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The Decade When It Rained, And Rained, And Rained

December 30, 2015

By Paul Homewood   


According to the “experts”, global warming means higher rainfall for the UK. If so, it must have been mighty warm in the 1870’s! 



1) Wettest year – 1872





2) Wettest decade – 1870’s




3) Most years with >1000mm





4) Wettest Summer in South East England – 1879





5) Wettest Autumn in Central England – 1875





6) Wettest Winter in North East England – 1877





7) Wettest Year in North West England & North Wales






NB There are five regions in the above HADUKP data, so only SW England & S Wales fails to appear with a record. This regional data only starts in 1873, so misses out on the record wet year of 1872, which almost certainly would have set more records.


Victorian Floods in Windsor

Of course, there were no TV crews around in the 1870’s to spread their message of calamity. However, the Royal Windsor website has an interesting set of engravings and reports, collected from the Illustrated London News, of floods in the area in the 19thC. The full set is here, but these are the entries for the 1870’s:









I don’t suppose Disraeli blamed all this on CO2!





England & Wales Rainfall series

  1. December 30, 2015 11:35 pm

    Paul, my complements on your relentless pursuit of climate truth. So, we do not know to the 1/10th mm of a rain gauge not yet designed, what the precipitation was. But we do know that buildings, roads, parking lots and such reduce water percolation into soils and increases flood potential.
    So your qualitative observational findings are more than convincing to all but the religious warmunists worshiping their models as data. Unfortunately, the UK seems to have a disproptionate share of them. Perhaps soon regretably overwhelmed by Middle East Muslim refugees with distinctly other priorities.
    Ancient Chinese curse (roughly translated by my daughter, who double majored in Chinese and mythology at Harvard’s Yen Ching Institute and spent a summer travelling China speaking only learned Chinese at PRC guest student expense rather than mine):
    May you live in interesting times.
    We do.
    Regards and Happy New Year.

  2. December 30, 2015 11:55 pm

    Evidently, this England and Wales Precipitation data base is in urgent need of homogenization and adjustment, I expect it will happen soon.
    That makes the graphic evidence so important.
    Thanks for the good work in 2015, and a Happy New year to you and yours!

  3. December 30, 2015 11:57 pm

    Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    The only difference between 1870’s and today being that today everyone has a mobile phone to record disaster, more people and property in harms way, and an alarmist media and corrupt scientific community filled with self-loathing and capitalist hatred citing colourless, odourless, trace gas and plant food ‘CO2’ as the enemy.

  4. December 31, 2015 12:04 am

    Reblogged this on WeatherAction News and commented:
    Great stuff Paul. 1876-1877 had weather that would have the climate alarmists frothing.

    I have also noted, as you did, the similarities with the winds and precipitation that winter in the UK;

    The Great Global Weirding of 1876/7

  5. December 31, 2015 1:03 am

    The only way to counteract propaganda is by constant counterfactual messageing. Any individual point is ineffectual. Success lies in the consistent pointing out of a disconnect between what is being told and what common experience has shown. This is why the governors and the alarmists hate the Internet. Too many people saying the same thing, not in specifics but in generalities: that climate change is not as assured to be from a-CO2 or as dangerous as portrayed.

    When your credibility is based on certainty, doubt is the enemy. The average warmist doesn’t understand this. He thinks his credibility is based on fact. Big difference, the difference meaning that inconvenient facts and questions collapse his case. If your case is really based on facts, the universe has to be changed to collapse your position. A little more difficult.

    • December 31, 2015 1:04 am

      I meant to say, excellent work! A brick in the wall. I got sidetracked.

  6. December 31, 2015 6:58 am

    Reblogged this on Wolsten and commented:
    I have said it before many times but it is shameful that we have to rely on independent and unpaid bloggers like Paul Homewood to report objectively on the weather. That the BBC cannot make simple historical comparisons like this ought to be a scandal but they get away with it because politicians of all colours welcome the spotlight being directed away from their shortcomings.

  7. David Richardson permalink
    December 31, 2015 8:30 am

    Excellent as always Paul – Thank you.

    I wish you and yours a great New Year. All the best of wishes for 2016 and well beyond.

  8. December 31, 2015 10:14 am

    Another thing is that the amount of rain falling in say, the North West and Wales, or even in England and Wales, in any particular time period is essentially random and therefore cannot be used as evidence of “Climate Change”,
    Rain which falls on land in one year, may fall on the sea in another, and as far as I know there are no data for rainfall at sea. With radar it would presumably be possible to collect such data nowadays, but there would be no equivalent data for the past for comparison.

  9. Jackington permalink
    December 31, 2015 10:18 am

    Thank you Paul for another year of erudition and entertainment. May the force continue to be with you. I’ll pop another Postal Order in he post!

  10. December 31, 2015 4:35 pm

    After the Somerset floods in 1914 I constructed some control charts for Winter rain, and they suggest all we are getting is normal British Weather.

    Has The UK Had Exceptional Winter Rainfall Or Is It Just Weather As Normal?

    See them at

  11. johnbuk permalink
    December 31, 2015 11:44 pm

    Thanks Paul, to think I used to play golf at Home Park 20 years or so ago when I lived and worked in London. Lots of deer and swans around to avoid, as well as the bunkers.
    Thanks for all you do all year round – a very happy new year to you.

  12. January 1, 2016 4:35 pm

    The decadal moving average for the HadUKP England and Wales series, conceals the fact that the annual figure for 1768 was 1247.3 mm, only slightly short of highest year on record of 1284.9 mm in 1872.
    Also, the division of decades into ones ending in zero, hides the fact that the 10 years ending 1776 averaged 9931 mm, against the 9778 mm of the 1870’s.
    Actually I am a bit puzzled how your graph shows over 10000 mm for the 1870’s when strictly speaking I think that figure was for 1874-1883, with a total of 10172 mm.
    Personally I prefer to use a rolling 10 year period as this avoids the loss of this detail.
    It is a shame that UKMO figures only go back as far as 1766 but I recently came across reference to the “EMID” (East Midland) data series which appear to go back further, in this EA report, although I haven’t been able to find a source of the actual data files.

    Click to access scho1206blsm-e-e.pdf

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