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Street Preacher Greta Thunberg

April 30, 2019

By Paul Homewood



Donna Laframboise has a pertinent comment on

I heard some live music over the weekend. A bluesy Toronto band called The Sinners Choir.

Good art resonates in unexpected ways. Whatever universe a listener happens to inhabit, a song may seem powerfully applicable in a context the composer almost certainly didn’t anticipate.

In recent months, climate preachers have garnered immense publicity. Greta Thunberg, a mentally disabled child from an extraordinarily dysfunctional family, has been telling us we’re out of time. The end is nigh. If we don’t heed her warning we’ll be punished for our environmental sins.

Rather than comforting this disturbed child, rather than urging this family to get its own house in order before it scolds the rest of us, journalists, politicians, religious leaders, and activists have instead made Greta famous.

This is madness. We’re now taking moral instruction from a household in which children decide to starve themselves for months, in which adults are told they’re not permitted to go to the toilet.

 You can read the full piece here.

  1. tim leeney permalink
    April 30, 2019 10:20 am

    Poor girl, she is heading for a breakdown, and desperately needs kindness, not publicity and ever more fawning and deceit.

  2. FrankNorman permalink
    April 30, 2019 10:34 am

    This reminds me of the anti-gun stuff from the Left in the USA, using schoolchildren as their spokespersons. That’s openly the face of the Totalitarian Left now – half devil and half child.

  3. Graeme No.3 permalink
    April 30, 2019 10:35 am

    She won’t get that. Not from her family and certainly not from those using her who will drop her as soon as her usefulness fades.

  4. The Man at the Back permalink
    April 30, 2019 11:16 am

    How sad.

    The Climate Change movement in its radical extreme version is responsible for much mental illness in mostly Western countries.

    Facts and reality are now useless weapons against the tide of propaganda – the “Climate Emergency” movement is making headway and will need some push back before long.

    The only hope is the start of a Maunder Minimum type event in the coming decade, but even then we will be told it is down to an extra CO2 molecule in every 10k molecules of air. As Richard Lindzen said in his GWPF Annual Lecture – it borders on magical thinking.

    A few voices (as well as ours) are beginning to point to the madness, and the impossibility of the changes demanded.

    I am an optimist by nature, and thankfully mentally strong, but I do feel that it will take more than we are currently able to deliver in the way of countering the insanity and lack of critical thinking.

  5. RICHARD JARMAN permalink
    April 30, 2019 11:29 am

    Can this not be sent (I don’t have the IT know-how) to send this to Michael Gove and all of the other luminaries who posed with this poor girl so recently

  6. belsay bugle permalink
    April 30, 2019 11:34 am

    This cult of St Greta is terribly worrying. There is something wrong with the child; she seems not to have been brought up with the necessary discipline and boundaries.
    The mother seems even more deranged and has brought up another damaged child.

    It’s hardly surprising that the child is terrified.
    Dr D W Winnicott and Clare Britton analysed the reasons in a paper written half a century ago called The Problem of Homeless Children.

    They said:

    ‘A child requires its original feeling of infinity confined within a circle. If the rules established by a child’s parents prove unreliable and the child can break them with impunity, the feeling of infinity becomes an abyss of nothingness and sets up acute distress and indeed despair in the child. He looks elsewhere for his circle of authority and tests the law personified by his teachers and later by the police.’

    This poor delinquent child personifies times. God help us all!

  7. belsay bugle permalink
    April 30, 2019 11:35 am

    … personifies our times …

  8. bobn permalink
    April 30, 2019 12:09 pm

    Simply a child from a ‘free spirit’ family. No discipline ever, nothing ever denied to spoiled brat child. Result is a willful, self-obsessed anti-social attention seeking delinquent. At least she isnt into knife crime like many UK kids from similar uncontrolled families.
    Note that her first ‘strike’ was on the same day her mother published her book! And the strike was attended by a professional photographer and the Mum’s publicity agent. All a coincidence? It started as a publicity stunt sponsored inspired by her Mum, but given the madness of our apocalypse seeking age the mob has proclaimed her the messiah!
    We live in an age of idiocy. The age of reason has passed.

    • Mike Jackson permalink
      April 30, 2019 12:44 pm

      I think we need to be a little careful in how we approach this, though much of the comment, especially Donna’s is pertinent.

      Asperger’s Syndrome is a recognised mental condition at the extreme end of the autism spectrum so we ought not to be hypercritical of anyone who has it. (I am myself mildly autistic, as are many people who function quite normally; it’s not something you either have or don’t have.) Where we are entitled to be critical is in how family and the medical profession deal with the condition. Greta is claiming that her Asperger’s has made her understand how serious the climate situation is and she ought to have been disabused of that idea instantly.

      Seeing everything in black and white is a certain recipe for going round the twist. Nothing is pure black or white as we all know — or most of us know. We should not, in their own interests, be encouraging people who suffer from that belief.

      • Athelstan. permalink
        April 30, 2019 2:49 pm

        I’ve said myself, imo this Swedish child needs some patiently parental given but firm love and definitely not pandering to her idee fixe. Furthermore, this outrageous and unconscionable PR (who is behind it I wonder?) and therein the attention she receives is simply put, not good for her, at all.

        I am reminded of a historical precedent, the ‘children’s crusade’ with that epic disaster and Stephen of Cloyes.

      • Ian permalink
        April 30, 2019 3:21 pm

        I don’t feel comfortable attacking this poor kid. It dmacks of playing the player, not the ball and could nojnce back on sceptics.

      • Bertie permalink
        April 30, 2019 3:34 pm

        Aspergers as a separate condition is no longer recognised by the DSM of Mental Health.

  9. MrGrimNasty permalink
    April 30, 2019 1:00 pm

    ‘We Don’t Have Time’ the group that first raised her to prominence has direct links to Gore and other extremist groups.

    She’s a manufactured icon, there is nothing spontaneous or genuine about her.

    This is probably the most comprehensive analysis (if not the easiest to navigate) I have seen, ACTS I, II etc. links towards top or article.

    ATEOTD why on earth should we take any more notice of someone that has been brainwashed by propaganda, than the people creating the propaganda in the first place?

    Our politicians have lost the plot.

  10. April 30, 2019 1:31 pm

    In so many instances, we have put mental illness on a pedestal to be worshiped as a meaningful great good.

    Once more, it is time to point out that the king has no clothes.

    • Ian Magness permalink
      April 30, 2019 6:03 pm

      Joan (and with reference to Bertie above), Aspergers is not an “illness” nor a disease, and it cannot be treated nor cured. It’s a condition that’s part of the ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) group of conditions. It is recognised by many as an ASD, although some academics in the field like to disregard it and say it’s simply autism. I think the categorisation matters not. Just to complicate matters, Aspergers sufferers may also have genuine mental illnesses on occasion or permanently.You may think Greta falls into the latter category if she refuses to eat, for instance.
      Your point about putting such people on a pedestal is well made and it’s a path being heavily promoted by Chris Packham in the UK. Well, sorry Chris but Aspergers is not a special strength on its own and you can think just as clearly and intelligently without. Further, the idea that Aspergers somehow enables you to separate fact from fiction is simply wrong – Aspergers people can come to just the same false conclusions if they have not assimilated the correct education and the correct data. In my (family) experience, however, they are not incapable of changing their minds with better knowledge – I relish the thought a more scientifically educated Greta turning on her “mentors” in years to come.

      • Mike Jackson permalink
        April 30, 2019 10:03 pm

        Furthermore, Ian, if they do come to a false conclusion it is not easy to reason them out of it. The idea that “you cannot reason a man out of something he was not reasoned into” applies. In spades!

        And a lot of tears will be shed along the way. If adulthood does eventually result in a change of mind for Greta she or those close to her — her “mentors” as you call them — are in for a rocky time emotionally.

  11. Phoenix44 permalink
    April 30, 2019 2:49 pm

    And why listen to her at all? she is saying nothing new or original or clever. She just parrots what she has been told by one side of the argument. Why listen to her instead of an actual scientist working in climate change?

    It is lunacy, people worshiping a child who repeats what they want to hear and want to believe as if she is a prophet rather than an echo.

    • Broadlands permalink
      April 30, 2019 3:01 pm

      Phoenix44… “Why listen to her instead of an actual scientist working in climate change?”

      That’s one of the things little St. Greta asks us to do. The problem, of course, is which scientists? She only looks at one side, and she is not alone in selecting those she likes. Some are not even scientists but politicians. Sad.

  12. Bertie permalink
    April 30, 2019 3:40 pm

    Is this lunacy not a manifestation of the general inexplicable decisions that seem to be affecting every aspect of society.
    Today we learn that Cambridge University is to make extensive investigations into their possible historical benefit from the slave trade, with the possibility of making reparations!
    To whom?
    I gather than Glasgow University is already committed to handing out £200 million for the same reason.
    It beggars belief; as does the fact that Theresa May is still our Prime Minister.

  13. belsay bugle permalink
    April 30, 2019 4:14 pm

    It’s mass-hysteria caused by a number of things:
    1. a failure of adult authority,
    2. giving children the idea that whatever they think they think is always right,
    3. a sinister global cabal intent on financial and cultural control,
    4. children indoctrinated and without the means to think for themselves,
    5. children who are too well off, spoiled, pampered and frightened.

    But they are just being used.

    What concerns is worse is the politicians who are using these silly children for their own ends. Either they (politicians) are stupid – and we shouldn’t rule that out – or breathtakingly cynical.
    That Ed Milliband (of the Climate Change Act) or was it his brother – doesn’t matter which – has a lot to do with this.
    And we know his Marxist long-march-through-the-institutions father’s game. This has all the hallmarks of a similar neo-Marxist utopian attempt to subvert and overthrow western society.

    Somebody said this morning they feared a Corbyn government more than anything else. It’s not those in sight we should fear, but those dreadful forces behind the scenes, and we are witnessing the effects of this in this climate change lunacy.

    • MrGrimNasty permalink
      April 30, 2019 4:36 pm

      It’s no secret that momentum are working with XR.

  14. Nigel Sherratt permalink
    April 30, 2019 11:12 pm

    Interesting comment in Martin Scorsese’s ‘The Last Waltz’ when Garth Hudson of ‘The Band’ talks about the ‘healing work’ done by American street musicians. Perhaps the healing power of music can help here too.

  15. Chilli permalink
    April 30, 2019 11:26 pm

    My ex-boss had high-functioning autism. Came over as incredibly intelligent, spoke multiple languages, juggled multiple roles managing the company and writing embedded software for it. Most of his code was excellent – but when there was problem with it he was completely unable to debug it by constructing tests to isolate the fault. It was as if he couldn’t concieve that there could be a bug in his code – and instead he would come up with the most elaborate explanations for how the problem was due to external factors. I literally had to hand-hold him thru the logical steps which proved the problem was in a particular part of his code by a process of elimination. Most unfortunate. The company went bust.

  16. Coeur de Lion permalink
    May 1, 2019 2:36 pm

    We have damaged her. How sad when she’ fifty.

  17. ray sanders permalink
    May 2, 2019 9:55 pm

    I think the appropriate term is “Child Abuse”

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