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Prince Charles urges radical rethink of our cities to combat climate change

October 31, 2021

By Paul Homewood


So it was never really about the climate then?



PRINCE Charles today lays out his radical vision of how we can live better lives and combat climate change.

In exclusive comments to the Daily Express, the Prince said: “Sustainable urban development is clearly critical in responding to the climate emergency.

“We all know it’s so utterly and vitally important for the future of our planet and of course central, indeed absolutely fundamental I would have said, to any prospect of actually achieving the crucial COP26 targets.”

The Prince intends to lobby world leaders and the mayors of major cities with his ideas at the G20 summit in Rome this weekend and then at COP26 in Glasgow next week.

Charles wants to revamp urban areas and encourage lifestyle changes to cut carbon pollution causing global warming.

He will argue that fixing cities, which already account for 70 percent of carbon dioxide emissions and are forecast to double their populations by 2050, is key to cutting greenhouse gases.

This could restrict climate change to a just manageable 1.5C rise in average global temperatures.Charles, 72, and his urban design advisers at his charity, The Prince’s Foundation, want to see an end to the long daily commute, with work places a short walk or five or 10-minute journey from home.


What right does Charles have to tell us how we should live our lives?

But at least he has let the cat out of the bag. This has nothing to do with climate change, it never did. After all, even lockdown last year only reduced UK emissions of carbon dioxide by 16%. His proposals won’t make the slightest difference to the world’s climate, never mind restricting warming to 1.5C which he ludicrously claims.

No, what he really wants is to change our lifestyles, to live more “sustainably”, just for the sake of it.

Take a closer look at what he is asking for.

Work places are not suddenly going to relocate to where we live. Hospitals, factories and businesses are not going to break into small units and reappear around every street corner.

No, what he wants is for us to move out of our comfortable suburbs and live once more in crowded cities. Quite where he expects all these new dwellings to be built is a mystery.

In Charles’ ideal world, private car ownership will be a thing of the past for the little people, and we will have to make do with public transport, cycling and walking. None of this will, of course, apply to Charles who will continue living in multiple mansions, drive around in limousines and fly in private jets.

He thinks we will all be much happier if we do as he tells us. Does he think we are a load of docile rabbits, happy with a hutch and an odd carrot or two?

We have had plenty of hints about this new Build Back Better agenda. Only the other day, Joanna Lumley called for rationing to save the planet. And the global elite have long made clear their intention to revamp society.

The alarming thing is that, sadly, the Queen will not be around much longer. Will Charles continue to interfere in matters that don’t concern him when he is King?

  1. Lez permalink
    October 31, 2021 10:22 am

    He must be a strong candidate for the Hypocrite of the Year award.

  2. October 31, 2021 10:24 am

    First show us the scientific evidence, not the mouthings of elites, crony capitalists, politicians and a mentally challenged teenager. Hint, there is none.

  3. Bob Schweizer permalink
    October 31, 2021 10:33 am

    Unfortunately, despite his well-meaning intentions, he makes himself stupid, foolish and unlikeable with his constant haranguing about the imminent and associate dangers of ‘climate change’. Aside from that, I believe he will make a fine King.

    • Harry Passfield permalink
      October 31, 2021 12:48 pm

      And people wonder why (and how) it is that the Queen has held out so long thus preventing the fool becoming King.
      God Bless Her!

      • October 31, 2021 1:52 pm

        Preventing the fool and his bit of stuff having even more of a pulpit to spout their incoherent garbage

    • watersider permalink
      October 31, 2021 5:30 pm

      What? “A fine King” are you extracting the urine?

  4. Vox humana permalink
    October 31, 2021 10:34 am

    Charles and his progeny are the most eLoquent arguments for the abolition of the monarchy we have. They are so easily exploited by the technocracy that is trying to control everything we do.

  5. Crowcatcher permalink
    October 31, 2021 10:38 am

    After yo, chummy.

  6. October 31, 2021 10:45 am

    This is simply a religion.

    I view him and the rest of the weasels who jumped about the good ship Western Civilizational collapse with the same level of pity and more than a little contempt.

    Charles is a sad facsimile of Spike Milligan in the magical scene with Brian’s shoe from the Life of Brian. Science and empiricism have no place in religion, in this case they merely act as window dressing to give faux legitimacy to a rapidly evolving religion.

    This is a freestyle show. Thousands of vacuous statements made by people great and small pontificating to show their virtue signalling credentials. Some have a greater voice than others purely as a function of their position in society. It is all just meaningless baseless words.

    Unfortunately some of those worthless words find resonance with those with pretentions to also audition for the role of Spike in a remake of The Life of Brian.

  7. Malcolm Johnson permalink
    October 31, 2021 10:50 am

    Your Royal Highness, There is NO climate emergency. Nothing we do is UTTERLY and VITALLY important for the future of our planet which will survive whatever we do or don’t do. The COP26 targets are in no way crucial other than as a way of destroying the wellbeing of British society and making it impossible to earn a living as businesses close due to increased energy costs… Carbon pollution is not the cause of any increase that may or may not happen to the planet… YOU WANT TO READ SOME OF THE RESEARCH THAT DOESN’T GET PUBLICITY from our tax-payer funded British Brainwashing Corporation.

    We should stop FRIGHTENING CHILDREN who now think they will wake up one morning to find the world disappearing.

    Hitler wrote, in Mein Kampf, (paraphrased) “Tell a lie BIG enough, repeat it OFTEN enough, and people will come to accept it as THE TRUTH!


    • October 31, 2021 11:29 am

      Just as well then that having no brain (and the morals of an alley cat) will not disqualify him from succeeding his mother; god help us all

  8. Ian Wilson permalink
    October 31, 2021 10:53 am

    His track record of predictions doesn’t look too good – in 1999 (I think) he predicted we had 96 months to save the planet. Last time I checked the planet was still here and not noticeably different.
    I feel he is doing huge damage to the monarchy by interfering in this political and unscientific subject.
    It is noticeable that Princess Anne, who has robustly expressed sceptic views, is keeping well out of COP26. It’s a pity the Duke of Edinburgh who has held similar views is no longer he might have kept at least the Queen out of it.

  9. Philip permalink
    October 31, 2021 10:58 am

    I quietly resigned from the Constitutional Monarchy Association ten years ago. HMTQ seemed to me to have abandoned Her Constitutional scrutiny role many years ago, perhaps under threat from Blair, et al, (and perhaps to save her sons from their ‘indiscretions’,) and I fear that Charles and his charming but gullible first son are about to end the Monarchy in this country by becoming such political beings. If our Head of State interferes so blatantly in pure politics, then the people are entitled to vote for that Head of State. I was a great believer in our Constitutional Monarchy, but Charles may become the last of the line. Yes, laudable heritage and wildlife causes, but not politics (which his CO2 and ‘sustainability’ utterings clearly are). He is either misguided and foolish (and so unfit,) or being cynically used by those behind the de-carbonisation agenda (again, unfit,) or one of the actual drivers of the fraud (and so patently unfit). All very sad.

    • October 31, 2021 11:26 am

      His mother should be the last of the line

      • Micky R permalink
        October 31, 2021 7:41 pm

        After Brenda’s comments re COP26, the UK monarchy needs to go. Does the UK need a head of state?

    • HotScot permalink
      October 31, 2021 11:28 am

      Jug Ears is an ill educated dimwit. Notoriously slow at school he only progressed because of his position in life. In any other walk of life he would have a menial job.

      Up until very recently I only maintained respect for the Queen and Princess Anne. The Queen has now fallen from my favour after her comments on COP26.

      It now long overdue that the concept of a Monarchy in the UK is eliminated. Whilst the Queen did her best to make the Royal family relevant to the working man, it was a fig leaf to conceal their lives of excess and treachery.

      Our government has a cheek demanding the diplomats wife who killed a motorcyclist return to the UK to face justice when Andrew won’t face American justice over accusations of his paedophilia.

      We have had Charles preaching to us over the years about Architecture, a subject he knows nothing about, and now climate, another subject he knows nothing about. One son has also clambered aboard the climate bandwagon and the other has hijacked the Monarchy for his own selfish self promotion.

      If the village idiot want’s a great reset there can be no finer starting point than getting rid of the Royal family.

      • Harry Davidson permalink
        October 31, 2021 12:31 pm

        Andrew has not been accused of paedophila in any Court anywhere, you just made that up. Prince Charles got a 2.2 at Cambridge which suggests he is a long way off stupid. His performance at school? Well I guess you are the sort of person who thrives on an environment of brainless thuggery and bullying. He didn’t. That would also explain why you like Princess Anne.

      • 1saveenergy permalink
        October 31, 2021 1:21 pm

        Prince Charles would have received a 2.2 at Cambridge for just turning up to the ceremony.

        At a another ‘place of learning’ I’m sadly familiar with, the university got a new building in exchange for a 1st class hon degree given to a drugged up lout who only attended two lectures (to sleep) in 3 yrs, but daddy had £billions.
        I hate how university’s have been corrupted.
        Rant over.

      • Mike Jackson permalink
        October 31, 2021 1:42 pm

        I’m surprised at you, HotScot; I thought you knew better! Go and look up the proper definition of ‘paedophilia’ instead of relying on the tabloid definition.
        Whatever Andrew may have been guilty of, it wasn’t paedophilia!
        As for the rest of your comment I am forced to agree with you. One of the longstanding strengths of Britain (and other monarchies in my view) has been that its head of state is above the political fray — the monarch’s function being “to advise and warn” and to act as a rallying point.
        But it does depend on them “staying within their square”. I had hopes for William and even Charles might surprise us when the time comes but I am not optimistic.

    • Derek Wood permalink
      October 31, 2021 12:46 pm

      “One of the actual drivers of the fraud”. Yep!

  10. Penda100 permalink
    October 31, 2021 11:00 am

    From the Bruntland Report “Sustainable development can be defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
    So what exactly is “Sustainable Urban Development” as mentioned by our beloved Prince? Either all urban development is sustainable, as it can be demolished by future generations or nothing is sustainable as it takes away resources that future generations might require. So which is it?

    • Colin R Brooks AKA Dung permalink
      October 31, 2021 11:45 am

      AH but ah but ah but …. That report was meant to prove that sustainability was a problem, it totally failed to do that but fell back on ‘this is what you need to do to prevent it’. I read the report right through (yuch!).

  11. Dr Ken Pollock permalink
    October 31, 2021 11:06 am

    The idea of the climate emergency rests on two principles: 1. our climate is getting worse, and 2. scientists have modelled the future and think we are going to suffer from some serious increase in temperature.
    The first is simply wrong. Nothing is happening now that has not happened, often worse, in the past – and at the time journalists and others predicted disaster. We should learn from that.
    The second is a poor guide, as the models had always over estimated increases in temperature. Read Gavin Schmidt, the American climate scientist and CAGW guru.
    So don’t believe the models – they don’t even try to include water vapour, the biggest greenhouse gas by far.
    All in all, it is a terrible scam, and the most extensive example of child abuse ever known. In 10-20 years time, people will look back and marvel at our gullibility – and the failure of journalists and others to stand up to the prevailing predictions of disaster.

    • Colin R Brooks AKA Dung permalink
      October 31, 2021 11:36 am

      I only disagree on one issue sir – Smething bad really is happening right now: The amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is continuing to fall (over time) and humans are trying to make it happen faster. No CO2 – no GREEN ever again .

      • Dr Ken Pollock permalink
        October 31, 2021 12:01 pm

        Agreed, Colin! CO2 is essential for all life, which is why it was so extraordinary that the US EPA under President Obama declared it a “pollutant”. Fortunately, they have revised that opinion – maybe someone like you reminded them of the way photosynthesis works – on which all life on earth depends…

    • Julian Flood permalink
      October 31, 2021 1:07 pm

      “our gullibility”

      While agreeing that ‘we’* have been gullible, there are reasons for this: the MSM, from the Beeb down to the Independent and the Mirror, have all been singing from the same hymn sheet. If your intake of information comes from those then the obvious truth is that AGW is here, it’s a major problem and drastic measures are needed to cure the problem. It’s an example of Goebbels’s big lie, repeated ad nauseam until it becomes truth.

      While HRH probably has other sources of information and advisors, he and they will suffer from the same relentless propagandising and, absent the time to spend hours a day on the internet, will have absorbed the beliefs that the climate alarmists are pushing*. Divorced from the climate scam, his ideas of cities and jobs where you don’t have to spend two hours a day in a crowded bus or tube train make a lot of sense. Perhaps CV19 and WFH will show the beginnings of the way.

      For the anti-monarchists I’d advise caution: be sure to keep a hold on nurse, for fear of finding something worse. Just look across the Atlantic to see what can go wrong: Nixon. disturbed to put it mildly, , Obama, the tool of the Chicago whatever, Carter, out of his depth, Trump**, Biden**, Harris, out of her depth…

      *Try this experiment. Say to yourself ‘what the world needs is more coal-fired power stations’. I don’t believe AGW is solely caused, or even mainly caused by CO2, but there’s a voice inside telling me that lower CO2 fuels such as CH4 are better.

      ** Choose one.

      • Dr Ken Pollock permalink
        November 1, 2021 10:26 am

        Mr Flood, agree with more or less everything you say. Certainly the MSM and the BBC are totally sold on the impending climate emergency – sorry! It is here already! Flooding, and a few trees down. Such things have never happened before, obviously! Must be climate change. Read poor old Jon Snow, delayed getting to Glasgow by train. David Shukman reports from Bangla Desh and says the flooding is due to sea level rise. No, it’s normal in Bangla Desh – happens every year all over. Build some defenses like Holland and no problem…Read David Craig’s book “There is no Climate Crisis” and see how these warnings have been published over the last 150 years, and how the data is altered to support the prevailing belief. Terribly sad…

    • October 31, 2021 1:32 pm

      Does anyone have Charlie’s email address? I could send him a link to my climate model (which does include water vapour) here:

      (The text NASA PSG above the green thermometer links to the data used)

  12. James Broadhurst permalink
    October 31, 2021 11:09 am

    Can I ask where the figure of 16% reduction in CO2 came from?

    • October 31, 2021 12:25 pm

      I was wondering that. World man made co2 emissions fell, but it was not noticeable against the background of much larger natural emissions.

      Within the link is an article why we can’t see the drop caused by the largest reduction in industrial activity since the industrial revolution

      • October 31, 2021 1:54 pm

        Man’s contribution is put at ~3% of total; and the global CO2 level kept rising through lockdown, so the huge curtailment of travel clearly had no effect.

      • October 31, 2021 2:21 pm

        That’s what we are querying. I haven’t seen this 16% UK reduction before, but looking globally, our man made emissions were merely background noise despite a huge clampdown on everything the elite want us to clap down on

  13. October 31, 2021 11:25 am

    The doddery old fool seems to have lost his memory; having forgotten that the end of the world was due, according to him, in so many months or years time. He would be better off parading around Hyde Park Corner with his ridiculous comments on a sandwich board and hearing feedback from the public and not just his sycophants.
    His behaviour is a classic example of the age old advice: “Better to keep quiet and be thought to be stupid than to open your mouth and prove the point”

  14. bobn permalink
    October 31, 2021 11:42 am

    Prince Charles asked us all at the G20 to live more ‘sustainably’.
    So how many houses and palaces do you need to live ‘sustainably’?
    If charles is honest he will turn a few of the Royal family’s houses over to the National Trust.
    Which palaces is he going to vacate? Or is he just another virtue signalling hypocrite?

    • Colin R Brooks AKA Dung permalink
      October 31, 2021 11:49 am

      OH Noes! Not the National Trust!

      • Harry Passfield permalink
        October 31, 2021 1:03 pm

        The way they look after some of their properties they should be called the National Rust.

  15. Jack Broughton permalink
    October 31, 2021 11:53 am

    It is an amusing exercise in historical evaluation to consider the development of countries, like France and Russia who removed their monarchies against those that did not. It is hard to justify a monarchy on any real benefit basis, but my armed-forces friends regard it as the safeguard of democracy and get very upset at republican views. This always seems an odd idea to me, as the monarchy did not decide to go into Syria or Afghanistan..

  16. George Lawson permalink
    October 31, 2021 11:55 am

    “We all know it’s so utterly and vitally important for the future of our planet and of course central, indeed absolutely fundamental I would have said, to any prospect of actually achieving the crucial COP26 targets.”

    What a presumption to say We all know etc…. If that is the case, could we invite the Prince to have an open discussion with some of the many thousands of better qualified experts who do not agree with his ‘end of the world’ scenario. He, and his like minded fanatics refuse to discuss their one-sided viewpoint with any expert who has an alternative opinion to offer. Why? Until he and his many followers are prepared to have an open discussion with far more qualified scientists on the opposite side of the argument, one can only assume they are afraid to have their opinions challenged in public debate.

  17. Ray Sanders permalink
    October 31, 2021 12:10 pm

    Prince Charles is an idiot. Here we have him extolling “urbanism”. Phillip Stott is a real environmentalist and climate scientist – this is his view of him.
    “The prince muses on issues of long-term concern to him — the threat of global warming, the promise of alternative medicines, the dangers in modern farming, the brutalities of urbanism”
    So one minute it is “brutalism ” and the next minute highly desireable!
    I have never been a republican before but the thought of Prince Charles ascending to the throne is making me one.

  18. Stephen Kelly permalink
    October 31, 2021 12:48 pm

    So Did Charley think of this before he built his urban sprawl development on the edge of hardy’s Dorchester Dorset, and what’s more a Greenfield’s site of a once green and pleasant Dorset, what a total hypocrite of the first order. A zero and a zealot

    • October 31, 2021 1:50 pm

      And what’s more a development totally out of character and local context, filled with pastiche properties designed by his chums, which they had to hide away from the A35 with a massive earth berm as it really was like ‘a carbuncle on the face of an old friend’, as someone once said….

  19. cookers52 permalink
    October 31, 2021 12:54 pm

    The King’s new clothes were made of nanoplastic, as it is invisible and cannot be detected.

  20. Harry Passfield permalink
    October 31, 2021 12:57 pm

    Pete Seegar obviously inspired HRH. Unfortunately, HRH didn’t realise it was parody:

    Little boxes on the hillside
    Little boxes made of ticky tacky
    Little boxes, little boxes
    Little boxes all the same
    There’s a green one and a pink one
    And a blue one and a yellow one
    And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
    And they all look just the same

    And the people in the houses all went to the university
    Where they all were put in boxes
    Little boxes all the same
    And there’s doctors and there’s lawyers
    And business executives
    And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
    And they all look just the same

  21. Broadlands permalink
    October 31, 2021 1:26 pm

    Carbon fuels are the only fuel available for transportation. How can anyone expect to transport anything globally without it? Fly in and out of Glasgow on “gossamer wings”?

    • roger permalink
      October 31, 2021 10:56 pm

      thirty thousand people away with the fairies?

  22. Gamecock permalink
    October 31, 2021 1:32 pm

    “We all know it’s so utterly and vitally important for the future of our planet and of course central, indeed absolutely fundamental I would have said, to any prospect of actually achieving the crucial COP26 targets.”

    He’s full of (&^#.

    The meeting hasn’t happened yet. How can he know 1. what the targets are, and 2. what makes them ‘crucial?’

    I think the Seychelles target is £1,000,000,000. Most attendees will be there for the money. Doddery, sappy PC will think all these people actually like him.

    • watersider permalink
      October 31, 2021 5:52 pm


      Did you notice that the President of Zimbabwe, is flying in with an entourage of 100.
      Apparently this is his first journey from home and the first to Britain.
      Zimbabwe used to be know as the Bread Basket of Africa. Now it is the Basket Case of Africa.
      Only 10 of his party have any connections with supposed Global warming., the rest are family and corrupt cronies on a holiday to sample the delights of Glasgow.
      I wonder how much of our cash Boris Corbyn and Brydon O’Byden will give him.

  23. E J Cook permalink
    October 31, 2021 1:56 pm

    The man who said we had 100 months to save the planet in March 2009. More clueless than a dog being shown a card trick.

  24. Peter F Gill permalink
    October 31, 2021 2:05 pm

    Whilst Charles enjoyed the Goon Show in the past it is a pity that he does not understand that real life and real science is quite different. One wonders if, when he becomes King, he will act as a hands off King of the present or a hands on King of the past. I trust the latter will not be the case. Amusingly, a number of us AGW sceptics quite often meet in the Grafton Arms (Strutton Ground London SW1) the pub where many of the Goon Show scripts were written. Pub visitors include the usual suspects like Murry Salby, Philip Foster, Piers Corbyn and many others here who will probably admit to it after attending our meetings at the Houses of Parliament, Tufton Street and other places.

    • October 31, 2021 4:27 pm

      I remember attending a meeting at the Houses of Parliament several years ago. You were there, also Piers (who I hadn’t seen since our university days), Viscount Monckton and many others. I couldn’t stay on to go to the pub, as it is such a pain getting to London from my remote part of Devon and then getting back home. The problem is that us physicists, who can see the false physics used to promote the climate change scam, are ignored.

      • Peter F Gill permalink
        October 31, 2021 6:11 pm

        Perhaps next time you would like to stay at our place in Surrey and go back to Devon the following day. It cannot be after the next annual GWPF meeting with Steven Koonin as we will have the house full that night. Regards Peter

  25. Coeur de Lion permalink
    October 31, 2021 2:14 pm

    Gonna go down well in Saigon, Karachi, La Paz, the altiplano of Peru. What a sad idiot. And I met him in his naval days. Didn’t bend his ship.

  26. Curious George permalink
    October 31, 2021 3:29 pm

    The best tool for a radical rethink of a city is a bulldozer.

  27. Julian Flood permalink
    October 31, 2021 3:38 pm

    “our gullibility”

    While agreeing that ‘we’* have been gullible, there are reasons for this: the MSM, from the Beeb down to the Independent and the Mirror, have all been singing from the same hymn sheet. If your intake of information comes from those then the obvious truth is that AGW is here, it’s a major problem and drastic measures are needed to cure the problem. It’s an example of Goebbels’s big lie, repeated ad nauseam until it becomes truth.

    While HRH probably has other sources of information, he and they will suffer from the same relentless propagandising and, absent the time to spend hours a day on the internet, will have absorbed the beliefs that the climate alarmists are pushing. Divorced from the climate scam, his ideas of cities and jobs where you don’t have to spend two hours a day in a crowded bus or tube train make a lot of sense. Perhaps CV19 and WFH will show the beginnings of the way.

    For the anti-monarchists I’d advise caution: be sure to keep a hold on nurse, for fear of finding something worse. Just look across the Atlantic to see what can go wrong.


    • Coeur de Lion permalink
      October 31, 2021 8:36 pm

      god yes. Ted Heath as president

  28. 2hmp permalink
    October 31, 2021 4:04 pm

    His mind is as crazily disorganised and hopeless as his garden at Highgrove.

  29. Vernon E permalink
    October 31, 2021 4:07 pm

    COP 26 should express thanks to China et al for adding to the CO2 in the atmosphere. We need to get to 1000 ppm asap to grow food to support the exploding population densities of Africa and the southern Americas etc.

  30. Harry Passfield permalink
    October 31, 2021 5:50 pm

    Anybody else shouting at their TV as the BBC’s GreenPeter drenches us all in their CC sea-level Propaganda?? Arrgghh!!!
    Worst of all, they known that it is a lie. They know it upsets those who could argue differently: they knw because we won’t have a chance to rebut.

  31. Rowland P permalink
    October 31, 2021 6:04 pm

    We are getting closer to the WEF mantra – “You will own nothing and everybody will be happy!”

  32. Phoenix44 permalink
    October 31, 2021 6:23 pm

    If we live where we work then everyone around us also works there. Pretty dull. And what happens we change jobs? We have to move every time? And what happens to the really nice like Chelsea where there are few Businesses of any size but fabulous houses?

    It’s just bizarre fantasy from man who has lived in an ivory tower his entire life.

  33. October 31, 2021 7:23 pm

    I live across the Pond, and I think it’s time for the monarchy to end after Elizabeth II. Charles and William both believe in the “threat of climate change” and are political. Unfortunately, the elected officials in the UK and the illegitimately elected morons–I mean officials–in the USA are no better.

  34. dennisambler permalink
    October 31, 2021 10:44 pm

    “We all know it’s so utterly and vitally important for the future of our planet” and of course, the future of my family:

    “Industry experts expect the complex bidding process to raise record sums, which could increase energy bills and hand a windfall to the crown – potentially generating hundreds of millions for the Queen.

    The Crown Estate, which manages the monarch’s property portfolio, holds exclusive rights to lease the seabed around the British Isles for wind and wave power. Its profits go to the Treasury, which then sends 25% back to the royal household in the form of the sovereign grant.

    The sovereign grant was increased two years ago, from its previous level of 15%, in order to pay for extensive renovations at Buckingham Palace. It is to stay at 25% for a 10-year period, meaning the royal household should benefit directly from the money raised from the new leases.

    The Crown Estate does not make its forecasts public. However, if the government’s 2030 target is met, the Queen [or King Charles, or King William] could be collecting more than £100m a year within a decade.”

  35. cookers52 permalink
    October 31, 2021 11:15 pm

    Everything would benefit from a radical rethink, the monarchy could be replaced, parliament and the current political system reorganised, government power curtailed, our prisons are a disgrace, NHS overwhelmed, University is a ponzi scheme, Criminal justice a joke, Police ineffective , armed forces have no resources, immigration out of control, etc etc

    No wonder our leaders focus on climate change the real problems would explode their brains.

    • Micky R permalink
      November 1, 2021 7:08 am

      All UK public sector organisations are incompetent and corrupt at an organisational level. There are various reasons for this, but the failure to sack useless employees is probably at the top of the list.

      • November 1, 2021 7:42 am

        Absolutely, because they have no need to measure competence. The taxpayers’ money tree keeps providing for them irrespective of their performance. The unseemly rush to ‘self isolate’ during Covid (e.g. DVLA) has just demonstrated their uselessness.

      • Steve permalink
        November 1, 2021 4:52 pm

        Edward sucked up to Hitler. Charles sucks up to the Schwab lunatic. He will go the same way when the bills go up and the lights go out in the years to come and his record is plain to all.

  36. Phil O'Sophical permalink
    October 31, 2021 11:36 pm

    “The Prince’s Foundation, want to see an end to the long daily commute, with work places a short walk or five or 10-minute journey from home.”

    Or so they have been told/paid to say. Fifteen minute cites is straight out of the WEF Great Reset. They seem to think that if each of their objectives is announced by a different ‘cuddly’ (Joanna Lumley – less meat, fewer flights), or supposedly neutral, establishment figure (Charles), we won’t notice.

    New Zealanders are segregated; Aussies are limited to within 5km of their abode; in Canada (Saskatchewan) some are fleeing into the wilds to escape mandatory jabbing; implanted digital ID is being tested in Africa in association with Mastercard; four countries are trialling a digital currency, but only for bank transfers, you understand.

    And Britain will be trialling a new ‘social credit system’ to ‘incentivise better health’ (of course it is; they always use safety and/or health as the carrots) in Jan.

    Long ago, James Burke made a fascinating series called Connections, as a spin-off from Tomorrow’s World. It looked at the way elements of a technology were independently randomly developed that were all serendipitously available at the right time to contribute to someone else’s breakthrough revolutionary invention.

    Every feature of The Great Reset is being rolled out and tested, and sometimes tested for public reaction, separately around the globe. What year they will bring it all together and we effectively become tagged cattle, prisoners of the digital/finanical complex, is not clear, but it is coming.

  37. November 1, 2021 9:49 am

    When a person has a contrived authority and is assured of an audience, they can come to the opinion that what they say is captivating, riveting. They have come the delusional thought that they hold some sway with public opinion and can rearrange the paths of governance (like an old style royal). In other words it’s our fault that he is a rogue presence with little to do. Has ceased being interested in architecture to fill his idle hours. Now finds something, not of cosy opinion but a tally of metrics and facts, in which his bluster, ill-informed and contentious views, can find an airing while being insulated from criticism his interference stirs. There is a natural connection here between austere western insinuations and the riotous, focused leadership of China. Charles tells everyone else to draw in their horns while he and his family have a range of enormous dwellings divorced, protected from the real world. When he looks out of his window, in any one of these estates, he looks out on a view of previous centuries. Compares that with the industrial world today, which he is antagonistic too and finds that he prefers his world to the real world; this is delusional. Meanwhile he can endorse the worst excesses of the Prime Minister and in, BBC world, feel that he is that coherent and pithy sentience he would have liked to have been.

  38. 4 Eyes permalink
    November 1, 2021 11:28 am

    “The Prince’s Foundation, want to see an end to the long daily commute, with work places a short walk or five or 10-minute journey from home” Then he should stay within a couple of minutes of home too. He really isn’t that important despite what he might think.

  39. tom0mason permalink
    November 1, 2021 3:17 pm

    Prince Charles the world’s most informed ‘climate scientist’ — I think not!
    He can barely stutter out any rational and knowledgeable phrase on the subject.
    Consider that since Queen Victoria ascended to the throne in 1837 to today the average global temperature has risen by about 1℃.
    Maybe it’s all that family inbreeding that’s demented him.
    (Note Queen Victoria was related to her husband, Prince Albert, as first cousins and also third cousins once removed.
    Prince Philip (Queen Elizabeth’s husband), the son of the exiled Prince Andrew of Greece, was a direct descendant of Elizabeth’s great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria. )

  40. November 1, 2021 11:53 pm

    I think we have just seen the tipping point in Charlies route to the throne. This is his Marie Antoinette moment of “let them drive on Claret and Whey.”

    • tom0mason permalink
      November 2, 2021 10:02 pm

      Or should that be “Let them eat Duchy Originals”

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