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Who funds Extinction Rebellion? American & UK millionaires – ‘Some of America’s most famous families, including the Kennedys & the Gettys’

December 4, 2021

By Paul Homewood


Ever wondered who funded XR?




Big American and UK Money, Global Reach

Extinction Rebellion is no local grassroots NGO. Instead, it receives major financial support from American and UK millionaires.

A 2019 New York Times story from reported:

“Climate change protesters from Extinction Rebellion snarled traffic in Washington on Monday and again on Friday. You might find yourself asking, ‘Who helps pays for this activism?’ The answer, in part, is the scions of some of America’s most famous families, including the Kennedys and the Gettys.”

That would be referring to Rory Kennedy (daughter of former U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy) and Aileen Getty (a granddaughter of former U.S. oil businessman Jean Paul Getty), who started the Climate Emergency Fund which has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to Extinction Rebellion. Getty’s foundation even touts its support for Extinction Rebellion.

According to Buzzfeed, Extinction Rebellion was started by two British nationals and profile of the group shows that these threats of violence come from a calculated strategy:

“From the outside, Extinction Rebellion looks like a freewheeling movement fond of elaborate costumes and outlandish stunts. There is actually a deeply thought-out method beneath its madness, even as some of its stunts have caused internal tensions, and its message is deadly serious. And as much as it caught the political world by surprise, it didn’t just spontaneously erupt.”

And in the United Kingdom, Extinction Rebellion receives support from hedge fund manager Sir Chris Hohn. Earlier this year, The Guardian reported that Hohn “paid himself just shy of £1m-a-day last year,” and is using his wealth to support the group:

“Instead, he has pumped money into Extinction Rebellion (XR), the ‘respectful disruption’ campaign that has staged high-profile sit-in protests around the world. When Hohn was revealed as XR’s single biggest donor, he said: ‘Humanity is aggressively destroying the world with climate change and there is an urgent need for us all to wake up to this fact.’”

Hohn is also the founder of the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, which spends heavily on climate activism.

This money has helped Extinction Rebellion stage massive, disruptive protests around the world including at the recent COP26 in Glasgow, and in London, New York City, Paris, and Tokyo.

Likewise, Suzuki has also benefitted from big American money. Since 2000, the David Suzuki Foundation has received major financial support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund – one of the key groups backing the activist and litigation campaigns against the energy industry. More recently, the foundation received a total of nearly $1 million from the Packard Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, and Bullitt Foundation.

Full story here.

  1. December 4, 2021 10:46 pm

    This has been known for some time and it is very depressing. There seems little we can do against such enormous wealth. It just shows how easily these wealthy people have become brainwashed. Sadly there do not seem to be as many wealthy people funding sceptics, or perhaps there are but they are much quieter about it.

    • Dave Gardner permalink
      December 5, 2021 1:59 pm

      I don’t think it is so much wealthy people being brainwashed. The process is more like a wealthy person sets up a foundation and then, possibly many years later, left wing activists move in to manage the funding provided by the foundation. This article called “The Charity-Industrial Complex” written by somebody using the pseudonym “John Smoke” describes the process:

      I suppose it’s an example of John O’Sullivan’s (political commentator and speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher) “O’Sullivan’s First Law”, which is “All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.”

      • M E permalink
        December 6, 2021 2:41 am

        Thanks for that. The wealthy like to espouse fashionable causes where they can appear at functions for photo opportunities, I suspect. Then as they becomes further down the list of places to be seen at , and the fashion press looks elsewhere, the money people move in to take care of the funds so that they are not wasted on fancy overstaffed offices. It is at this point they go wrong , it seems to me.

  2. jimlemaistre permalink
    December 4, 2021 11:44 pm

    Thank you Mr. Homewood for your many well documented and well researched papers standing up to and in the face of the incessant onslaught from the four corners of the Environmental Movement. Without leadership like yours those of us who stand up for honesty and full disclosure in Science and most particularly Environmental science . . . we would be lost without a voice walking blindly in the wilderness suppressed by ‘The Big Green Propaganda Machine’.

    Global missions to clean up Planet Earth in principal must be lauded, yet as you have pointed out soo many times it is without scientific merit and fails even the most basic checks and balances required for a first year University review. Pipelines as your article notes are ‘easy targets’ for rebellion. There are so many land owners between production and destination who can be manipulated or shamed that pipelines can not be built. Such is the power of Big Money, Big Media and Big Environmentalist Propaganda.

    Keep up the Good Work . . . We stand behind you 100 % . . .

    • Vernon E permalink
      December 6, 2021 3:57 pm

      Its more sinister than the off-chance of wealth. At the heart of it all is the UN Agenda 30 for Sustainability (signed by all our political leaders) and personified at Davos.

  3. Douglas Dragonfly permalink
    December 4, 2021 11:56 pm

    Anti Social types that is for sure.

  4. It doesn't add up... permalink
    December 5, 2021 12:42 am

    In an excellent segment on GB News from Inaya Folarin Iman on climate extremism or “modern environmentalism”, one interviewee expresses astonishment that views such as those of Attenborough and XR would ever have gained popularity.

  5. HotScot permalink
    December 5, 2021 12:56 am

    What a waste of effing money when XR and its offshoot IB are roundly vilified by the British public at least.

    Failing investments have a finite life.

  6. David Calder permalink
    December 5, 2021 2:33 am

    I actually think these nut jobs turn MOST people off (good for us)…

    • Harry Passfield permalink
      December 6, 2021 5:12 pm

      ….”turn most people off”….unfortunately, it also seems to ‘turn off’ the police who are more than happy to just stand back and facilitate the demos.

      (apologies for the late response)

  7. December 5, 2021 7:13 am

    How IS it that so many wealthy people and companies or groups, can be so easily fooled? This seems to correlate with the idea that the more idiotic and scientifically ignorant one is, the wealthier he/she becomes. That concept definitely equates with my own position of never being wealthy but having enough to live on (most of the time).

  8. Barbara permalink
    December 5, 2021 8:07 am

    Sir Chris Hohn appears to be Rishi Sunak’s former boss.

    • It doesn't add up... permalink
      December 5, 2021 12:19 pm

      Let’s hope he isn’t his current one.

  9. ThinkingScientist permalink
    December 5, 2021 9:37 am

    Looks like XR is going to end up as a terrorist organisation.

    They should just keep standing on tube trains in Canning Town in rush hour. That will slowly reduce their supporters and will start to increase their collection of Darwin Awards.

    • H Davis permalink
      December 6, 2021 3:15 pm

      A clear cut court decision or government determination that XR is a terrorist organization would allow the donors to be prosecuted for supporting it.

  10. David permalink
    December 5, 2021 11:06 am

    XR is just the tip of an enormous evil organisation that is deconstructing everything in the Western World so that China can take over and rule everything.

  11. Ray Sanders permalink
    December 5, 2021 11:44 am

    Slightly off topic but a related issue. I just tried to look up a short paper by professor Thayer Watkins entitled “The Molecular Composition of the Atmosphere”. Putting the exact title of the paper into google search did not bring the article up on page 1, in fact I gave up by the 10th page of search results. What did come up where endless articles on the “chemical” construction of the atmosphere and all of them were global warming advocacy sites.
    I then switched to “Duck Duck Go ” and hey presto the paper was third on page 1 below other articles headed with the word molecule so perfectly reasonably associated to my search parameter.
    So who is funding all this control going right to the very core of just about everything.
    n.b. it is quite an interesting paper in precis form – there are links to a more detailed evaluation..

  12. Bloke down the pub permalink
    December 5, 2021 12:00 pm

    The two UK founders of XR are from my neck of the wood. Hopefully it’s not something in the water.

  13. December 5, 2021 12:40 pm

    The next thing I would like to know is if the individual protestors are being paid.

    I’ve long been curious how all these healthy working-age young people can take part in these long protests. How do they fit it in around their work commitments?

    However, if we now have a class of professional protestors, that would explain it. I also think this would be a fantastic coup if it were revealed and proven to be true. The sheer fact that protestors can claim “expenses” or whatever for taking part would be very damaging to their cause. In fact surely the people paying them could be charged with something?

    • Ian Johnson permalink
      December 5, 2021 5:26 pm

      If they are being paid then maybe the DWP and HMRC should show an interest.

  14. Kevin B permalink
    December 5, 2021 1:45 pm

    If the government wanted to stop this they have the laws to do it. What XR do now – blocking roads etc. – is low level terrorism. If they start blowing up pipelines they move on to major terrorist acts.

    So, declare them a terrorist organisation and go after them and their financiers. Freeze Mr Hohn’s assets and start proceedings to confiscate all his money. You would need international support to go after all his assets and those of the Getty’s and the rest.

    All it takes is the political will. (Oh who am I kidding! But maybe if people start getting killed, then the political scene might change.)

    • Phoenix44 permalink
      December 5, 2021 2:43 pm

      XR are far too useful to our political class. They are the ones who demand extreme action and by doing so make the government seem reasonable by being some distance away from the extremes. The Tories loved Corbyn as he allowed then to move massively leftwards without seeming too and they love XR as they can move massively Greenwards without seeming to.

      • Mack permalink
        December 5, 2021 11:12 pm

        Kevin, the legal powers exist, should plod and the Home Office mandarins who direct them, wish to employ them to crush XR activists, organisers and their funders. And, I don’t mean by High Court Injunctions. There is ample recourse to criminal law to arrest and convict them, from simple summary offences like highway obstruction to more serious offences like conspiracy to cause criminal damage etc. The law is there, the political will to enforce it isn’t. Were the same protestors, who are currently supergluing themselves to roadsides, protesting against net zero, covid, or English Channel dinghy policies, I suspect the reaction from the establishment would be less conciliatory.

  15. Aaron Halliwell permalink
    December 5, 2021 3:37 pm

    I hope these rich capitalists realise that they’ll be the first to be guillotined.

  16. Ulric Lyons permalink
    December 5, 2021 5:06 pm

    Hohn’s wife wore the trousers.

  17. dennisambler permalink
    December 5, 2021 6:04 pm

    Oz journalist Tony Thomas looked at XR last year:

    Gail Bradbrook: “In 2016 she travelled to Costa Rica “seeking a ‘mystical’ transformative experience to draw her out of a personal and political impasse. While tripping on ayahuasca, peyote, and other powerful psychedelics, the environmentalist prayed for the ‘codes for social change.’ Her prayer was answered when, upon returning to the UK, she met Roger Hallam, a 53-year-old organic farmer-turned-civil disobedience expert, at King’s College London. Among his writings were “Escape from the Neoliberal Higher Education Prison: A Proposal for a New Digital Communist University.”

    Hallam possessed the supposed globe-changing codes for rebels sought by Bradbrook (no, this is not the script for another Da Vinci movie). Hallam was busy spraying greenist graffiti on King’s College gates and in its Great Hall. He was fined £500 but then cleared by a jury last year after claiming he was tackling a “climate crisis” in a proportional way.”

  18. Yorkshire Lad permalink
    December 5, 2021 7:30 pm

    David, suggest any one who doubts that China may indeed be searching for world domination need look no further than clothing in M&S/Next etc, they will see China/Bangladesh/Turkey filling the isles. However, the Edward Lucas Saturday essay in the Daily Mail 04/12/2021
    should be compulsory reading for everyone just to confirm that China is indeed on track
    to achieve WD and the demise of the commonwealth.

  19. Douglas Dragonfly permalink
    December 6, 2021 1:50 am

    Government and the Cult.
    With all that funding plus cost of police and legal, court to prison, costs; they could of created a positive example of 21.2 century living.
    Wasted – both energy and resources.
    Each trying to out do the other in the sleazyness stakes.
    What an unholy mess !

  20. Russell Cook (@QuestionAGW) permalink
    December 6, 2021 4:38 pm

    Then there’s the former longest-serving head of Greenpeace USA, John Passacantando, who seemingly quit his job in 2008 for no explainable reason, giving up what was probably a six-figure income only to disappear into near-total obscurity by running an obscure pointless blog under the name of “Our Next Economy.” Then, in a 2016 Washington Free Beacon report, he was revealed in a leaked email to be participating (with others, such as Rockefeller Family Fund head Lee Wasserman and ex-Greenpeace ExxonSecrets head Kert Davies) in efforts to portray Exxon as corrupt. More recently, the Free Beacon also reported about Passacantando’s “Our Next Economy LLC” company apparently funneling dark money supplied by the Sustainable Markets Foundation to Kert Davies’ “Climate Investigations Center,” the outfit that ironically claims dark money from the fossil fuel industry is used to spread ‘climate denier disinformation.’ His accusation is based on worthless ‘evidence’ that dates back to the time when he and Passacantando were the top two guys at the forgotten Ozone Action environmentalist group — the place that stood to lose all credibility if it couldn’t counter Dr S Fred Singer’s assertion that the ‘ozone depletion crisis’ was a crock.

    How much money has rolled into the “Our Next Economy LLC” company after 2008, which otherwise has practically no internet presence to explain what the company does? Just under $10 million USD that I can find so far with public IRS documents. Please see “Passacantando’s Millions” . If anybody is able to dredge up more info on this mystery company, let me know.

  21. Robinoz permalink
    December 7, 2021 12:40 am

    Maybe we need an organisation to gather a collective of wealthy individuals to set up a group to tackle climate alarmism. There are many things we can do to improve our planet, getting rid of C02 isn’t one of them.

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