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An Adjustment Like Alice

March 15, 2012

By Paul Homewood



                                         Before                                                                          After


Not content with reducing past temperatures in the Arctic thus creating an artificial warming trend, GHCN have now been up to their tricks in Alice Springs down under in Oz.

A sharp drop in temperatures in 1976, confirmed in B.O.M. records, seems to have convinced the algorithm that adjustments were needed. The odd thing is that a similar rise in temperature in the following year did not do the same.

Other stations near to Alice show a similar drop in temperatures that year proving that it was not an anomalous reading, e.g. Jervois, the nearest station.




The adjustment has been slipped into the latest update, last week, unlike the Arctic ones which appeared in December. Evidently GHCN are still fiddling around with their software.

I have contacted the Ozzie Met for their comments. However, it is apparent that the latest version of GHCN is rapidly becoming a joke.

  1. March 18, 2012 12:16 pm

    I picked up on Alice Springs a week ago. The adjustment is a full 2.1°C to 1941, reducing through to 0.81°C in 2011. It’s not only GISS who’re “at it” – I noticed an anomalous 2010 “spike” in sea level in data for three Australian tide gauges, Darwin, NT, Carnarvon and Wymdham, both WA, and all to the NW, where sea level is already rising highest in OZ. The National Tidal Center (BOM) data remains unaltered, but PMSL have, without comment (unusual that) adjusted all 2010 months upwards by varying amounts All are adjusted by more than the 20th century global sea level rise! Shades of GISS indeed. I’ll email them to ask what they’re playing at.

  2. March 19, 2012 6:17 am

    That same sharp drop in 1976 was completely due to minima and occurred widely throughout Central Australia and Northern Australia. It was big enough to show up on the Australia-wide minima anomalies, and is especially plain when you compare north of the NT / SA border with south. It was a cold year, the coldest since 1951, and unequalled since. GISS would have to alter dozens of records throughout north Australia to remove this- watch out .
    Ken Stewart

  3. March 19, 2012 4:55 pm

    Great job, Paul…… keep up the great work!

  4. March 21, 2012 1:06 am

    Reblogged this on contrary2belief and commented:
    Historic adjustments at the BoM

  5. Ted G permalink
    March 21, 2012 4:19 am

    Paul the warmist are so in your face and blatant about the data/temperature fraud, The sickening part is it is condoned by Governments every where.

  6. Paul Matthews permalink
    May 10, 2012 11:55 am

    Paul, Check out Alice Springs now, either at GISS or at GHCN.
    It has changed completely!
    In your post here, based on the March version of the data, there was a past-cooling of about 2 degrees.
    But now in the May version of the data, the past temperature has been warmed.
    I am not sure if this means they are listening, or if the GHCN adjustment code is just functioning as a random number generator.

    Here are some numbers for Alice Springs Ave temp in Jan 1940 after GHCN adjustment.

    17 Jan 2012: 29.57
    11 March 2012: 27.78
    11 April 2012: 31.14

    So they have recently changed their Alice Springs temps by more than 3 degrees!


  1. Hansen Tampering Down Under Too | Real Science
  2. Man-made global warming at Alice Springs | Australian Climate Madness
  3. Hansen’s Hot Temp Time Machine Strikes Again In OZ « SOYLENT GREEN
  4. GHCN goes Terminator with past climate data « The right-wing liberal
  5. GHCN goes Terminator with past climate data « Virginia Virtucon

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