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Brave Guardian Reporter Suffers As Douglas Mawson Did

December 28, 2013

By Paul Homewood




“Like explorer Douglas Mawson 100 years ago, Alok Jha and the expedition he joined face a long wait to be rescued


Pardon? Are they REALLY comparing you with an explorer who went through months of absolute hell, and without any assurance that he would EVER be rescued?

The explorer who saw his two colleagues DIE, while hundreds of miles from safety?

The explorer who had to eat his huskies to survive, hauled himself out of a crevice in the ice, and then march on his own for a month through hell, with feet stripped of flesh and frostbite before he found refuge? And then found that his ship had sailed for home, so had to spend a second winter in succession in wooden huts?


You, Alok Jha, will likely be “rescued” in the next day or so. While you wait, you will while away the time in comfortable cabins, with plenty of heat and food, and very little exertion.

And meanwhile, one of your pathetic fellow passengers describe your predicament:


Janet Rice, the Green party senator-elect for Victoria, Australia, who has been on board the ship since it left New Zealand, said: "I understand why people might be concerned, but the feeling today on board the ship is like a summer holiday when the weather is bad, when you’re stuck inside reading books and playing Scrabble. We’ve been assured that we’re in no danger and it’s just a matter of waiting."



Somehow, I can’t see Douglas Mawson describing his two years there as “ a summer holiday”.

Shame on the Guardian for printing such insulting rubbish.

  1. December 29, 2013 12:22 am

    And what is that is keeping them warm in the meantime? A piece of industrial technology, called a ship, powered by fossil fuel, called diesel. I wonder if they’re grateful yet for these things that they usually speak of so lowly.

  2. John F. Hultquist permalink
    December 29, 2013 1:32 am

    I sensed a world of difference between Janet Rice’s statement and that of — who?
    Seems like a headline writer back in London wrote about Alok Jha. I haven’t watched the video – maybe that explains better.

    I think the whole lot of them should have to pay for all the rescue costs and the problems inflicted on those who left other tasks to help. Russia has just emptied some jail cells. These folks could occupy them until, say, the June Solstice. They keep reporting they intend to continue their mission after the rescue. The only goal they have is to make headlines. Leave the ship there. Take the people to jail. Lots of news. No real mission loss.

  3. Scott Scarborough permalink
    December 29, 2013 3:15 am

    The weakest ones can always be eaten.

    • Alan Robertson permalink
      December 29, 2013 8:04 pm

      Ah, yes- the sea leopard’s dream.

  4. December 29, 2013 5:10 am

    Reblogged this on pindanpost and commented:
    The wind won’t help much either, other than to pile more ice on:,-0.80,302

  5. December 29, 2013 9:24 am

    A climate change opportunist named Turney,
    Was the tour guide for an Antarctic journey,
    He trapped in the Ice his environmental tourists,
    and diverse other journalists and warmists,
    For the ice had little time for his dumb theory.

  6. HotScot permalink
    November 30, 2016 7:41 pm

    I was amused by the 2013 Guardian article by Alok Jha on his being ‘stranded’ in the Antarctic.

    The following passage was particularly funny: “The nature of Antarctica is very different to the rest of the world – everything is at a bigger scale. Storms are ever present, the rate at which they shift is very unpredictable because there is so much ocean around. At the edge of the continent you have strong weather systems and the speed at which things can happen is astronomical. It’s so far outside our normal frame of reference.”

    So, there’s a clue here, it’s effing cold, cold as fcuk, therefore storms and unpredictable weather can be associated with……well, cold weather.

    Thankfully the rest of the planet (excluding the Arctic of course which has it’s own effing cold, unpredictable, extreme weather) is considerably warmer and suffers less from concentrated, unpredictable weather patterns.

    Conclusion? Warm, is good, a lot better than the alternative. No matter what man does, one way or the other, at one point, mother nature is going to take over and direct us into warm or cold, there is no choice, we cannot possibly forestall the inevitable. However, if we bugger about anymore, with what we have, than we have already, it will be like an elastic catapult. We will be pinged to our fate as fast as a paper pellet in a school classroom, giving us no time to adapt.

    Why does the bleeding obvious constantly elude these supposedly intelligent people?

    • HotScot permalink
      November 30, 2016 7:43 pm

      PS “We will be pinged to our fate as fast as a paper pellet in a school classroom”

      Actually, that’s rubbish as it’s arrogant to even imagine mankind has any meaningful effect on climate change.


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