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Booker On Offshore Wind Power

January 1, 2018

By Paul Homewood



Yesterday, Booker led with a follow up to the ASA/Greenpeace offshore wind story from last week:


A weird propaganda blitz, widely publicised again last week, is trying to persuade us that the cost of power from wind farms has been “tumbling” so fast that wind has now replaced coal as our “cheapest” source of electricity.

This began in October when Greenpeace and various wind companies plastered Westminster Underground station, the one most used by MPs, with posters claiming that the cost of offshore wind had halved in the past five years. This was so laughably untrue that the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) complained to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) that the claim was based only on figures that include “tentative future wind projects” that might not even be built.

Even this year there were times on windless days when all our 8,140 wind turbines contributed barely one per cent to our needs.

Last week, the ASA emailed the GWPF to say that Greenpeace has now agreed not to repeat its claim; which means that the ASA does not now have to issue a formal ruling that this boast was bogus. In fact, official figures show that, far from falling, the price we all pay for offshore wind electricity can be up to £161 per megawatt hour, three-and-a-half times the current wholesale market rate. In the next four years, our offshore subsidy bill is due to more than double, from £1.4 billion a year to £3.1 billion.

As for the further boast that on 263 days this year wind contributed more electricity than coal, this is hardly surprising; the Government has been doing all it can with regulations and “carbon taxes” to close down our coal-fired power stations, which until two years ago were still supplying 30 per cent of our electricity. Yet on the coldest night of the year, two weeks before Christmas, those few coal plants that remain were still having to supply around 20 per cent of our needs, with nearly 50 per cent more coming from gas, the other fossil fuel that the Government wants to see phased out. Even this year there were times on windless days when all our 8,140 wind turbines – put together earning billions in subsidies – contributed barely one per cent to our needs.

So if we still have to rely on those hated fossil fuels when the wind isn’t blowing, how can we guarantee that our lights will stay on when they are gone? The only response we get from those propagandists is that they want even more  subsidies for “renewables”.

  1. January 1, 2018 11:47 am

    And yet again today, the Telegraph tells us that wind turbines continue to be paid billions not to generate electricity when thousands of consumers are freezing in the dark. The practice is defended by National Grid and RenewableUK with this lie:
    “It’s very easy to turn a wind turbine on or off compared to other forms of generation such as a nuclear power station. That is partly why the National Grid sometimes calls on wind developers to constrain their power.”
    No, it is not easy to turn a wind turbine on when the wind is not blowing. And it is very easy to turn a nuclear power station on or off. They have been doing it very successfully for over 50years.

  2. Rowland H permalink
    January 1, 2018 11:49 am

    Well, Claire Perry has been regularly getting in the neck from me on the subject but she is fully signed up to this religion. I would have more respect for our government if they stopped spraying our money around with complete abandon in the futile attempt to combat climate change and sorted out our waste management – not least since the problem of plastic waste has hit the headlines.

  3. Phoenix44 permalink
    January 1, 2018 11:57 am

    I am quite happy to use the cheapest form of electricity generation, provided it is also reliable. If wind is the cheapest, then sell it to us at lower rates than the alternatives and I can judge that by my bill.

    But if my bill keeps going up as coal is phased out and renewables increase, I am not going to believe the claims.

    • January 2, 2018 9:05 am

      Anything can be made ‘cheap’ with a big enough subsidy. But someone has to pay for the subsidy i.e. electricity users.

      • Gerry, England permalink
        January 2, 2018 1:46 pm

        Or the cheaper alternative made expensive by taxes.

  4. Dung permalink
    January 1, 2018 12:23 pm

    The government sees no need to answer our questions however intelligent or well informed the questioner might be. There is no political party available with an alternative policy.

    • dave permalink
      January 1, 2018 2:40 pm

      “No business can improve unless it pays the closest possible attention to complaints and suggestions.”

      Henry Ford.

      But you must first believe you NEED to improve.

      • Gerry, England permalink
        January 2, 2018 1:49 pm

        Getting through to our morons in parliament is the problem due to their defensive bubble that bounces away all attempts to educate them. They are willfully ignorant. But where do we find the replacements?

    • Rowland H permalink
      January 1, 2018 3:11 pm

      There is hope since UKIP is regrouping under a new leader with highly impressive credentials – Henry Bolton OBE! see him on youtube. I assume they still want to repeal the CC Act.

  5. January 1, 2018 1:39 pm

    Reblogged this on Wolsten.

  6. Sheri permalink
    January 1, 2018 2:26 pm

    Living with renewables:

    Lights out

  7. Bitter@twisted permalink
    January 1, 2018 4:09 pm

    If wind was really so cheap it wouldn’t need subsidies or a carbon tax to make it look competitive.
    Lying- it’s what greens do.

  8. Markl permalink
    January 1, 2018 7:36 pm

    Who’s going to pay to dismantle all these countryside eyesores and ocean navigation hazards when the subsidies are gone? Rhetorical question……

  9. Mike Jackson permalink
    January 1, 2018 9:50 pm

    Interesting to see from Booker’s article (comments not allowed apparently) that Greenpeace are up to their old tricks.

    Start a major advertising campaign based on an outright lie. When the ASA investigate a complaint promise not to make the same claim again. Result! They have all the impact they need or ever expected from the initial burst. Move on.

  10. Athelstan permalink
    January 1, 2018 11:37 pm

    O/T Paul but did you catch these two?

    CNN global warming

    soz – I can’t access full film, it went out tonight on UK telly 19.00-20.00 Ist Jan, it features the Penn state loony among a host of varied loons.

    And talking of loonies, did you catch this?

  11. Athelstan permalink
    January 1, 2018 11:40 pm

    hmm apols this was out on the beginning of Dec 17 –

  12. Timo Soren permalink
    January 2, 2018 12:34 am

    I don’t think the GWPF should accept this situation. The remit of the ASA is to investigate and correct and more importantly they can draw conclusions and sanction.

    By simply saying: “Oh we got Greenpeace to promise never again…” then they don’t do their investigation.

    They should do the investigation and clearing draw a conclusion that Greenpeace lied then make it will make it harder for them next time.

    We call this the Alford Plea: you accuse me, I say guilty but I don’t admit to being guilty. A real bogus thing.

  13. Adam Gallon permalink
    January 2, 2018 8:50 am

    Greenpeace are continuing to claim this on their Facebook page.

    • January 2, 2018 2:23 pm

      Complain to ASA then, cos their new Radio ads make it clear they cover adverst within companies website and social media.
      Yet when I complained to them a few months back about 10:10s fake poll on its own website, they replied that they weren’t going to investigate it.
      \\Wow – the cost of offshore wind has HALVED in the last two years! We took Emma Thompson out to the middle of an offshore wind farm and asked her what she thought of it//

    • January 2, 2018 2:39 pm

      Facebook links are found by searching GreenPeaceUK’s page video list for “halved”
      They have 4 vids
      I just send a twitter msg and screenshot to @ASA_UK

    • January 2, 2018 2:48 pm

      Furthermore they have also made the claim at least twice on twitter
      2 from Sept 11th
      and here that Emma T one
      I added them to my complaint

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