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Another Greenie Living In Dreamworld!

October 13, 2015

By Paul Homewood  





The world has a better chance of saving itself from catastrophic global warming now than at any time over the past two decades, according to the scientist behind some of the most alarming predictions ever made for the planet’s future.

Johan Rockström shocked environmentalists in 2009 when he identified nine categories of Nature that were essential for life as we know it, and warned that we had already crossed into dangerous territory on three of them – including climate change.

Rockström, an environmental science professor at Stockholm University and executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, has since transferred a fourth category, deforestation, to his list of “planetary boundaries” in the danger zone, which threaten irreversible, devastating consequences to the planet.

But he has had a dramatic change of heart over global warming, and is more optimistic that the worst of the threat can be contained than he has been since 1992.


And why?


His optimism is founded on the breakneck speed of innovation in wind and solar power in the past two to three years, which means that renewable energy is being deployed on a massive scale.


Really? I wonder what the actual data says?





You would be forgiven for getting out your magnifying glass to spot the contribution from wind and solar!


I wonder what qualifications you need to be an “Environmental Science Professor”? I’m thinking of enrolling the dog.

  1. rifleman1853 permalink
    October 13, 2015 1:03 pm

    “I wonder what qualifications you need to be an “Environmental Science Professor”? I’m thinking of enrolling the dog.”

    If professional goons such as Johan Rockström, Julia Slingo (“Our computer got it wrong again, but we’d have improved accuracy if we had a £97million super-computer”) and David Viner (“Snow will be a rare and exciting event in Britain!”) are anything to go by, your dog is hopelessly over-qualified, Paul.

    Sorry about that!

  2. October 13, 2015 1:08 pm

    You could do a lot worse than enrol the dog, Paul. Our Irish Setter always knew when it was going to rain when we lived in Cornwall. He was only wrong about twenty percent of the time – that was when it didn’t rain. Being Irish, to him it was bound to rain all the time!

    Keep up the good work!

  3. BLACK PEARL permalink
    October 13, 2015 1:26 pm

    Well I bet your dog would be barking up the ‘Right Tree’ unlike these ‘legend in their own mind’ environmental Professor types and would find a more practical use for the Turbines !

  4. October 13, 2015 1:32 pm

    There is very little course work of scientific substance. Most environmental studies programs are involved with sociology, psychology, mitigation, legal courses, etc. The “science” is fed to them environmental articles–highly lacking in substance and definitely one-sided. They are glorified “community organizers.” Even the discipline of “ecology” has been watered down to statistics, environmental computer modeling, etc. What these curricula lack is basic courses in organismal botany or zoology or geology, soils, hydrology….the things which explain vegetation patterns and requirements.

    A quote of Ronald Reagan is oh, so applicable here: ” The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they are ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

  5. October 13, 2015 1:41 pm

    “The world has a better chance of saving itself from catastrophic global warming now than at any time over the past two decades,”
    I’m glad we waited.
    Maybe we should wait some more.
    It might get even better down the line.

  6. DougS permalink
    October 13, 2015 2:36 pm

    Come on Paul, give your dog a bit more credibility. Don’t insult it with a non job!

  7. October 13, 2015 2:50 pm

    Funny! The world is still in a financial crisis (because of the AGW-hypothesis and mortgage bobble), so with less resources and more debt we are better equipped to solve future problem. Logic is obviously a bi..

  8. October 13, 2015 5:13 pm

    Thanks, Paul, for the good news. I though we were already all dead and in denial of it.

  9. John Corby permalink
    October 13, 2015 5:43 pm

    Go easy on the guy. This could be the first step in a general capitulation of the forces of alarmism. They can’t just back down so they must declare victory in the battle against CAGW and move on to other mischief.

  10. Kestrel27 permalink
    October 13, 2015 8:57 pm

    It’s cheering what a large proportion of the comments on this absurd article are from sceptics. The Indie buys an unquestioning and pretty extreme version of the alarmist view but it’s clear that those who read its articles do not. Perhaps sense is beginning to win at last. Or I may of course be being foolishly optimistic!

  11. Billy Liar permalink
    October 13, 2015 9:10 pm

    Why are the Nordic countries full of depressed academics who think the world will end unless we all live equally depressing lives? The guy needs to lighten up – he’s probably suffering from SAD.

  12. A C Osborn permalink
    October 14, 2015 11:26 am

    Master Resource also agrees with Paul.

    Analysis: depending on wind and solar energy sources is seriously misguided

  13. October 14, 2015 3:11 pm

    To Botanyjrg, I am a member of the UMASS at Lowell, Massachusetts on-line climate group. It is run by the faculty and those in climate studies supposedly are monitoring it. I have seen no posts or comments from the students in 3 years. Not one! Most of the posts are from on-line socialist media like Common Dreams. There is never any computational science, Studies that are posted are so full of holes, any intelligent individual could see them. I posted 3 times on the site until the moderator figured out I was not on their side. In a posting that I received, she apologized for missing the meaning of my submissions and promised that it would never happen again. This is an example of indoctrination, preventing the students from being exposed to any opposing views. I just might drive up there some day and see these people. I give the faculty a hard time for the nonsense they submit but there is no way I could change any of their minds. Their income depends upon this scam.

  14. dennisambler permalink
    October 15, 2015 10:11 am

    He is heavily involved with John Schellnhuber, climate adviser to the Pope.

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