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UK Weather Extremes Always Were The Norm, National Trust!

December 29, 2022

By Paul Homewood


The whole purpose of the National Trust is to preserve the nation’s heritage.

So perhaps instead of spreading fake news about climate change, they should instead study a bit of history. For instance, what was going on in 1895, the year they were founded:

 The story that year was one of extreme weather from start to finish.

The first three months were intensely cold, with frequent falls of snow, which even continued into April. Gales were common too, with one particularly destructive one in England on 24th March.

Temperatures in May swung from one extreme to another, and then back again. Fine and warm at the start, snow in mid-month, before a heatwave when temperatures reached 87F in Cambridge.

June was another month of extremes, with sharp night frosts followed a week later by another heatwave, again with temperatures of 87F recorded.

The rest of the summer was dominated by heavy rainfalls and thunderstorms.

September was generally fine and warm, though a particularly severe thunderstorm hit on the 6th. The month was notable for a heatwave at the end of the month which broke records for the time of year. Overall September 1895 was a full degree warmer than its counterpart this year.

October began unusually mild with heavy rain, before turning very cold with frequent snow showers. The weather did not improve with the following month with gales and heavy rain prominent.

The year ended with more heavy rain and snow, but the month was also marked by frequent and severe gales. Pembroke, for instance, experienced 18 days of Force 7 winds and higher.

I am sure most of the National Trust’s visitors would much rather learn about the weather of the past, instead of being lectured about global warming!



















  1. Hugh Sharman permalink
    December 29, 2022 11:58 am

    Paul! Thanks so much! Please insist that the present management at National Trust respond publicly to this remarkable research

  2. Brian permalink
    December 29, 2022 12:06 pm

    The National Trust management has abandoned any pretense at an objective study of history, preferring to jump on board the ‘woke’, anti-colonialist, racist-empire narrative bus. When confronted with a sizeable movement of opinion against them, the NT Council rigged the voting system at the AGM to ensure that members’ voices were not heard. Join ‘Restore Trust’ to work for an NT that sticks to its original principles.

    • Gary permalink
      December 29, 2022 3:11 pm

      Agreed, I am appalled at the way that democracy has been subverted by the NT. The more support that Restore Trust can get, the better.

    • Roy Hartwell permalink
      December 30, 2022 12:26 pm

      My wife and I, long term members of the NT, filled in our voting forms and sent them in only to find they were totally irrelevant as the voting had been carefully manipulated to ensure nothing from Restore Trust was even debated. The NT is now an absolute disgrace !! But all to ‘relevant’ to today’s society!!

  3. MrGrimNasty permalink
    December 29, 2022 12:22 pm

    The China drought was one of this year’s climate scares.
    Worst ever? So where are the deaths in the millions as has repeatedly happened in the past, sometimes decades long droughts! Either the drought isn’t really that bad, or people were saved by modern civilisation made possible by fossil fuels.

  4. Mike Post permalink
    December 29, 2022 12:40 pm

    And the year before the National Trust was founded there was the great Thames flood of 1894 which was worse even than 1947:

  5. Harry Passfield permalink
    December 29, 2022 1:24 pm

    Well done, Paul! (Will have to call you ‘ferret’ from now on!). That was a great piece of digging – almost paleontology!
    I really hope you can get this post in front of as many on the ‘Notional Trust’ board as possible. They seem to think they don’t have to work for our money.

  6. December 29, 2022 2:10 pm

    Reblogged this on Climate Collections.

  7. December 29, 2022 2:22 pm

    I was asked in TalkTV to discuss this last night. These points were made. The rather interesting point, if you read their press release, is that they are effectively claiming they must stop natural change and weather events impacting natural wild life, as their mission. Really? Wonder how their sky is falling delusional Dr Clack would cope with the last/Eemian interglacial, when there were Hippos in the Thames, Elephants and cave Lions roamed the South of England, how to preserve them? Can this overt drivel get any more delusional and so self evidently unsupported by the data we have to test it against? Don’t ordinary people see this? The new science made up in models does not appear to require its claims to be supported by observations, predictions of models take precedence over reality, andits unknowing priest proeletise the belief to the hard of thought masses, with NO evident understanding of how science must be proven, n by observations, not by assertions based in nonwon relationships,.

  8. December 29, 2022 2:45 pm

    Sorry about the typos. Too hasty. Try again.

    I was asked on TalkTV to discuss this last night. The above points were all made, and many more related points. Including what lies behind the IPCC’s pseudo science fraud. Those quoted need to check the facts before spewing out hysterical drivel on the facts to the public. How can such people as Ben Clack have a PhD, when he clearly has no grasp of basic scientific method? The rather interesting point, if you read their press release, and ignore the obvious drivel talked about exceptional and extreme events that happen regularly in UK climate, is he also appears to claim the National Trust must stop natural change and weather events impacting natural wild life, as their mission. Control nature. Almost as daft as claiming to control the climate.

    Wonder how their sky is falling delusional Dr Clack would cope with the last/Eemian interglacial, when there were Hippos in the Thames, Elephants and cave Lions roamed the South of England. How to preserve them? Can this overt drivel get any more delusional and so self evidently unsupported by the increasing mass of real observational data we have to test it against? Don’t ordinary people see this? The new science made up in models does not appear to require its claims to be supported by observations, predictions of its fanciful fictional models take precedence over reality, and unknowing priests such as the wretchedly ignorant Clack et al, who clearly know next to nothing about climate data or the related deterministic physics, proselytize their simple false beliefs to the hard of thought masses, with NO evident understanding of how science must be proven, by multiple independent observations rather. than assertions based on presumptive parameterisations that simply ignore significant known cause and effect to prefer very improbable relationships.

  9. December 29, 2022 4:07 pm

    “The year ended with more heavy rain and snow, but the month was also marked by frequent and severe gales. Pembroke, for instance, experienced 18 days of Force 7 winds and higher.”

    But . . . . . . the Met Office didn’t name the gales, so this doesn’t count as extreme weather caused by climate change.

    • eastdevonoldie permalink
      December 30, 2022 2:58 pm

      The ‘new’ Met Office method of issuing Yellow warnings and giving names to every bit of bad weather allows the eco-warriors to proclaim how things are so much worse than they use to be.

  10. Colin permalink
    December 29, 2022 4:22 pm

    87°F in May! Here in Aberdeen we’ve yet to get that sort of heat ANY time of the year though according to Met projections we’ll have a warmer climate than Cambridge is now by 2050.

  11. M Fraser permalink
    December 29, 2022 5:04 pm

    BBC radio today, ‘Inside science’ programme, frighteningly warped and biased programme, I quote ‘we need to take measurements to make sure they match the modelling’!
    Not a balanced view to be heard.

    • It doesn't add up... permalink
      December 29, 2022 8:19 pm

      “Up a bit, up a bit… now we have a match. Record it!!

  12. December 30, 2022 12:12 pm

    I don’t imagine the NT has a clue one way or the other about weather and climate. But in common with virtually every other charity and public body, it uses the threat of climate change as a way to demand more and more money.

  13. eastdevonoldie permalink
    December 30, 2022 3:03 pm

    A sign of just haw bad the CC propaganda now is the Met Office definition of a White Christmas:

    “According to the Met Office, any single snow flake falling at any time during the 24 hour period of Christmas Day anywhere in the British Isles constitutes a white Christmas.”

  14. December 31, 2022 6:05 am

    Reblogged this on Calculus of Decay .

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