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Ignoring Climate Alarmists, UK Government Promises More Flights And Bigger Airports

December 20, 2018

By Paul Homewood


GWPF carried the latest story from The Times:


The Department for Transport publishes a long-awaited aviation strategy today that pledges to deliver “greater capacity at UK airports”.

It raises the prospect of airports other than Heathrow growing and accepting more flights if tough environmental and noise restrictions are met.

The strategy also outlines plans for the biggest overhaul of Britain’s airspace in more than 50 years to create new flight paths into the biggest airports. GPS-style technology will allow aircraft to fly along more accurate paths below 30,000ft instead of being led by ground beacons, which space planes out over a wide arc several miles across.

It will mean a considerable increase to the 600 or so dedicated flight paths that are in operation today.

The move is likely to prove hugely controversial, with campaigners insisting that it will subject those households directly beneath the flight paths to unbearable noise levels. […]

Nats says that the number of flights in and out of the UK is expected to grow 700,000 to about 2.9 million by 2030. An aviation industry source told The Times: “We have one chance to get this right but we need government to take the lead. Too often they have shied away because politically it is very tough, but without them setting the policy framework it puts industry in an almost impossible situation.

“The simple truth is that without modernisation we will not be able to grow our industry.”

The government has already given outline approval for Heathrow to build a third runway, allowing an additional 260,000 take-offs or landings a year.

  1. December 20, 2018 12:07 pm

    Does “bigger airports” translate to more places to locate temperature gauges?

    • It doesn't add up... permalink
      December 21, 2018 11:42 am

      It probably imposes constraints on the location of taxiway turnoffs to be sure that any existing guage gets the full blast of the Trent 1000s.

  2. December 20, 2018 12:15 pm

    I would love to see hybrid technology in large jets, battery/electric mode for making landings and take-off quieter. This would be great for those living near airports, and it would be popcorn time for sceptics as “greens” realise that it would boost air travel, via night flights and absence of resistance to larger airports.

  3. Gerry, England permalink
    December 20, 2018 1:53 pm

    A prime example of government style ‘joined up thinking’. Still, with a couple of drones you can shut an airport down. I thought it was quiet this morning at the station.

  4. December 20, 2018 4:38 pm

    No sign of any 200-seat electric planes just yet 😆

  5. Graeme No.3 permalink
    December 20, 2018 9:38 pm

    The UK Government is just following the example set by The Maldives.

  6. mikewaite permalink
    December 20, 2018 9:51 pm

    On the 18th DEC the Times reports a Govt initiative for more airport capacity . On the 19th and 20th Dec drones appear at London’s second major airport, closing it down completely .
    Police claimed to be totally at a loss and call in the military.
    Tory minister baffled at the motive.
    In the past certain organisations have shown complete contempt at the public disruption and danger their vandalism has caused, confident that their activities would and will receive no judicial censure.
    Yet Tory minister and police are “baffled” by this incident.
    No they are not.

  7. It doesn't add up... permalink
    December 21, 2018 11:44 am

    Are they finally gearing up to cancel HS2?

  8. Pat permalink
    December 21, 2018 12:26 pm

    But I thought Brexit was going to shrink the economy! What then do we need more airport capacity for. Either they are confused or lying. I don’t rule out both.

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