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Poland To Restrict Building Of Wind Turbines Close To Homes

March 3, 2016

By Paul Homewood 


h/t Paul2




Interesting news from Business Insider:


Poland was once seen as a major emerging market in clean energy, but its government has other ideas.

The right-wing Law and Justice Party, elected last October, proposed legislation this week which would severely restrict the building and maintenance of wind farms in the country — with prison sentences for anyone who doesn’t comply.

According to, the law would force a wind farm to be built away from any residential property at a distance of more than "10 times the height of the wind turbine," which effectively translates to over 1.5 km. For a nation of 38.5 million people this is much easier said than done, and a number of turbines may already contravene the law.

Furthermore, the cost of securing a new permit for constructing a wind turbine from the Office of Technical Inspection will be significantly increased, while all existing wind farms will face audits every two years.

Overall, the law would raise annual wind farm overheads to 150 million zloty (£26 million, $37.6 million) even if no new wind turbines were ever built again, reports Bloomberg. Oliver Joy, from the European Wind Energy Association, told them the plans are "arbitrary,"and were designed to tie the burgeoning industry in red tape. "The draft law is a clear statement of intent and should not be allowed to stand," he added.

Although the government declined to comment on the proposal, analysts believe it is worried about new installations creating unrest in communities and wants to quell clean energy lobbying.

Although Poland is Europe’s top coal producer, it also built the second most number of wind installations last year. Whatever future clean energy has in Poland, these plans will be seen by many as the Law and Justice party imposing its authority even more.


It is not clear where they source their claim that Poland built the second most number of wind installations last year, as I have not seen any official data yet. But to put matters into perspective, in 2014 Poland accounted for less than 3% of the EU’s installed wind turbine capacity, according to BP. Wind output only provided 2% of Poland’s primary energy consumption.

It does not sound as if this figure is going to rise much for the foreseeable future.

  1. March 3, 2016 6:35 pm

    1.5 km is nowhere near enough.
    A New Zealand experience.
    1. The media co-opted into defrauding our city

    2. Secret contracts perverting the course of justice

    3. Environmental desecration on an epic scale to “save the planet”

    4. Judicial fraud with the connivance and knowledge of the NZ govt

    5. Scandalous cronyism

    6. The pervasive, pernicious influence of the UN

    7. Non science based obsession with harmless CO2

    8. Fraud on MRP investors

    9. Earthquake “denial”

    10. The NZ judicial system and legal profession a cesspit

    Read it here

    The Turitea Wind Farm – a journey through a labyrinth of lies


  2. March 3, 2016 9:54 pm

    “The draft law is a clear statement of intent and should not be allowed to stand” says a non-Polish green non-entity.

    That says it all about the attitude of greens to democracy and the law.

  3. March 3, 2016 10:24 pm

    If we weren’t spending all this time arguing about CO2 and climate change, what would we be focused on? Something more awkward for our governors?

  4. Pethefin permalink
    March 4, 2016 5:33 am

    Pierre Gosselin at NoTricksZone has cover two related news quite recently:

    German expert advising 5 km distance from homes:

    and the Austrian Chamber of Physicians warning of large size wind turbines:

  5. Bloke down the pub permalink
    March 4, 2016 2:38 pm

    From this tweet from Tom Heap, it looks like BBC Countryfile will be doing a piece on wind turbines vs sea birds. Time will tell.

    Crew for @BBCCountryfile with @Jograce1 at the helm on Bass rock. Wind turbines vs seabirds— Tom Heap (@tomheapmedia) March 3, 2016


    • March 4, 2016 6:24 pm

      Tom Heap is a truly scary green enforcer, for onshore wind it was no contest, clean energy vs nimbies (probably Tory voters), slightly trickier for him to deal with dead sea birds, but I’m sure he’ll pull it off.

      • Bloke down the pub permalink
        March 4, 2016 11:24 pm

        I think there’s hope for him yet,

  6. March 6, 2016 8:50 am

    Green energy does not always mean secure. I’ve read some articles about the influence that those wind turbines may have on people and also on birds. On the other hand, the offshore wind farms may have an impact over climate, as shown here: So, I guess that it’s ok to restrict “something” until we completely understand how it works and which are its side effects.

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