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Hail Obama! – Global Warming Departs America

August 14, 2013

By Paul Homewood



Well he promised to fix the climate, so credit where credit’s due!


A year ago the Grauniad were warning us that :-




Meanwhile the communists went further.




They have been pretty quiet this year though, as the Obama magic has gone to work, and temperatures to July are below the 30-Year average. Be grateful, peasants!





For anyone who denies the global warming scam is not part of the left wing agenda, have a closer look at the “Climate & Capitalism” site above. There is a long list of tags to “Cuba”.




Let’s look at one on the list.




Viva Viva!!!

I am sure that any minute half of the citizens of Miami will be leaping on their surfboards to escape the wicked capitalists and return home to Castro’s paradise.

  1. PhilJourdan permalink
    August 14, 2013 8:24 pm

    Freudian slip?

    part of the left wind agenda


  2. August 14, 2013 9:08 pm

    “I am sure that any minute half of the citizens of Miami will be leaping on their surfboards to escape the wicked capitalists and return home to Castro’s paradise.”

    Why on earth would they do that when they can all stay at home, buy into United Fruit and milk the peasants?

  3. August 15, 2013 1:04 am

    To Defend Life We Must Abolish Capitalism” OMG!

    Some of this stuff is really scary. Note, it’s always capitalism and quality of life that “has to be” sacrificed. I suppose they have to supress the people before they can cull them, because humanity is next, no mistake.

    It’s got to be a severe mental illness, or severe oppression and manipulation that makes people hate humanity so. How horrible it must be to be stuck in that mind-set.

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