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A Curious Omission–Booker

January 20, 2019

By Paul Homewood



Booker runs with the North Devon AONB story this week:



Such a national treasure is the coast of North Devon that for 50 years it has been designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB); with the local authorities required to produce successive management plans to protect it.

But their latest version strikes a curious new note. “One of the most significant pressures on the environment of South West England,” they now say, is “climate change”, as “reflected in hotter and drier summers, warmer and wetter winters with more extreme weather and increased flood risk, compounded by sea level rise”. If this rings a bell, it is that it precisely echoes claims long familiar from the Met Office.

But where is the evidence to support them? That meticulous analyst Paul Homewood, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, has checked each claim against graphs compiled from the Met Office’s own historical data for south-west England.

On figures going back to nearly 1870, he shows that there has been no upward or downward change at all in the trend of summer or winter rainfall. Winters are not getting any wetter, or summers becoming drier.

Nor, Homewood says, do the data show an increase in flood risk or any other form of “extreme weather”. As for the trend in sea level rise, the tidal gauge at Newlyn shows that this has remained remarkably consistent at 1.81 millimetres a year since 1915.

In other words, according to this analysis, there is no evidence whatever to support these claims. But, as Homewood observes, there has recently been one change to the environment of the North Devon AONB far more noticeable than any other. This has been the domination of the landscape by giant wind turbines, such as the 22 which rise 360ft over Fullabrook Down near Ilfracombe. But on this, needless to say, the plan says nothing critical at all.



My original post including all the graphs is here.

  1. January 20, 2019 2:13 pm

    Would it not be nice if the wind turbines became an extinct species? They litter Backbone Mountain in Tucker County, WV with their bat and bird killing blades. Nary a peep from the environmentalists who wail piteously should a tree be cut down.

    • A C Osborn permalink
      January 20, 2019 2:24 pm

      Unless it is be burnt in the UK DRAX power station instead of coal.

      • January 21, 2019 12:47 pm

        Naw…..West Virginia was cut in the late 1800’s until about 1926. It took the invention of the Shay engine to allow the hauling of loaded log cars DOWN the mountains. Prior to that, they used the spring floods in the streams to flush the logs down to mills….very inefficient.

        DRAX denuded the coastal plains of the southeastern states along the rivers. Now “scientists” there have figured out it was not a good idea and are locking the barn long after the horse left (or the trees were burned in Europe).

  2. January 20, 2019 2:34 pm

    Both yesterday and today I cycled past the 9 turbine Batsworthy Cross Wind Farm, the other big wind farm ruining the landscape of North Devon (also close to Exmoor). Not a single turbine was turning. That’s two big and useless wind farms in North Devon that were massively opposed by the local people (except the Green Party) and their representatives on the council. They were both forced through the planning system by a Government-appointed Planning Inspector from 100 miles away. It is no wonder that people in the countryside are disenchanted by the establishment (bring on the yellow vests and drain the Westminster swamp).

    • Dave Ward permalink
      January 21, 2019 11:32 am


      Since bats are one of the species most at risk from wind turbines, there’s more than a little irony in that name, Philip.

  3. Stonyground permalink
    January 20, 2019 4:08 pm

    I live in the Holderness area in East Yorkshire. Went for a run this morning, bright and frosty, not a breath of wind. Plenty of stationary turbines to look at.

    • Mack permalink
      January 20, 2019 7:29 pm

      Funnily enough, just completed a 350 mile road trip from East Northants in England to ‘Bonnie Galloway’, Scotland’s wind farm dump. Passed hundreds of turbines along the way. All of them idling. Also passed a nice new, shiny solar park, no doubt equally un-energised under a blanket of thick cloud and drizzle. Weather for the most part windless, cloudy and cool. Once the last remnants of our nuclear and coal fleet are dispatched and with a negligible amount of new gas power stations coming on stream any time soon, is there a grown up out there who can tell me what miraculous source of affordable energy is going to fill the power provision gap on bleak, windless days in mid-winters of the very near future? Only a moron would suggest that more wind and solar is the answer.

      • Athelstan permalink
        January 21, 2019 12:52 pm

        morons, morons everywhere across the the whole UK administration and all of ’em beholden to ruinables – claire (perry) says they’re going to save the world and like erm she would know,

        wouldn’t she?

    • January 21, 2019 12:50 pm

      Is this why our sad little authoress with her totally electric car and her many phone apps who drove over hilly regions, found charging stations idle and missed her own book signing by 45 minutes after being towed?

  4. Saighdear permalink
    January 20, 2019 5:06 pm

    Och well…. ( sigh) they’re up now – no use crying over spillt milk….. 😉 And that is what makes us Sooooh A N G R Y about all these Issues – no wonder we want to give the Politico-MSM elite a hiding. There are soooo many issues where someone gets a Bee in their Bonnet and can pull strings the infuruation of those of us , too busy with our Nose to the grindstone. I and many more DO NOT have the TIME to analyse all & Sundry legislation. I would like to see many UK, EU and especially SCottish Spiteful/ uniqueness legislation redacted – a Referendum on those nearly failed ego-trips by the elitists would be a start. …..

  5. Broadlands permalink
    January 20, 2019 5:56 pm

    Deja vu….where over in Hawaii the outmoded equipment has been taken down. Extinct species, part of the “Anthropocene”?

  6. January 21, 2019 10:31 am

    Reblogged this on ajmarciniak.

  7. Athelstan permalink
    January 21, 2019 1:00 pm

    at 12.55 live monitoring tells it that ruinables are contributing 10.8 GW, which is a pretty pathetic return for the many £billions invested whereas for a fraction of the cost coal could be doing the heavy lifting for a fraction of the cost and not forgetting reliable, BASELOAD, irrespective of the weather…………..

    Anticyclonic conditions coming soon, that will be a test, a real test.

  8. Iain Reid permalink
    January 21, 2019 4:52 pm

    I note that there were a couple of comments about idle wind generators.I don’t know how many people are aware that because a wind generator is turning, it may not, and probably will not be generating very much power. They are very sensitive to wind speed as the output is a cube law to wind speed. Very roughly, from daily visits to gridwatch, the most our 23 G watts of wind generation is in the 10 to 11 G watts range.
    Another aspect of the ‘cheap wind power’ especially comparing it to Hinkley Point Nuclear plant is it would take about three to four times of wind power capacity to one of Hinkleys to produce the same amount of average power.

    Surly it’s time for someone of authority in these matters to knock some government heads together and make them see sense. We are already committed to years of subsidies to the part time power industry, it’s time for an end to further subsidies.

    • Saighdear permalink
      January 21, 2019 10:06 pm

      Aye well, Knocking of heads is what I’ve been advocating for years – but who to do? When you have Daft or arrogant High-heid yins in charge and the Tune has a high price or is flavor-of-the-month on twacebook ……

  9. 4TimesAYear permalink
    January 22, 2019 11:35 am

    Reblogged this on 4TimesAYear's Blog.

  10. January 23, 2019 9:55 am

    Jan 16th Tweet from the AONB

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