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UK Gas Power Plants Feel The Squeeze

April 14, 2015

By Paul Homewood   




PEI report:


The threatened closure of Killingholme 2 combined cycle turbine plant is set to make the UK more reliant on power plants that already make a major contribution to the country’s power generation.
Paul Verrill, director of energy data specialists
EnAppSys, told Power Engineering International the potential closure at Killingholme 2 (E.ON), following on from other potential closures at plants such as Killingholme 1 (Centrica), Brigg, Barry and Peterborough, highlights the varying degrees of success for CCGT plants within the GB power market.



“At one end of the market three of the most utilised plants, Damhead Creek, Marchwood and Pembroke – which provide 13.6 per cent of the CCGT capacity in the market, provided 34.5 per cent of total generation in February 2015. By contrast a set of plants including Brigg, Barry, Killingholme 2 (E.ON), Peterborough, Peterhead and Rye House – which provided 12.4 per cent of the CCGT capacity in the market – provided just 0.3% of power output over the same period.
“With the UK’s electrical demand falling back to levels not seen since the early 1990s in this post-recession era and with the rise of imports of power from Europe and generation from wind farms, the demand for generation from CCGT plants has fallen even as coal plants have closed over time.
“Without sufficient support from the Capacity Mechanism – with these closing plants having fallen outside of the auctioned capacity – such levels of generation are unlikely to support these plants with cheaper OCGT [open cycle gas turbine] and gas engine plants more likely to dominate the fringes of the GB market.”

  1. saxonboy permalink
    April 14, 2015 11:19 am

    The Green / Marxist anti capitalist doctrine is finally doing what it was designed to do over thirty years ago when it was spawned from the Gaia / Hippy era, namely to degrade all Fossil Fuel dependant industries and take us back in time to an Agrarian existence via ‘Sustainability’……code for Windfarms and Solar

    All those involved in the UK energy sector need to be very worried about their future job prospects, the Greens Degrowth agenda poses a threat not just to the Uk’s energy security but national security also.

    Stranded Assets..

    Transition to Degrowth..

    Windfarms and Solar paradoxically need Degrowth to survive and flourish….

    The Oil and Gas sectors of the UK have been hoodwinked by the Greens to press the self destruct button.

  2. April 14, 2015 11:49 am

    “With the UK’s electrical demand falling back ” ..I wonder if that means that in addition to moving abroad factories have built/are using their own power plants , rather than use the grids that its grid demand that is falling rather than overall electrical use.

    • saxonboy permalink
      April 14, 2015 12:45 pm

      All fits nicely into the UK Degrowth strategy of the Greenies tho Stew, all part of the attack on UK growth and profitability.

      This Green subsidised folly is going to bankrupt not only the EU but almost certainly the UK on this trajectory.

  3. Herve D permalink
    April 14, 2015 2:49 pm

    Did Greens ever consider that shrinking UK industrial production will also shrink Government incomes and consequently, will reduce Greens’ revenues?
    They are sawing the branch they are sitting on….

    • Saxonboy permalink
      April 14, 2015 6:16 pm

      They are indeed H, but to the maniac Greens, the damage wrought on our economy is a price worth paying . Ideology transcends reason…every time .

  4. realist10 permalink
    April 14, 2015 5:17 pm

    Herve D

    Saxon boy’s blog is that is PRECISELY their agenda, vote Green and the UK and our western economy will be set further on the path of serious energy shortages, but think VERY VERY carefully about this …

    Whoever controls the distribution of the limited ‘wonderful’ renewable energy available in the DARK new dawn of the green Gaia age, where those high priests of ‘Mother Earth’ worshippers rule supreme and any opposition is highly likely to be ruthlessly suppressed Will hold the keys to REAL power.

    Wind farm proliferation and the tactics used by developers are jus one testimony to this.

    This whole project has been in gestation for years, formed by the likes of Fleming via the EU now propagated by amongst others Hopkins, under the cover of the stealth Transition movement, aided and abetted by certain politicians and key players across the Globe, which are systematically planning nothing less than PERMANENT degrowth, which is a cover term for progressively deeper recession, resulting in severe poverty & subsistence living based, on highly rationed energy supplied, to those who comply with the status quo ..

    Why do you think the green lobby really advocate the deployment of smart meters, it is NOT actually to help consumers control their energy usage, but to control the supply of energy to consumers, that is to each and every one of us.

    In this new dawn of green control, Your energy consumption will be rationed so you will have to fit your domestic activities around the dictates of those flicking the switches and think about this, if your face doesn’t fit….

    You also need to understand the real background to Agenda 21, YES these are seriously dangerous times, not because of so called global warming or climate change, but the underlying agenda of those who are using this to be a ‘scientifically tested and quantified’ cover to turn western industrial civilisation back to the green degrowth dark ages, YOU ARE BEING WARNED the time it wake up is NOW..

    This post may sound incredibly extreme, but sadly there have been many other instances throughout history where under the cover of “It is time to act for the common good” the most horrendous & heinous crimes against humanity have been perpetrated.

    • Saxonboy permalink
      April 14, 2015 6:06 pm

      Weighty stuff Reality, but most of it does , unfortunately have a certain unpalatable truth about it. Earth Science represents something very sinister indeed. Real science has been sidelined for the common good once again.

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