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Coal Statistics For 2014

July 30, 2015

By Paul Homewood 




We’ve already reviewed the BP Energy Review, but I want to look at the coal statistics in a bit more detail.

Note that all the numbers are expressed as million tonnes oil equivalent. According to BP, the conversion factors are approximately 1.5 tonnes of hard coal and 3 tonnes of lignite for each tonne of oil.


First, the global breakdown.





China accounts for just over half of global consumption, and 94% of their usage is produced domestically.


The next graph shows how the growth in Chinese coal consumption since 2001 has dwarfed what has been going on in the rest of the world.





Finally, let’s look at how the EU breaks down.




Unsurprisingly, German consumption is way above any other, accounting for 29% of EU consumption, followed by Poland.

Since 2001, EU coal consumption has fallen by a modest 17%.

It is worth noting that coal supplies 25% of total primary energy consumption in Germany, compared to 16% in the UK, 20% in the US and 66% in China.

  1. A C Osborn permalink
    July 30, 2015 6:11 pm

    Yes Germany are showing the rest of the EU how to generate “Clean Energy”.
    You close your Nuclear Plants and use Lignite instead.
    So for all their Wind & Solar they are still putting out more polution than when they were running their Nucs flat out.
    I am of course not just talking CO2, which is NOT polution.

  2. July 30, 2015 6:59 pm

    I suppose that’s why it is sometimes referred to as King Coal.

    if we really wanted a cleaner world and a safer world, we would be moving away from coal and to nuclear and natural gas.

  3. John F. Hultquist permalink
    July 30, 2015 8:27 pm

    The search is on for dilithium crystals. These have only good characteristics. As soon as we find some all the world’s troubles will go away.

  4. AndyG55 permalink
    July 30, 2015 10:14 pm

    Hey, not fair in that first sector diagram…

    .. Just because us Aussies don’t USE a big % of world coal we get dumped in ROW !!!.

    Can you show a graph of production, please.

    I want to show that we are doing our bit for world CO2 levels. 🙂

    • AndyG55 permalink
      July 30, 2015 11:43 pm

      Looks like we are now 4th on coal production, overtaken by Indonesia in 2014.

      Still, we are doing our bit for plant life. 🙂

    • July 31, 2015 7:07 am

      Do exports of coal count in the global madhouse of carbon footprinting?
      If so the USA is also increasing its contribution by exporting the coal that it used to burn to power stations that are less efficient than those that used to burn it + transport + wood exports, but that will probably be covered up like their other worldwide transgressions.

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