you were here last August, and the other is of the measly 3kWh variety, which means you will have to spend the night in a Travelodge while your stupid drum lazily inhales enough juice to get home.
Together, in the benighted charging zone, we leccy drivers laugh about what fools we are and drool over the diesel hatchbacks nonchalantly filling up across the way (“imagine getting to a fuel station and knowing for sure you will be able to refuel!”) and talk in the hour-long queue at Exeter services about the petrol car we will buy as soon as we get home.
We filled up there last week on the way back from Cornwall, adding two hours to our four-hour journey, by which time Esther wasn’t speaking to me. She’s been telling me to get rid of the iPace since it ruined last summer’s holidays in both Wales and Devon (“If you won’t let us fly any more, at least buy a car that can get us to the places we’re still allowed to go!”).
But I kept begging her to give me one last chance, as if I’d refused to give up a mistress, rather than a dull family car. Until this time, a couple of miles from home, when a message flashed up on the dash: “Assisted braking not available — proceed with caution.” Then: “Steering control unavailable.”
And then, as I inched off the dual carriageway at our turnoff, begging it to make the last mile, children weeping at the scary noises coming from both car and father: “Gearbox fault detected.” CLUNK. WHIRRR. CRACK.
And dead. Nothing. Poached elephant. I called Jaguar Assist (there is a button in the roof that does it directly — most useful feature on the car) who told me they could have a mechanic there in four hours (who would laugh and say, “Can’t help you, pal. You’ve got a software issue there. I’m just a car mechanic. And this isn’t a car, it’s a laptop on wheels.”)
So Esther and the kids headed for home across the sleety wastes, a vision of post-apocalyptic misery like something out of Cormac McCarthy, while I saw out 2022 waiting for a tow-truck. Again.
But don’t let that put you off. I see in the paper that electric car sales are at record levels and production is struggling to keep up with demand. So why not buy mine? It’s clean as a whistle and boasts super-low mileage. After all, it’s hardly been driven . . .

  1. Michael permalink
    January 9, 2023 4:57 pm

    Oh dear, who would possibly have guessed this story might happen?

  2. Harry Passfield permalink
    January 9, 2023 5:08 pm

    A superb piece! Going to make Jaguar choke – especially seeing the word ‘fraud’ appearing so close to their baby. It made my mind up having owned two petrol and one diesel Jaguar in my time. My V12 was less of a problem than this iPace!

  3. a-man-of-no-rank permalink
    January 9, 2023 5:28 pm

    Easy to field sorry for Giles and his long suffering family, but a quick read on this forum would have encouraged him to stick with petrol or diesel. As we head downhill to a CO2-free world of fast flowing electrons, rare metals, lakes of toxic spoils, land covered with windmills and pylons, and Chinese control of our industry, I do wonder when we peaked. I suggest in the year 2000. Then, our energy costs were low, cars with ICE were superb and we could afford to fly to Spain.

    • Devoncamel permalink
      January 10, 2023 12:36 pm

      A CO2 free world would end all life.

      • Roy Hartwell permalink
        January 10, 2023 6:50 pm

        I wouldn’t worry, manufacturing all those windy whirlies, sunny panels and dud cars will produce plenty of CO2- all the way from China !!

    • lordelate permalink
      January 10, 2023 3:10 pm

      I concur

      • 2hmp permalink
        January 10, 2023 6:20 pm

        Two major studies completed in the last few weeks have shown that rising CO2 has not had any effect on temperature. So stop NetZero now and let the market decide what cars we run.

      • Realist permalink
        January 11, 2023 1:34 pm

        The market should ALWAYS decide. It is none of the government’s business to dictate consumer choices.
        The problem we have these days is that manufacturers are listening to politicians and not what customers actually need.

        >>let the market decide what cars we run

      • Mike permalink
        January 10, 2023 6:32 pm

        Net Zero is a description of its proponents brain. Nothing to do with CO2 – that would be impossible.

  4. John Hultquist permalink
    January 9, 2023 5:28 pm

    Giles’ writing is entertaining.
    However, he does seem to be a slow learner.
    I want to know the rest of the story.
    What amount did he get for the (broken) car?
    Is he still married?

    • William Capron permalink
      January 9, 2023 7:31 pm

      John, those were my questions too!

    • January 10, 2023 12:18 pm

      I might add that when a “slow learner” finally gets it, they become a mighty voice for reason….all is not lost.

  5. Tonyb permalink
    January 9, 2023 5:34 pm

    But WE all knew that! Why does it take supposedly the richest and cleverest people so long to find out what we plebs knew years ago?

    Come to that, surely they know the very unpleasant way the rare earths are mined and the way that batteries are put together and that their cars are mostly fueled by fossil fuel electric (unless they fill up when a gale is blowing ). Electric cars are by no stretch of the imagination green and -unless you are using them for a short commute-basically useless.

    I wonder what the REAL world mileage is of such a car in the cold, with headlights on , wipers, heater , radio, heated rear window and 4 adults plus all their luggage all plugged into the wifi-

    • teaef permalink
      January 9, 2023 8:33 pm

      On motorway at 70mph, about 150 miles.

    • Ben Vorlich permalink
      January 9, 2023 10:39 pm

      heated rear window off and give one of the kits a cloth. Heater off, overcoats and gloves on. Radio off music via phone and rechargeable bluetooth speakess should give and extra 10-20 miles range.
      Also just like driving a 1950s car with a cassette player on the passenger seat.

      • Craig permalink
        January 10, 2023 11:51 am

        The big lie is that EV’s are new technology, not true, they predate the ICE automobile, in fact they lead to the ICE automobile. Mrs Benz had an electric car, the problems were range, weight and recharge time. Mr Benz invented the modern ICE automobile to solve the problems with EV’s. He was told that he was wasting his time because longer lasting, faster charging and lighter batteries were just ” around the corner”, thankfully he ignored them. 140 years later and the batteries still have the same issues, and a new wrinkle as well, it seems the modern EV’s rely on some very nasty child slavery.

      • Brian Fitch permalink
        January 10, 2023 12:40 pm

        Yes spot on. Google the Detroit Electric vehicle which was made from 1907 to 1939. The problem was the lead acid battery technology. You could also buy an electric scooter in Edwardian Britain, 100 years before they were the next new thing in recent years.

  6. Gamecock permalink
    January 9, 2023 5:38 pm

    ‘beached at the dealership for months at a time on account of innumerable electrical calamities’

    UK has regained status as the World Leader in auto electrics flickering.

    Enter your favorite Lucas joke here:


    The Lucas motto: “Get home before dark.”

    • catweazle666 permalink
      January 9, 2023 6:17 pm

      Joseph Lucas – the Prince of Darkness.

      • Ethan Vos permalink
        January 9, 2023 10:08 pm

        Why do the British like warm beer?

        They have Lucas refrigerators.

      • lordelate permalink
        January 10, 2023 3:15 pm

        Sorry, didn’t see you had already put that!

    • Ray Sanders permalink
      January 10, 2023 10:36 am

      Lucas tried to get the government to repeal OHMS Law but met too much resistance.

      • Mad Mike permalink
        January 10, 2023 3:33 pm

        Very good Ray.

      • devonblueboy permalink
        January 10, 2023 4:20 pm

        And I thought, as a biologist that physics was dull. What did I know? 🤣

    • lordelate permalink
      January 10, 2023 3:14 pm

      Or, my favorite.
      LUCAS, the prince of darkness.

  7. January 9, 2023 5:51 pm

    Poor Giles, an excellent and very amusing wordsmith who’s restaurant reviews are a continuing pleasure to read. However, excellence in the English language, combined with an appreciation of the finer things in life and a desire to “do my bit for the planet” all goes to pot without a basic scientific understanding and some common sense!
    My Welsh grandmother said “never trust a man who drives a Jaguar” so I never bought one. And all of those Jaguars I know of have always had reliability problems.

  8. Mr Robert Christopher permalink
    January 9, 2023 5:58 pm

    So he doesn’t want to Save the Planet?

  9. Douglas Dragonfly permalink
    January 9, 2023 6:06 pm

    Gosh the author of this piece sure likes to whine.
    There’s nothing wrong with lithium battery powered vehicles.
    Just so long as they are bikes. Great fun but I found they made me lazy.

    The other thing about battery cars – aren’t they so much heavier ?
    Does this not have a negative effect on infrastructure like bridges, multistorey car parks and simply road surfaces ?
    No, this guy brought it upon himself with his pioneering attitude.
    It’s all self inflicted so no sympathy here.

    • January 10, 2023 10:47 am

      I would love a lithium bike – if they did not explode in a fireball. My first ebike suffered from vandalism…and poor range in cold weather. Still….lazy is better than using the car as first default. Hills make a standard bicycle a real effort.

  10. ThinkingScientist permalink
    January 9, 2023 6:07 pm

    I note the guy up the road from me has a very distinctive eco-number plate on his Tesla.

    Which means I really notice when its not his Tesla on the drive. Except when its not a Tesla – its been a hybrid Volvo for weeks, possibly months now.

    I would guess his own Tesla has not been on the drive for at least 20 – 30% of the time he’s owned it.

    Meanwhile my Landrover Discovery 4 3.0 litre SDV6 carries on towing our Airstream trailer at 2.65 tons with a range of over 300 miles. I’ve had it 9 years from new and its currently on 130,000 miles. Never misses a beat.

    I’m just looking forward to test driving an INEOS Grenadier when it comes to replacement time. If not that then a 3.0 litre Toyota Hilux double cab.

    • Gamecock permalink
      January 9, 2023 7:09 pm

      They may not have anyone who can fix it.

      Tesla started behind the 8-ball on auto maintenance. They insist on keeping it all in house. Problem is, they didn’t start as an established manufacturer with dealerships with service departments: they had double-ought zero maintenance facilities, nor any mechanics.

    • Rowland P permalink
      January 10, 2023 10:36 am

      You’ve been lucky having a good one. I know somebody with similar and it has been nothing but trouble.

      • ThinkingScientist permalink
        January 10, 2023 5:28 pm

        Disco 3 and Disco 4 are generally reliable. I have had 3 from new. There are a few issues with the 4 – the manifolds are plastic and crack after about 70 – 100K miles. I had one replaced under long term warranty and had to repalce the other myself (outside of warranty).

        Other than that nothing major and I am now at 9 years and 130,000 miles and this vehicle. Tows like a train. The Disco 4 is way the best of all the Disco’s.

        The Disco 5 has a lot of electrical gremlins I understand and my excellent small Landrover service specialist say do not touch. Shame, as its now end of the line for Discovery then. Looks as though Ladrover are market positioning the new Defender as the urban SUV “Chelsea Tractor” repalcement for many. The issue with LR is their luxury pricing now. My cars from new:

        2006 £36K (Disco 3)
        2009 £36K (Disco 3)
        2013 £46K (Disco 4
        Current Disco 5 would cost £65K to replace mine with same spec.

  11. Mike Jackson permalink
    January 9, 2023 6:19 pm

    Nice to see some people don’t need to worry about the cost of living! 65 grand for a car?? The mind boggles!

  12. Jack Broughton permalink
    January 9, 2023 6:19 pm

    The eco-controllers who now run the UK will also ban horses from the cities. They are hell-bent on ridding the world of the lower-quality humans it seems (i.e. almost all of us).
    It is now looking as though the UK will import SMRs rather than develop them and be the “saudi-arabia of SMRs”. Can someone tell me how the UK will balance the books as we import increasingly expensive energy and make less and less? Are our long-term overseas investments and other invisible earnings that good?

  13. January 9, 2023 6:30 pm

    I do like Giles – very amusing correspondent. Rule 1 never purchase a Jaguar. Another reason to stick with Tesla as this and many other articles shows how dismal some of the EVs on the market are. I drove an ID 3 and was shocked at how basic, slow and generally useless the in car electronics were compared to my Model 3.

    • Gamecock permalink
      January 9, 2023 7:03 pm

      Depreciation on low market EVs is catastrophic.

      Last time I ran the numbers, a Nissan LEAF depreciated 71% in two years (!).

      Tesla values stand up here in the USA.

    • bobn permalink
      January 9, 2023 7:14 pm

      Better still, drive a diesel. I’ll be waiting a long time for an electric tractor that can do the farm work i get through with a diesel! Pulling power, digging power, PTOs, multiple hydraulics, torque. Ive noted also that electric forklifts are not as smooth as gas powered. They dont have the torque and are jerky on subtle movements. A clutch is a wonderful thing for fine movement.

      • Gamecock permalink
        January 9, 2023 11:18 pm

        “Better still, drive a diesel.”

        NFW. The Gamecock solution: Shelby GT350R.

      • devonblueboy permalink
        January 10, 2023 7:14 am

        Living the life 👍 😎

      • catweazle666 permalink
        January 9, 2023 11:39 pm

        I’ll go for a 427 Cobra personally!

      • devonblueboy permalink
        January 10, 2023 7:15 am

        The original from Thames Ditton?

      • Gamecock permalink
        January 10, 2023 12:20 am

        No cup holders, Catty!

      • catweazle666 permalink
        January 10, 2023 3:29 pm

        What other sort is there, dbb?

      • dave permalink
        January 10, 2023 3:48 pm

        I was living in Canada when I saw, and at first desired, a Shelby. Then I found out the ‘AC’ did not stand for Air Conditioned but for its English manufacturer…and bought a rather basic North American sedan.

    • January 10, 2023 9:18 am

      Nowhere near as funny as his old man though. Who was NOT smug

    • January 10, 2023 4:27 pm

      I’ve noticed that Model 3 sounds a lot like Model T.

  14. lapogus permalink
    January 9, 2023 8:35 pm

    £60k for a ev. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible journalists are. The climate emergency, electric vehicles, covid lockdowns and face nappies, they fell for it all.

  15. teaef permalink
    January 9, 2023 8:36 pm

    On motorway at 70mph, about 150 miles.

  16. GeoffB permalink
    January 9, 2023 8:51 pm

    There is a similar article by James May in the telegraph on line pm today, so may be in print version tomorrow. His basic gripe is finding charging points on long journeys, while petrol stations are “reverse lighthouses” to attract you.

    • Bertie permalink
      January 10, 2023 9:49 am

      Today’s Telegraph reports that the cost for charging at public points is greater than filling a tank of petrol (that goes a lot further).

    • Realist permalink
      January 10, 2023 3:29 pm

      Even a charging point every single mile does not solve the fundamental problem that electric cars need recharging more often than refilling with petrol and diesel and the latter two take ten minutes, not several hours.
      It’s not simply a case of “long journeys”. Think about it. Multiple short ones soon exceed the range of electric cars.

  17. MrGrimNasty permalink
    January 9, 2023 10:51 pm

    Just as I thought the BBC had forgotten their annual sunfish/climate story, they make up for last year by getting in early this year instead.

    • catweazle666 permalink
      January 9, 2023 11:06 pm

      Saw one off the Pembroke coast about thirty years ago during a massive invasion of pink and purple jellyfish, which I imagine what was why it was there.

  18. CD Marshall permalink
    January 10, 2023 1:51 am

    Have you guys seen the move to kill gas stoves? What’s next? Gas heaters. Then well, gas.

    • catweazle666 permalink
      January 10, 2023 5:03 pm

      “Testing of the precombustion (unburned) methane gas found over 300 chemicals, including 21 airborne toxins.”

      Doubtless using the thoroughly discredited, utterly specious Linear No Threshold principle.

      Now, if they were to assert that all such combustion creates a certain amount of carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen they might just have a point, but who uses a gas stove for cooking in an area with no ventilation…

      A load of bollox!

    • Ray Sanders permalink
      January 10, 2023 8:02 pm

      For genuinely accurate data read here

      Click to access Material_comparators_for_fuels_-_natural_gas.pdf

      The article you linked to is politically motivated sensationalism or as Cat put it – “bollox”

  19. e-non-e-mous permalink
    January 10, 2023 5:48 am

    First and foremost an EV Jag seems like a horrid idea, a company known for electrical problems producing an electric car…..what could go wrong.

    In all honesty Tata has destroyed Jaguar(they don’t make any cars and it seems the ingenium engine is rubbish) and I fear Land Rover may be next. Besides the questionable EV choice as Tesla is the leader and seemingly the best. EV’s are not all they are cracked up to be, they are expensive and do less than normal ICE cars, longevity is a question mark as well, and EV owners need to do all kinds of inconvenient things in order to use their cars as most people do. Range concerns are a concern especially in cold weather when you might really need your car to run.

    And I have to laugh about the virtue signaling, I like to remind EV owners that their batteries use cobalt, strip mined by 7 year old children in appalling conditions which are then assembled into batteries in Communist China potentially by slaves. Oh and the carbon footprint of making the vehicle is 2-3x what an equivalent ICE car is due to the massive amounts of earth that needs to be mined to obtain materials for the batteries. Most estimates show around 5 years for CO2 break even so most of these people will not own the vehicle long enough to realize a CO2 reduction. Then when you start to think about the electrical grid, the need to triple the capacity to support everyone having an EV, the point loads for sufficient charging stations(do the back of the envelope math on just how much power you’d need to deliver to a motorway charging station to fast charge more than a handful of cars…) and what it will take to build this infrastructure(concrete, copper, steel, and yes petroleum products)…..the conclusion is the cost of an EV conversion is actually going to exacerbate global warming rather than prevent it.

    Battery electric vehicles are not ready for prime time and governments around the world pushing them as the solution will have catastrophic consequences. Yes it’s everyones dream to pay 2x as much for a car that does half as much, I looked at them and as a commuter vehicle they could be alright but as your only vehicle it’s just not practical or advisable.

    • Carnot permalink
      January 10, 2023 10:25 am

      He could have saved a lotof money and angst by subscribing to the Which magazine which provides true reflections on reliability None of the luxury brands do well, save Lexus. The issue these days is the electronic/ electrics and the lack of skilleed people that can fix the multitude of problems, including Tesla which is no better. The more whimsical gadgets the more that can go wrong. Why has retractable door handle become all the vogue? Worse still Microsoft is also involved in many of the software offerings – good luck with that because Microsoft is the most unreliable software producer in the world.
      These things will depreciate faster than a chest of drawers falling off a cliff and I predict a huge finacial crisis in the leasing business when the obvious is realised. Only a world class mug would buy a used EV.

      The best bit though is that for battery life the battery should be charged to 80% of capacity and recharged at 20%. That means the “range” is 60% or less of claimed. This will become Electric Gate.

      For the past 14 years I have driven a boring hydbrid, but it has not had unsceduled maintenance in its entire lifetime. It just works. The gadgets are minmal and the fuel economy excellent (13 miles per litre), and I have never paid any road tax.

      As has been written on this forum many times the upcoming issue will be the power supply, not just for EV’s but for all the useless heat pumps we are being urged to buy. Our basic house supply has a 60 amp powers supply fuse: hat is about 15 kw. Plug in your car and heat pump and you could easily overload the fuse. Then you have no power, and unless you have a spare fuse your are basically f****d. (You could always fit a circuit breaker if you got bored fitting fuses).

      • a-man-of-no-rank permalink
        January 10, 2023 2:08 pm

        Carnot predicts a huge financial crisis in the leasing business. I do wonder about the financial sense of insuring EVs. So many break down or catch on fire, as the sunken Felicity Ace ship, with a few thousand EVs on board, reminds us. Perhaps governments can help EV insurers with more tax-payer funded subsidies!

    • catweazle666 permalink
      January 10, 2023 5:09 pm

      “the need to triple the capacity to support everyone having an EV”

      Not to mention the even more useless heat pumps replacing gas central heating boilers…

    • Phil O'Sophical permalink
      January 10, 2023 8:12 pm

      “the conclusion is the cost of an EV conversion is actually going to exacerbate global warming rather than prevent it.”

      How? I agree with all your points except the implied premise that CO2 is Earth’s temperature control knob. Earth will do its own thing, under the sun and celestial mechanics regardless. The exorbitant costs (of car and charging), the inconvenience, the severe impracticality for most uses and the massive waste of resources and the fossil fuels to retrieve them and fashion them, is all for nothing. If something works, is cheaper, more practical and genuinely cleaner it will be adopted. Forcing regression against all reason is a crime.

  20. Brian Fitch permalink
    January 10, 2023 9:02 am

    All fits nicely with the 15 Minute City concept. The WEF and it’s acolytes like Rishy, don’t want the plebs to have the freedom to travel.
    It’s all dressed up with saving the planet.
    Do wise up before it’s too late. Read the WEF website, cos it is hidden in clear view!

  21. January 10, 2023 9:10 am

    His first mistake was to *buy* an electric car. Only leasing them makes any sense at all, but not much.

    • Phoenix44 permalink
      January 10, 2023 10:12 am

      That wouldn’t have solved any of his problems. It would still have broken down
      it would still have short range and there’d still be nowhere to charge it.

      • January 10, 2023 2:01 pm

        You can cancel a lease at short notice, then the faulty car is someone else’s problem.

  22. Douglas Dragonfly permalink
    January 10, 2023 9:18 am

    ‘I bought my eco dream car in late 2020, in a deluded Thunbergian frenzy, it has spent more time off the road than on it, ‘
    I don’t know about big grey elephants but these Noddy cars are certainly a Hugh white elephant !
    Surely keeping cars off the road by any needs necessary is part of the plan ?
    As for the bit about kids’ future – does this Wally not consider how electricity is generated ?
    Comedian in training, surely ?

  23. Alan Shields permalink
    January 10, 2023 10:05 am

    Giles is one of the many reasons I cancelled my Timeqs subscription.

  24. Phoenix44 permalink
    January 10, 2023 10:15 am

    And if he thinks it’s bad now, wait another few years when no-one can fly and an extra 1 million cars – all EVs – are driving to Corneall in August. How are we going to cope with thousands of EVs all needing to charge for 2 hours all at 170 miles from London?

    • StephenP permalink
      January 10, 2023 12:23 pm

      This would give some enterprising person the opportunity to set up a large charging station at Wellington in Somerset (170 miles approx from London) and price his charging according to the time of year. High points could be Christmas and New Year, half terms, Bank Holidays and July/August.
      Plenty of opportunity to sell food and drinks, and maybe even offer sleeping pods.

  25. The Informed Consumer permalink
    January 10, 2023 10:40 am

    I have my plan. Continue to lease my petrol guzzling car for another 4 years – my current one is due to be changed in August. Then come 2027 and if the idiots in the HoC haven’t at least pushed back the 2030 deadline, I’ll buy the final petrol guzzling car of my lifetime and keep it until it falls apart. That should be 10-15 years by which time I’ll be heading for, if not in my 80’s assuming I’m spared.

    This isn’t a rant against EV’s. I think that under certain circumstances they make a lot of sense, and being semi rural with two bus stops directly outside my door I could probably manage. But when the ban on even hybrids in 2035 rolls around I’m afraid I’m stuffed as I have no means of charging an EV as I don’t have off road parking. Even a plug in hybrid is useless to me, along with 45% of householders on ‘This Sceptred Isle’.

    The long painful death of NetZero is already happening.

    • Brian Fitch permalink
      January 10, 2023 12:12 pm

      Spot on game plan IMO.
      For those you can, also get a Classic car, which doesn’t rely on smart car management system, as a fun back up. The “Elites” love the Goodwood Revival and own millions of £ worth of these vehicles, and will find a way to exempt these ICEs

      • Carbon500 permalink
        January 11, 2023 3:35 pm

        There’s no reason whatsoever why a classic car (how do you define ‘classic’?) shouldn’t be used as a daily driver. I grew up with cars that are now so-called ‘classics’ – it all depends on what you own. Lots of people from all walks of life love the Goodwood Revival – is for example the enthusiast with spanners who owns an old Porsche bought secondhand years one of the ‘elite’?
        As a car enthusiast, I think it’s wonderful that automotive history is being preserved. Yes, deep pockets are needed to maintain some cars – but this provides employment for the skilled craftsmen and engineers who work on them.
        Cars from the 1990s can mostly be bought for little money. The engines have reliable computer management systems, but no electronic junk as fitted to today’s cars. I’ve been running mine for tweleve years with nothing needed but routine maintenance. It’s been utterly reliable. There is no way I’d remotely consider an electric car or a hybrid.

      • Realist permalink
        January 12, 2023 6:44 am

        Same here. Even if they fixed the range and recharging time problems and made affordable normal size vehicles, there are no electric cars or hybrids with a manual transmission.
        >>There is no way I’d remotely consider an electric car or a hybrid.

    • Brian Fitch permalink
      January 10, 2023 12:25 pm

      Spot on IMO.
      If possible get a Classic Car as a fun back up for local trips.No worries about smart computer management systems that can’t be DIY fettled.
      The Elite who run the world and are driving this madness love The Goodwood motoring events which feature very high value vintage/veteran ICEs cars, will find a way to exempt their beloved cars.
      It will be the same for aviation. They won’t give up their private jets, but will restrict the plebs by way of carbon travel allowances.
      As always follow the smart money, not the narrative.

  26. January 10, 2023 10:51 am

    I looked long and hard at electric cars when changing my diesel Merc 2 years ago. In the end I decided that a) they were far too expensive, b) the ranges just weren’t up to it – especially when you cut through the bullshit manufacturer claimed figures and look at real world figures; and c) the infrastructure is sh1t! I now drive a 2.0 L diesel (actually a Jag F Pace which has been brilliant) and will run it for the remaining 2 years of its PCP before making a decision. I suspect, all things being equal, I will opt for another ICE car. You can just about make a case for a hybrid, but given that the hybrid F Pace cost £10,000 (!) more than the diesel, plus a fairly miserly 30 mile or so real world range; quite frankly why would you bother?!

  27. January 10, 2023 12:01 pm

    While on a website an advert for a British made battery motorcycle popped up. For once I was interested in a pop-up ad so went to have a look. It would be ideal for the likes of Coren. It comes in 2 versions that differ by a grand…..except that the motorcycle is exactly the same but you get a second battery for the extra grand. Now here is one feature of a motorcycle that has cars beaten – it still uses a frame. So it is very easy to actually be able to swap the battery as it is not built into a monocoque. So the prices are £6000 and £7000. Yep, pretty steep but don’t worry, it gets worse. For all this money you can roar along at…..45mph. But to make sure your arms don’t tire – no fairing to hold off the wind you see – it will only do 40 miles but I suppose we can’t be sure if that is what can be achieved at that awesome top speed. At least like your cordless drill, you can have another battery charged and waiting indoors, although you might want to follow GM’s advice and charge your battery at least 50 feet from anything you value like your house. Notrickszone has a nice link to a battery car setting the house on fire in Germany.

  28. January 10, 2023 12:27 pm

    If I knew how to do it, I would post the picture which went viral around Labor Day. It was taken and posted by WV State Senator Randy Smith at the strip mine where he is a miner in Tucker County, WV. Five miners and the EV car owner are pushing his little dead car up the hill to plug it in to the tipple station facility.

    The owner and girlfriend had come from Washington, DC to vacation likely at nearby Blackwater Falls State Park, but did not quite make it. Most of the area they traveled is country with few charging stations and they had just crossed the eastern continental divide on Corridor H…..

    One of the miners presented them with a “Friends of Coal” license plate.

    • John Hultquist permalink
      January 10, 2023 5:07 pm

      • January 11, 2023 11:58 am

        Thank you!! That is the picture. I have never been successful posting a picture on this site.

        I will be in the area at Canaan Valley Resort for the DAR State Conference the first weekend in May and back the next weekend to Blackwater Falls State Park for my 40th year as a botanical leader on the West Virginia Wildflower Pilgrimage. My Saturday tour is to Dolly Sods. We come off the east side and will travel back the very road by this site to Blackwater Falls.

  29. liardetg permalink
    January 10, 2023 2:02 pm

    Has anyone seen anything about the government banning the import of ICE vehicles? I haven’t. Does the world trade organization have a view I wonder? Oh and a bit O/T but did anyone see anything on BBC TV covering COP27? 33,000 weirdies? Beach parties? Boozing in a Muslim country? 400 plus private jets? What are all these people actually DOING? No, of course not, it would be against the Narrative.

    • ThinkingScientist permalink
      January 10, 2023 6:24 pm

      The law of unintended consequences.

      So if ICE new car sales are banned from 2030 will we see a huge market for “second hand” grey imports with just one “previous owner” and delivery mileage on the clock?

    • HotScot permalink
      January 11, 2023 2:12 am


      “a bit O/T but did anyone see anything on BBC TV covering COP27?”

      That’s a really interesting question. I didn’t see anything and it was in November. Usually the BBC have it splashed across the front page, not just when it’s in Glasgow. Are they going dark on it as its so widely criticised for its excess and things are going so badly with energy prices in the UK they didn’t want to draw attention to it.

      Here’s another little prediction. Watch BBC Ukraine coverage going dark over the next few weeks as the Russian winter offensive progresses and Bakhmut is likely to fall over the next week or two. If the Russians start to push the Ukrainians back consistently I suspect its going to be relegated to the back pages under world news or politics.

      Make no mistake, I don’t like what’s going on there any more than anyone else but the fact is Russia has largely achieved its initial objective of securing eastern Ukraine. In the absence of any sign of peace talks they have no alternative but to push on and seize lands up to the Dnieper river which is a natural defence feature.

      I have watched videos of miserable Ukrainian soldiers with no provisions, freezing their butts off in foxholes, swearing they will go after Zelensky when this is all over.

  30. Douglas Dragonfly permalink
    January 10, 2023 2:56 pm

    So what are you really saying Giles ?
    Do we all need to get a horse now ?
    Won’t that cause problems too – only different ?

    Of course horse power delivered by a well designed internal combustion engine has been a great idea for many a year now…

  31. Ben Vorlich permalink
    January 10, 2023 3:09 pm

    And some people never learn
    Strictly star Helen Skelton left ‘stranded’ after having problems with electric car

    She added: “I had an electric car over a decade ago – a Nissan Leaf. It didn’t work out. I could never charge it and it was really impractical.”

    She then continued: “Over a decade later, an electric car – not working out. Can’t charge it and not for the first time…stranded.” In an unhappy tone, she then whispered: “I thought this was the future?”

    I presume she’s some sort of reality star?

  32. Realist permalink
    January 10, 2023 3:22 pm

    And yet my normal size 1966 (yes sixty six) 1600 cc petrol car had a range of over four hundred miles. A diesel would have been even better.
    Modern diesels (normal size, NOT city runabouts) have ranges in excess of one thousand kilometres.
    >>He will be over the moon to learn that it has “a range of up to 292 miles”. No need to tell him what that really means is “220 miles”.

  33. ancientpopeye permalink
    January 10, 2023 3:36 pm

    But still the sheepies buy them?

    • dave permalink
      January 10, 2023 4:05 pm

      Fat-cat sheep. A peculiar cross-breed.

  34. Micky R permalink
    January 10, 2023 6:01 pm

    Someone else’s Volvo diesel showing a calculated range approaching 1500 miles

    • Micky R permalink
      January 10, 2023 6:05 pm

      That link didn’t work, a variation:

  35. lordelate permalink
    January 10, 2023 6:24 pm

    We have 4 horses in the family, None would pull a cart for long, not that we have a cart so that would be more expense.Apart from the outrageous cost of bedding and food if they are not left out in the field all the time,they fill up a 500kg trailer of waste bedding and shti every week which I have to empty using my trusty 36 year old diesel 4×4.(I’m not suggesting it wieghs 500kg)

  36. marc permalink
    January 10, 2023 7:23 pm

    Ha bloody ha you knob,his wife and their kids deserve all they get living with Giles the bleeding virtue signalling green twerp,and this idiot wants to foist all the green nonsense onto us well i for one am glad it bit you in the ass and it just might wake up to what a fraud it all is.

  37. January 11, 2023 12:15 am

    A friend in Alberta just picked up her Tesla S. In time for winter. She’s already told me she is nervous about driving the 204 km round trip (2 1/2 hours door to door) visit and home even with a trickle charge halfway through.

    In this country a 1 hour 15 minute journey to somewhere hardly gets you out of the city suburbs.

    At this time, Ecars are only for the wealthy, multicar owning, virtue signaling naive, unfortunately.

  38. January 11, 2023 5:00 am

    Reblogged this on Calculus of Decay .

  39. Stephen Castle permalink
    January 11, 2023 12:30 pm

    Next he’ll be telling us that masks dont work and the vaccines arent much good.

  40. Edward Philip John Foster permalink
    January 11, 2023 5:57 pm

    A calculation I’ve done shows that a Tesla needs 40kg of coal to drive 200 miles.
    In the 1930s the fuel use of a 500 ton steam passenger express train in the uk was approximately 4000kg for 200 miles. Reducing it to a 2 ton load (the weight of a Tesla) this means 4000/250 kg = 16 kg. for 200 miles. Not good news for ‘energy saving’ nuts!

  41. Douglas Dragonfly permalink
    January 12, 2023 12:46 pm

    With woefully performing battery powered electric cars so unreliable , the rail unions standing up to their bullying masters; the British prime con artist desides to hell with net zero. The same goes for any horse and cart malarkey.
    Instead Sunak opts to rub carbon in the wounds of green meanies and opts for a 36 minute jet ride to a medical practice.
    Rishi Sunak’s RAF jet flight to Leeds ‘mocks climate pledges’, MPs say | Rishi Sunak | The Guardian”

  42. stevejay permalink
    January 16, 2023 1:53 pm

    Yet another instance of green cr*p, to stand alongside windmills, heat pumps and solar panels.

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