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Chinese Study Confirms MWP and LIA

December 21, 2011


A Chinese research project has studied climatic fluctuations during the last 5000 years in China. Its key findings are :-


  • The temperature for most of the period has been 2C higher than present.
  • During the last 2000 years there have been swings in temperatures of between 2C and 3C.
  • Colder intervals occurred around 100 BC, 400 AD, 1200 AD and 1700 AD.
  • Warmer intervals occurred around 200 AD and 900 AD.
  • The 20thC warming is of a smaller magnitude than the MWP.



This is the full abstract.



CHU KO-CHEN (CO-CHING CHU) (Academia Sinica)

The world climate during the historical times fluctuated. The numerous Chinese historical writings provide us excellent references in studying the ancient climate of China. The present author testifies, by the materials got from the histories and excavations, that during Yin-Hsu at Anyang, the ammal temperature was about 2℃ higher than that of the, present in most of the time. After that came a series of up and down swings of 2—3℃ with minimum temperatures occurring at approximately 100 B. C. (about the end of the Yin Dynasty and the beginning of the Chou Dynasty), 400 A. D. (the Six Dynasties), 1200 A. D. (the South Snug Dynasty), and 1700 A. D. (abont the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Ching Dynasty). In the Han and the Tang Dynasties (200 B. C.—220 A. D. and 600—900 A. D.) the climate was rather warm. When the world climate turned colder than usual, it tended to begin at the Pacific coast of Eastern Asia, propagating as a wave westward, through Japan and China, to the Atlantic coast of Europe and Africa. When the world temperature recovered, it tended to propagate eastward from the west. A fuller knowledge of the climatic fluctuations in historical times and a good grasp of their laws would render better service to the long-range forecasting in climate.


The full papers are here.




Jo Nova has details of another Chinese study, this time in Tibet. This seems to come to similar conclusions, as this graph shows.



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