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BBC Say Bangladesh Farmers Are Suffering From Climate Change–As Production Triples

April 6, 2021

By Paul Homewood



More propaganda:




As Bangladesh celebrates 50 years of independence, Qasa Alom reflects on how the country his British-Bangladeshi family still calls home is being affected by climate change.

"Can you turn the air-con on?" I asked over and over but none of the grown-ups seemingly could hear me. "It’s so hot!"

My mum shot me a look that suggested I would have more than the heat to worry about if I carried on moaning.

We had come to Bangladesh, the country of my ancestors, to see my grandparents, visit our village and, as I was constantly reminded, to "learn about my roots".

As a child, I had spent my holidays roaming our lands – exploring the rice paddies with my younger brother, watching the farm hands tend to the cows and fishing in one of several fushkunis, or small lakes. It was a giant playground, full of joy, wonder and mischief.

But, that magic had started to wear off as a teen.

My dad was raised in Bangladesh and regularly goes back to look after our estate, visit the school he set up and catch up with the local villagers. Ever since I was a child I’ve been told that he plans to pass the old family home to my brother, sister and me to look after – but that’s not a topic we talk about much any more.

It often ends in an awkward silence.

Like many British Bangladeshis, my father feels duty-bound to help his village and the people he left behind. He has raised funds to build roads and a mosque, for farming equipment, and even to help people with medical bills.

Half the money he earned over the years working in Birmingham’s restaurant trade has been sent back to invest in the land and the village, which was named after his great-great-grandfather.

Every summer he would suggest that I return with him to help, but I used to shrug and say, "I don’t have time."

My grandmother is the only member of the family who still lives in the bari now – one by one everyone else emigrated abroad, to the UK, Canada, and the United States.

But according to my father, "Everything is falling into ruin. It’s all going to pieces, nobody is living there and it’s just becoming desolate."

My mum explains that generations of my father’s family have lived there and that he has worked hard to build it up. "He doesn’t want it to be lost."

I’ve heard these words hundreds of times – but they’ve never really sunk in until now.

I am now ready to help my father preserve our home. But there is something else to think about, and it’s a far greater threat than neglect and apathy: climate change.

Bangladesh is at the epicentre of the global climate crisis – 80% of the country is floodplain, and it is affected by floods, storms, riverbank erosions, cyclones and droughts. It ranks seventh on the Global Climate Risk Index of countries most affected by extreme weather events.

"I jokingly say, Bangladesh is God’s laboratory for natural disaster – we have all the disasters except volcanic eruption," says Prof Ainun Nishat, an environmental expert for the Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research, who advises the Bangladeshi government.

Prof Nishat believes that unless we start to control greenhouse gas emissions today, the situation will become unmanageable. 

The report then goes to complain, without any evidence, that floods, storms etc are getting worse.

But what about these claims that “everything is falling into ruin”?

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, rice production has been booming in recent years. So has the value of overall agricultural output:






Neither Alom nor BBC News present any objective data to support their assertion that global warming is turning rice farms into ruin in Bangladesh. Now we know why – there isn’t any supporting data.

Perhaps Alom’s family are simply poor farmers, finding a way to turn productive cropland into ruin despite the rest of Bangladesh enjoying a golden age for rice production. Or, more likely, perhaps Alom and BBC News are telling tall tales to sell a fictitious climate crisis.

  1. Jack Broughton permalink
    April 6, 2021 11:23 am

    But, but, if professor Nishat says it is a crisis it must be…………. there was a time when professors were respected as thinkers and philosophers: “climate change” has destroyed that among its effects on the worlds scientists. The biggest problem for Bangladesh, as with the UK etc., is listening to fools with fine coats selling magic suits.

  2. Joe Public permalink
    April 6, 2021 11:25 am

    Bangladesh population:

    1950: ~38million
    2020: >166million.

  3. April 6, 2021 11:25 am

    So much bullshit being dished out for the climate!

  4. Tom permalink
    April 6, 2021 11:54 am

    Trouble is, the climate eco-loonies are winning hands-down. The occasional voices of sanity are becoming fainter by the day. There’s so much money following the extreme disaster nutters that we might as well give up.

    • George Lawson permalink
      April 6, 2021 3:59 pm

      The reason is surely because the BBC have banned any opposing viewpoint over their world airways. They spout only false news which they present as facts, but have ensured that no voice which might challenge their lies will be heard. As a public service broadcaster they are an utter disgrace. The whole of the senior management should be stripped of their jobs and replaced with an unbiased management structure that recognises its responsibility to all of the population, not just to the gullible masses.

      • bobn permalink
        April 6, 2021 4:49 pm

        No George. Changing management will achieve little. Split it up and sell the viable bits. Close the rest down. Why do we need a State propaganda pravda broadcaster. Get rid of it!

  5. April 6, 2021 12:12 pm

    Some of these headlines ought to come from the Babylon Bee. It is a Christian satirical website. Some of their headlines are so believable you have to look to see if it is from the Bee and some have eventually come true.

    • bluecat57 permalink
      April 6, 2021 12:31 pm

      About a year ago I decided that based on what they were doing to Trump and with covid that I would henceforth believe any wild conspiracy theory until it was proven false to my satisfaction.
      Unfortunately, that approach has been proven to be a better predictor of reality than starting with scepticism.

  6. bluecat57 permalink
    April 6, 2021 12:27 pm

    Wow. This story makes me feel old. I remember when Bangladesh was created and all the problems associated with that.

  7. Broadlands permalink
    April 6, 2021 12:47 pm

    “Bangladesh is at the epicentre of the global climate crisis – 80% of the country is floodplain, and it is affected by floods, storms, riverbank erosions, cyclones and droughts.”

    “The physical geography of Bangladesh’s coastal area is more diverse and dynamic than is generally recognised. Failure to recognise this has led to serious misconceptions about the potential impacts of a rising sea-level on Bangladesh with global warming. This situa- tion has been aggravated by accounts giving incorrect information on current rates of coastal erosion and land subsidence. This paper describes physical conditions within individual physiographic regions in Bangladesh’s coastal area based on ground-surveyed information, and it reviews possible area-specific mitigation measures to counter predicted rates of sea-level rise in the 21st century. Two important conclusions are drawn: the adoption of appropriate measures based on knowledge of the physical geography of potentially-affected areas could significantly reduce the currently-predicted displacement of many millions of people; and the impacts of a slowly-rising sea-level are currently much less than those generated by rapidly increasing population pressure on Bangladesh’s available land and water resources and by exposure to existing environmental hazards, and the latter problems need priority attention.”

  8. Broadlands permalink
    April 6, 2021 12:59 pm

    “From a June 29, 1989, Associated Press dispatch:

    UNITED NATIONS (AP)—A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of “eco-refugees,” threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP. He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.
    As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown told The Associated Press in an interview on Wednesday. Coastal regions will be inundated; one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing a fourth of its 90 million people.”

    So much for climate change forecasts.

    • bobn permalink
      April 6, 2021 4:53 pm

      Well according to your UN report its TOO LATE to do anything so we shouldnt bother. Gets my vote.

  9. bobn permalink
    April 6, 2021 4:56 pm

    The whiney selfish correspondant says his family owns estates (lucky rich them) in Bangladesh that are falling into ruin. He and his family have all migrated to the easy life in UK. If they’ve all run away why is he surprised his untended land is a mess. Selfish irresponsible git springs to mind.

  10. April 6, 2021 5:16 pm

    The the left wing politically motivated climate nonsense now is so desperate that it has taken to bare faced lying after years of twisting and cherry picking data and facts.

  11. April 6, 2021 5:22 pm

    “Half the money he earned over the years working in Birmingham’s restaurant trade has been sent back to invest in the land and the village, which was named after his great-great-grandfather”.
    If that money is given to othere with no expected return either in respect of money or status or influence then hisfather is one among very vvery VERY few true altruists in the World.
    IF on the other hand even a portion of that money is going into infrastructure which helps his own holding or heaven forbid buying land then he is just one more every day joe invensting expecting a return.

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