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Trudeau’s nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

July 11, 2022

By Paul Homewood


Bad news for Canada:




Much like in the Netherlands, Justin Trudeau is bringing in a nitrogen emissions cap that will absolutely decimate Canadian farming.


Trudeau's nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

In December 2020, the Trudeau government unveiled their new climate plan, with a focus on reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% below 2020 levels by 2030.

“Fertilizers play a major role in the agriculture sector’s success and have contributed to record harvests in the last decade. They have helped drive increases in Canadian crop yields, grain sales, and exports,” a news release from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada reads.

“However, nitrous oxide emissions, particularly those associated with synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use have also grown significantly. That is why the Government of Canada has set the national fertilizer emissions reduction target, which is part of the commitment to reduce total GHG emissions in Canada by 40-45% by 2030….”

This is a tacit admission that any attempt to lower admissions by reducing nitrogen fertilizer will consequently lower crop yields over the next decade, hurting the Agriculture sector and, more importantly, hurting farmers.

And indeed, according to a report from Fertilizer Canada:

Total Emission Reduction puts a cap on the total emissions allowable from fertilizer at 30% below 2020 levels. As the yield of Canadian crops is directly linked to proper fertilizer application this creates a ceiling on Canadian agricultural productivity well below 2020 levels….

It is estimated that a 30% absolute emission reduction for a farmer with 1000 acres of canola and 1000 acres of wheat, stands to have their profit reduced by approximately $38,000 – $40,500/ annually.

In 2020, Western Canadian farmers planted approximately 20.8 million acres of canola. Using these values, cumulatively farm revenues from canola could be reduced by $396M – $441M on an annual basis. Wheat famers could experience a reduction of $400M.

Moreover, Fertilizer Canada doesn’t believe that forcibly decreasing fertilizer use will even lower greenhouse gases but could lead to carbon leakage elsewhere.

Nonetheless, Trudeau’s government is moving forward, with farmer’s groups speaking to Farmers Forum now wondering if he’s intentionally trying to cause a food shortage — which Trudeau previously told Canadians to prepare for.

“We’ve seen from the global pandemic to the war in Ukraine significant disruptions of supply chains around the world, which is resulting in higher prices for consumers and democracies like ours, and resulting in significant shortages and projected shortages of food and energy in places around the world,” Trudeau said.

“This is going to be a difficult time,” he continued, “because of the war, because of the recovery from the pandemic. And Canadians will do what we always do: we’ll be there for each other.”

Of course, reducing nitrogen emissions released by fertilizer crucial to the survivability of the agriculture sector isn’t the only target of Trudeau’s government. Every part of the economy has been negatively impacted by Trudeau’s climate agenda.

On April 1 — the same day he gave himself a raise — Trudeau decided to go ahead and jack up the carbon tax by an additional 25%, consequently increasing the price of practically everything.

As Alberta MP Shannon Stubbs wrote at the time in an article for The Counter Signal:

The Liberal government is hiking the tax-on-everything carbon tax while Canadians struggle like never before with skyrocketing prices for essentials like food and fuel, heating, and housing….

Of course, the Liberals claim the carbon tax is “revenue neutral.” Whether for governments or for Canadians, that’s just not true. The independent, non-partisan Parliamentary Budget Officer calculates the GST collected on carbon taxes at more than $200 million each year, which goes straight into government coffers. Years ago, Conservatives tried to end this tax-on-a-tax, but the Liberals wouldn’t budge.

Since boosting the carbon tax, gas prices have soared to over $2.00 per litre across Canada, with one Liberal candidate saying that the “silver lining” is that Canadians will be priced out of driving.

And as with other problems facing our crumbling economy, Trudeau doesn’t appear to be taking any actions to remedy it — unsurprising, as so often he is the root cause.


This is not about just Canadian farmers, of course. If other countries follow suit, how will the world’s poor be fed? If more land is farmed to make up for reduced yields, the emission savings will be offset by this new cultivation.

Canadian emissions of nitrous oxide are less than 5% of the country’s total GHGs, and just 0.06% of global ones, so Trudeau’s plan will make next to no difference anyway. It is purely virtue signalling.

  1. In The Real World permalink
    July 11, 2022 10:11 am

    Just like the Green loonies in Sri Lanka .
    Destroy the agriculture system , and then wonder why they have riots when there is no food being produced

    • catweazle666 permalink
      July 11, 2022 6:02 pm

      Yesterday the army had to rescue the President of Sri Lanka from an enraged mb attacking his palace and he has fled and resigned.
      Any chance of Turdeau going the same wy?

  2. Charlie Flindt permalink
    July 11, 2022 10:12 am

    “This is a tacit admission that any attempt to lower admissions by reducing nitrogen fertilizer will consequently lower crop yields over the next decade, hurting the Agriculture sector and, more importantly, hurting farmers.”

    And, even more importantly, the people who need the food – the public. Farming tends to be self-balancing – low yields boost prices and vice versa. I sit down with my output prices at the end of the selling year and multiply them by my yields off my 800 acres of England last harvest, and, more often than not, the gross output is the same – ish.

    And a shortage will – already has, it might be said- focus opinion on what the countryside is for. Is it for trees and ‘rewilding’, or is it to supply food?

    • Gerry, England permalink
      July 11, 2022 11:27 am

      I wonder what you make of the great rewilding project, the Knepp Estate? I was there last week as a forester and see it as a useful experiment from which we might learn some useful things but the way forward for farming it certainly is not. I guess the £1m they bring in from camping/glamping/safaris/holiday lets offsets the low output from the few cattle and pigs they have. Not to mention wads of taxpayer cash. But not every farm happens to be by a main road out of London.

      • Bill Berry permalink
        July 11, 2022 2:51 pm

        Mrs Knepp has said that the visitor incomes are essential. Only idiots will imagine this can work everywhere. There are many corporate idiots out there.

    • July 11, 2022 11:28 am

      Also, the countryside certainly shouldn’t be for solar farms or anaerobic digesters.

      • Gerry, England permalink
        July 11, 2022 11:39 am

        They only have a small bank of solar panels – perhaps they are not good for their main aim of bio-diversity.

      • Charlie Flindt permalink
        July 11, 2022 11:59 am

        Anaerobic digestors are the curse of every tenant farmer’s life. You’re sitting down with the landlord’s agent, trying to agree the rent for the next few years. You’ve been treating the place as your own your whole career, caring for it, not quarry farming it….and the agent will announce that he could get £xxx/acre if he let your land to the local AD plant for maize. They can afford it thanks to the subsidies. And £xxx/acre is a lot more than I can afford.

      • It doesn't add up... permalink
        July 11, 2022 1:59 pm

        There are orchards near me that were lost to a combination of high taxation on cider and grants for grubbing up, and the end of a multi year contract that was not renewed by the well known cider maker because of falling demand. Initially, an area was planted in maize. Following on from the maize crop it was replanted in fruit bushes which have failed to prosper compared with the land that was not subjected to maize.

  3. David Coe permalink
    July 11, 2022 10:15 am

    This paper, published almost a year ago, puts into perspective the influence of nitrous oxide and methane on the climate. It is negligeable!

    • Mikehig permalink
      July 14, 2022 12:31 pm

      Many thanks for that link! I have bookmarked your paper and will refer to it when pointing out the totally negligible impacts of CH4 and N2O. The money quote:
      “it is immediately clear that the impact of both CH4 and N2O is almost completely swamped by the combined overlapping absorption bands of H2O and CO2.”

  4. Ian Magness permalink
    July 11, 2022 10:22 am

    If I were, heaven forbid, cynical, I might start thinking that as the warmists have started to realise that their “global warming is/will destroy crop yields” meme is a complete load of manure, they have had to hit on another ruse to take crop yields back to the nineteenth century. Then, when yields have collapsed they will say “Look! See? We told you that the climate emergency would lead to starvation”.

  5. Martin Brumby permalink
    July 11, 2022 10:36 am

    In (yet again) a time of high inflation, it makes me wonder if an investment in tar and feathers futures would be helpful for my personal finances.

    But I think there would need to be a greater “turbulence” in the British Public to justify the risk.

  6. 186no permalink
    July 11, 2022 10:41 am

    The picture of Rutte with Trudeau should make sceptical folks firstly fearful and secondly angry; a Dutch family of our acquaintance thinks Rutte is a hero – they are not farmers which might cause them to think differently when they stock up from the shop with empty shelves. As a Dutch farmer on GB News stated, what happens when Dutch – and other western countries – food has to be imported from countries like Brazil where the rain forest takes a terminal hit – how stark raving bonkers is that?

    • dennisambler permalink
      July 11, 2022 11:26 am

      Whilst decrying the nonsense and deploring the greenie attempts to destroy farming in the UK, the Amazon hype is greatly overplayed as part of the AGW narrative:

      “Brazil: Ancient Amazon Actually Highly Urbanized” August 31st 2008
      “The report in Friday’s edition of the journal Science, describes clusters of towns and smaller villages that were connected by complex road networks and were arranged around large central plazas. Researches also discovered signs of farming, wetland management and fish farms in the ancient settlements that are now almost completely covered by rainforest.”

      “Stone age etchings found in Amazon basin as river levels fall”: 10 November 2010 Guardian
      “Archaeologists who have studied the photographs believe the art – which features images of faces and snakes – is another indication that thousands of years ago the Amazon was already home to large civilisations.

      “Eduardo Neves, president of the Brazilian Society of Archaeology and a leading Amazon scholar, said the etchings appeared to have been made between 3,000 and 7,000 years ago when water levels in the region were lower. The etchings were “further, undeniable evidence” that the region had been occupied by a significant number of ancient settlements and people.””

    • Gerry, England permalink
      July 11, 2022 11:30 am

      The Dutch will face the same problem as Sri Lanka when their food exports stop and they have no external income to pay for their imports. Sri Lanka made its living from tea exports. They collapsed due to their ecofascist president so the country is bankrupt.

  7. b.nice permalink
    July 11, 2022 11:28 am

    True-d’oh has studied the effect is Sri Lanka.

    It did exactly as required there.. so Canada(and the Netherlands) are next for the “treatment”.

    Good little WEF sock-puppet. !

  8. steve permalink
    July 11, 2022 11:31 am

    The sheer stupidity of our leaders worldwide is just astounding. Is there a competition amongst them for the best economy wrecking plan.Every day I read something that just leaves me speechless, when will the general population realise what is going on. Surely something has got to change, or will it take economic ruin and starvation to finally get people to take notice.

    • Dave Ward permalink
      July 11, 2022 11:48 am

      “When will the general population realise what is going on”

      Not until they stop reading, watching and listening to the mainstream media. Be honest, would you know about the situation in Sri Lanka or the Netherlands if you didn’t follow blogs like this? We’ve just lived through the single biggest brainwashing exercise in history, and still there are millions who believe all the scaremongering. The chances of making the majority of the population wake up to the real threat isn’t great…

  9. July 11, 2022 11:46 am

    The green agenda is the red agenda in disguise. Heard of Lysenko? This is all happening to starve the west with WEF and NATO approval.

  10. john cheshire permalink
    July 11, 2022 12:22 pm

    Our atmosphere contains approximately 78% Nitrogen. What are these cretins aiming for, zero nitrogen?
    How long before Oxygen is called a pollutant?

    • Beagle permalink
      July 11, 2022 2:15 pm

      Hi John , I was just thinking the same.

  11. scottm permalink
    July 11, 2022 2:15 pm

    The world elites are focussed on insects and foods created in factories, drive up the price of regular food and people will be happy to eat bugs and fake food.. Yum Yum Klaus and Gates are creaming their pants…

  12. GeoffB permalink
    July 11, 2022 2:30 pm

    I always understood that the problem was the hydrogen used by the Haber-Bosch process to make the ammonia needed for the fertiliser. The hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, mainly methane, although oil and coal work and high pressure steam, the by product is carbon dioxide. lots of it. This carbon dioxide is classed as benevolent and used in fizzy drinks and food preservation and our nuclear reactors….Advanced Gas cooled Reactors. Thats why the panic occured when the fertiliser company in UK threatened to stop production. Nitrous Oxide, which occurs in any combustion process, causing worrying pollution is a new one on me.

  13. Gamecock permalink
    July 11, 2022 2:51 pm

    ‘It is purely virtue signalling.’

    Quite the opposite. Trudeau is literally Reinhard Heydrich. Trudeau is showing Klaus and the other powers that be that he willing to kill people on their behalf. Trudeau expects WEF to take over the world, and he wants a high position.

  14. Stephen Lord permalink
    July 11, 2022 3:09 pm

    Once you have food shortages then you need rationing and the Gov has more control which is their goal.

  15. It doesn't add up... permalink
    July 11, 2022 4:32 pm

    A comparative note on Canada’s carbon tax. It is currently at Can$50/tonne CO2e, and scheduled to reach Can$170/tonne CO2e by 2030. Currently Can$1=£0.64, so the tax is £32/tonne CO2e which is well below current UK rates with UKA allowances trading at £80-90/tonne CO2e, but due to rise to £108.80/tonne CO2e by 2030.

    However, explicit carbon tax in the UK is not universal, whereas in Canada it is supposed to apply to all fuels. It is only applied to domestic aviation, while non aviation oil fuels are subject to duty that is mostly much more costly. Only some industries are subject to the full force of carbon taxes on their use. However, because carbon taxes are a cist that must be recovered by generators, it means that electricity market prices are mostly set by gas generation, so the effect is a tax on almost all electricity that is handed out as a backdoor subsidy to tenewables. The exceptions to this are the few hours when we have a large renewables surplus, and the hours where we have capacity shortages that send prices skyrocketing as we bid to keep supply over the interconnectors.

  16. It doesn't add up... permalink
    July 11, 2022 5:19 pm

    It’s likely to be tye exports that suffer first

    Calculated based on the overall $503.4 billion worth of products shipped from Canada in 2021, food exports amounted to a subtotal $60.2 billion or 12% of Canadian exported goods.

    The value of Canada’s international food shipments increased by 32.2% compared to 2017. Canada enjoyed a 19% uptick in food-related revenues from 2020 to 2021.

    The most valuable food category for Canadian shippers was cereals representing 14.5% of Canada’s food sales. The cereals product category was bolstered by higher global export sales particularly for wheat, and to a lesser extent barley, corn and oats.

    Canada was the world’s fourth-biggest exporter of wheat in 2021 trailing the United States, Russia and Australia.

    In second place were exports of oil seeds accounting for 14.3% of total value for Canadian food exports.

    Other major categories include meat led by Canada’s exports of pork and beef (12.5% of food total), fish and other seafood (10.5%), vegetables notably shelled and dried leguminous vegetables (9%), then animal or vegetable fats, oils and waxes (8.7%).


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