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Killer Heatwave – The New Climate Porn

June 29, 2019

By Paul Homewood



There have been several reports about a “killer heatwave” in the UK, such as this one:



We are told that six have now died. But every single one have been due to swimming accidents.

Of course, people go swimming when the sun comes out, but these unfortunate deaths have no more to do with “heatwaves”, than they do with “water”


To suggest that these people have died because of the heat is a despicable type of climate porn.

  1. June 29, 2019 10:38 pm

    In recent months we have heard hundreds of thousands of young people urge us
    – their leaders – to act on climate change before it’s too late,” she said.

    I am *proud* that the UK has now enshrined in law
    our world-leading net zero commitment to reduce emissions and I have called on other countries to raise their ambition and embrace this target.

    – THERESA MAY tonight at the G7 in Tokyo

    I am ASHAMED of Britain’s ruling class of metroliberals LibLabCon & media who reject proper maths & scientific approaches like Cost Benefit Analyes
    .. and rather indulge in Virtue Signalling & PR tricks
    ( I say with raised voice & a million swear words)

    world-leading = #PioneerFallacy, where Britain rushes in making a whole load of mistakes
    … while other countries wisely stand back.

    • Gamecock permalink
      June 29, 2019 11:25 pm

      ‘”In recent months we have heard hundreds of thousands of young people urge us
      – their leaders – to act on climate change before it’s too late,” she said.’

      We? Us? No, you are on your own on this one.

      ‘Their leaders.’ Nah, you are no one’s leader. You are a national embarrassment.

      There’s a reason why young people aren’t allowed to vote. Your having heard from them means you are tuned into the wrong channel.

      ‘I have called on other countries to raise their ambition and embrace this target.’


  2. hsabin permalink
    June 29, 2019 10:44 pm

    I am going to post this on GAB – I would put it on twitter but they banned me for calling muslims who burned children to death animals…..


    On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 2:54 PM NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT wrote:

    > Paul Homewood posted: “By Paul Homewood There have been several > reports about a “killer heatwave” in the UK, such as this one: >” > >

    • June 30, 2019 8:10 am

      I would put it on twitter but they banned me”

      So they should; …
      you have no cause to denigrate animals by compering them to humans

  3. Mack permalink
    June 29, 2019 11:26 pm

    Have heard, several times this week, on both the BBC and Sky News, about the current ‘fearsome’ heatwave that is what ‘climate change’, looks like, with repeated references to the heatwave of 2003 in France that apparently killed 15,000 people, with more casualties expected. No historical balance is given, particularly in relation to lengthy historical drought conditions with searing heat in France that has happened periodically over the ages since Charlemagne first got a few scribes to make some notes. No mention either, in the British media, for sake of balance, of the ‘excess’ winter deaths of 2010 for example when @ 25,000 UK citizens alone shuffled off their mortal coils due to prolonged freezing. A situation mirrored on the continent. And, to be honest, mirrored every year. The latter was, apparently just down to weather, the former, quite obviously, was down to man made climate change. A quick look at summer/winter excess death indices across Europe reveals that our topsy turvey summers are good for the health, hot or cool, cold winters,,on the other hand, are the real killers. But don’t expect the BBC or Sky to cover that issue unless it is purely a means by which to bash a Tory government during the annual ‘Winter’ crisis in the NHS. But old people slipping on ice and getting hypothermia and dying because they can’t afford to pay their rapidly rising ‘green’ energy bills doesn’t quite fit the narrative does it?

  4. Shalewatcher permalink
    June 29, 2019 11:28 pm

    It’s worth noting that far more people die in the UK from cold in winter than from heat in the summer. Both are tragic and sad. If we anticipate a warmer climate that includes a warmer winter one would anticipate this would have a net benefit on temperature related mortality.

  5. June 29, 2019 11:30 pm

    Reblogged this on WeatherAction News and commented:
    June 1947

    June 1957

    That sounds impressive June heat and not just in the past 40 years either.
    So what is a heatwave? The Met Office
    define it as

    A UK heatwave threshold is met when a location records a period of at least three consecutive days with daily maximum temperatures meeting or exceeding the heatwave temperature threshold. The threshold varies by UK county, see the UK temperature threshold map below.

    So it wasn’t a heatwave, but don’t let that stop the #fakenews cookie cutter media from pushing climate porn. Gotta have you scared so they can take your cash and liberties.

    • Gerry, England permalink
      June 30, 2019 11:12 am

      The WMO define it as being at least FIVE days.

      • July 4, 2019 11:34 pm

        Hi Gerry, it’s a bit of a move able great so I decided to use the MetO definition as that’s the one the media would be likely to use. Bruce over at XMetMan recently wrote about it;

        For heatwaves no one country or meteorological service can agree on one :

        Should they last a minimum of five days or just three.

        Should they be based on the maximum temperature or the daily mean?

        And what temperature threshold are you going to set to consider any candidate day?


  6. HotScot permalink
    June 30, 2019 1:02 am

    What heatwave?????

    We had one day of high temperatures; today. Around 30C in Dartford, Kent. The highest ever UK temperature was recorded in Gravesend a few years ago at 100F, about 3 miles from us.

    The 29th June and we get a warm day, whilst the rest of the month has been generally miserable, and the MSM goes doolally.

    We are now at peak climate hysteria.

    Did anyone else find it suspicious that we have had months of BBC propaganda about climate change then, strangely, Theresa May puts the Net Zero bill before the HoC and it passes without a murmer?

    If anyone needs evidence of BBC collusion with the government, that’s it.

    The Tory party must go. I realise now that the only time in it’s history it ever represented anything but itself was when Maggie was PM.

    The only credible replacement party is the Brexit Party led by Nigel Farage. There is no right wing alternative.

    And the only way the Net Zero bill can be stopped is by the House of Lords returning it to the Commons for a full impact assessment and a proper debate.

    That way, the entire climate scam can be exposed by the oldest parliamentary Democracy in the world scrutinising it in the full glare of publicity. There can be no place to hide.

    Theresa May is undoubtedly the most corrupt, incompetent Prime Minister this country has ever had.

    I have written to my MP condemning this course of action. We must all write to our MP’s.

    Ruth Lea CBE has written the first part of a comprehensive condemnation of this reckless act of self harm over on The Conservative Woman. If you rwrite to your MP there is lots of information therein to compose a letter from.

    There is also as statement on the ludicrous 97% consensus presented to the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee by Robin Gruenier in December 2013.

  7. June 30, 2019 4:43 am

    The Establishment has gone barmy

  8. June 30, 2019 6:31 am

    Charlotte Neal & Rachel Endley should do a bit of basic research before writing their propaganda. But of course, if they did some basic research, they wouldn’t be able to create the propaganda. We have had one or two days of warm, humid weather, but that is not a heatwave according to the Met Office, which says:

    ‘What is a heatwave?

    A heatwave is an extended period of hot weather relative to the expected conditions of the area at that time of year, which may be accompanied by high humidity.

    What is the definition for a UK heatwave?

    A UK heatwave threshold is met when a location records a period of at least three consecutive days with daily maximum temperatures meeting or exceeding the heatwave temperature threshold. The threshold varies by UK county.’

  9. June 30, 2019 7:24 am

    Reblogged this on Climate- Science.

    • dave permalink
      June 30, 2019 8:09 am

      Dr Spencer refers to the recent trend in propaganda as “climate weirding;” That is, although there are no big trends, yet, somehow everything is unusually variable, and ominous. The error bars on calculating means from occasional data are wide enough; the error bars on estimating variance are an order of magnitude larger.

      Piers Corbyn’s approach to forecasting extreme weather as a result of solar perturbation of the jet streams strikes me as much more interesting, scientifically, than “it is all human CO2!”
      Incidentally, I like his description of wind power as “putting up prayer wheels.”

      I am also reminded of a case in the medical literature. An employee in a butcher,s shop slipped from a ladder and was impaled on a meat hook, in the upper arm. Screaming in pain he was taken to hospital where it was discovered that he had been hanging by the material of his coat, and the hook had not even scratched him. An example of false consciousneness.”

  10. JimW permalink
    June 30, 2019 8:17 am

    The Guardian today is talking about the heatwave in the south of France as ‘like hell in death valley’ apparently quoting some nameless official.
    Well we have woken up this morning to rain! Obviously God decided to put out the hellfires.
    Its all about money nothing to do with facts about weather. By the way, Meteo France are still forecasting us to have zero rain and 34C right now, liars.

    • Athelstan. permalink
      June 30, 2019 8:42 am

      ‘like hell in death valley’

      Oh puleeze say it ain’t so, how would these full of holes cheese brained Londonistanis really know? For a start, Death Valley is below sea level and in a rain shadow region. on the Horse lattitude geographical location, thus precipitation is at a premium In sharp contrast, by comparison even in the south of France – is positively drowning wet.

      • Gerry, England permalink
        June 30, 2019 11:09 am

        Death Valley is also part of a Hadley cell where the dry air circulates back down having risen in the tropics. Deserts are found where this happens in both hemispheres.

  11. June 30, 2019 2:33 pm

    It is extremely disappointing to keep seeing false stories such as this in the daily news. Like the Spanish manure pile that caught fire. Farmers/Ranchers have known for many decades if not centuries that green hay stacked too closely together will catch fire and manure piles will do the same during times of higher temperatures. I truly wish we could return to the time when journalism had some ethics.

  12. June 30, 2019 5:40 pm

    Some warm weather blew in from the Sahara (population minimal) and this is supposed to be evidence of ‘man-made’ climate change? Give us a break.

  13. July 1, 2019 3:56 pm

    Of course if it wasnt a nice hot day those people would not be swimming and so its a stretch, but yes climate related deaths…

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