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Sea Level Check – Bill Gates’ Mansion, San Diego CDN 75.2K subscribers

February 9, 2023

By Paul Homewood




  1. February 9, 2023 1:43 pm

    Not only is Billy-Boy a climate fraudster, he is owned-or simply controlled–by the CCP. He is on a first name basis with President Xi Jinping. He is a regular visitor to Beijing and speaks before the Politburo.

  2. February 9, 2023 1:46 pm

    About Sea Level Rise:
    A rising sea level would increase the Inertia of the Earth Crust.

    More Land Ice is near the spin axis of the rotating earth crust while much more ocean is near the equator where sea level rise would significantly increase the inertia of the spinning earth crust.

    Conservation of Momentum would slow the Rotation Rate of the Earth Crust. The Atomic Clocks were put in place to measure Time Extremely Accurately, in 1972. More Leap Seconds would need to be added more frequently, but Less Leap Seconds have been added to the time every decade since 1972. The last leap second was added in 2016 and none expected to be added.

    This is valid Proof that Sea Level is Lower Now than it was in 1972!
    Sea Level has Fallen for Fifty Years, yet they say it has risen and the rise rate is accelerating.

    If sea level Ever Rises, Added Leap Seconds will be an Immediate Indicator.

    • catweazle666 permalink
      February 9, 2023 4:19 pm

      There is evidence that in fact it may be necessary to subtract a leap second.,within%20the%20next%20ten%20years.

      I argued some years ago that the Length of Day variation could be used as a proxy for change of ice mass on Greenland and Antarctica, as now both appear to be increasing it seems we both might have been right!

      • February 9, 2023 8:46 pm

        In the story that was linked to, this was written:
        Will a negative leap second be needed in the next decade? The fact is, we have no idea. The variations in Earth’s rotational speed are the result of the complex motion of its liquid core, oceans, and atmosphere, plus other effects.
        The meaning of that is clear, they most likely know that conservation of momentum is a largest term in the factors that cause changes to the earth spin rate. They are not allowed to admit they know, because it would prove sea levels have overall gone down since 1972, less leap seconds were added every decade, the last leap second was added in 2016, with the next most likely change appears to be subtraction of a leap second.
        They are not allowed to say anything about sea level going down because the official, consensus alarmist story has always been that earth is slowing down and that a steady sea level rise has suddenly been accelerating upward. Clearly, the opposite has happened for five decades.
        Don’t worry about sea level rise until they have added more leap seconds in a decade than in the first decade of atomic clock from 1972 to 1982, that count was 11 leap seconds added that first decade.

      • February 10, 2023 9:10 am

        There’s a problem for computer systems with moving the time of day backwards – the same time then occurs twice. The current solution is to pray the length of day doesn’t get any shorter.

  3. marlene permalink
    February 9, 2023 2:28 pm

    It won’t stop climate change radicals from calling it another Noah’s flood. Hurry, pay for your carbon footprints so we can stop the flood. I say, they should drop THEIR money into the seas to keep them from flooding. Since they believe that’s all it takes.

  4. Mack permalink
    February 9, 2023 2:53 pm

    Wow, allegedly a panic inducing 8.6 inches by the year 2100. Let’s run for the hills! Or, in the immortal words of one J.T. Trump, ‘build a wall’. Just like grown ups used to do if they were bothered by such trivialities.

  5. February 9, 2023 6:54 pm

    Galveston – the port for Houston – built a sea wall in a few years following a hurricane over 100 years ago.

  6. iananthonyharris permalink
    February 10, 2023 2:01 pm

    You should forward this to the BBC-who will doubtless ignore it.

    Ian Harris

  7. John Wainwright permalink
    February 13, 2023 9:19 am

    That’s Bill (don’t do as I do, do as I say) Gates

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