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‘We need a democratic revolt against the climate extremists’ – Dominic Lawson

March 12, 2020

By Paul Homewood


Dominic Lawson talks to Brendan O’Neill about Brexit, climate change and ‘the apocalypse’.


The first half covers Brexit and other issues, but it’s certainly worth listening to the climate bit, at around 36 minutes in.


ScreenHunter_5746 Mar. 12 19.33

‘We need a democratic revolt against the climate extremists’


[Click on link]

There’s a lovely bit about Ed Miliband and President Xi @52 minutes in.


One phrase that stands out with me is “moral vanity”, which he accuses our politicians of.


Please share with your friends.

  1. Mr. Peter Burgess permalink
    March 12, 2020 7:48 pm

    Dominic Lawson is right but why have so few sceptics signed the referendum petition?

  2. MrGrimNasty permalink
    March 12, 2020 8:13 pm

    XR could do sceptics a big favour. The more they show themselves up as nothing more than lunatics with an anti-capitalist anarchist agenda who have re-branded ‘occupy’ for a convenient ride on the climate wagon, and as a way of duping people to do their dirty work; the faster people will be motivated to resist this nonsense.

    I expect the ‘suicides’ would have been the usual crass play acting stunts with buckets of blood, but with these loons – who can tell?

  3. It doesn't add up... permalink
    March 12, 2020 9:02 pm

    Here’s another poll that demonstrates the need:

    Coronavirus (32% concerned) vs climate change (45% concerned)

    Demographic splits at the link.

    • Rowland P permalink
      March 13, 2020 7:43 am

      That goes to show how well the propaganda has worked. “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”. Joseph Goebbels.

  4. March 12, 2020 10:22 pm

    The real problem is government so-called climate policy.

  5. It doesn't add up... permalink
    March 13, 2020 2:03 am

    Another one:

    Are Brits considering paying an additional carbon offsetting fee when buying a flight to reduce the impact of their travel plans on the environment?

    33% No I would not consider it
    27% Yes I would consider it
    24% Not relevant, don’t plan on flying anywhere this year
    13% DK
    3% I am already offsetting

    I do wonder about the 3% who claim to be doing it: perhaps they are thinking that APD is offsetting?

  6. Rowland P permalink
    March 13, 2020 7:38 am

    Moral vanity? More like psychopathic groupthink. There is also the unerring fact that the consensus is amongst politicians, not scientists.

    • Broadlands permalink
      March 14, 2020 6:19 pm

      The consensus is among the politicians and policy-makers (and teenagers) who listen to just a few scientists…those with the models (continually adjusted) to forecast and predict a climate catastrophe. That has lead to groupthink among other scientists?

  7. Vernon E permalink
    March 13, 2020 10:19 am

    The petition is moving at a snail’s pace and the geographic distribution is despairing. Obviously nobody other than us here knows about it. Who is the originator? Where is the social media call-out? Where is Julia H-B and the other like-minded radio presenters? Where is the Daily Mail? And so on. It should be a piece of cake to get 100,000 signatures but not like this.

    • Phoenix44 permalink
      March 13, 2020 10:27 am

      I suspect most are simply of the view that it won’t matter. Even with 1 million signatures, the government will ignore it. We need a UKIP/Brexit Party equivalent to get anywhere.

      • Stuart Brown permalink
        March 14, 2020 8:37 pm

        P44, I think it does matter, if only for morale! Surrounded by folks who seem to be full on greens, if it weren’t for this site and others, I would be convinced I was insane. If there really are so few people who care, I should just embrace our new peasant future with a glad heart for the few years I have left (hopefully). I’ve signed.

    • MrGrimNasty permalink
      March 13, 2020 12:26 pm

      Daily Mail – are you kidding.

      It’s a rare day there aren’t multiple stories about Greta – and NOT negatively, WMO reports, MO exaggerations, and endless junk air pollution linked to….. climate change advocate rubbish. The DM has completely sold out. If there’s a common sense letter published, it’s near guaranteed one of the usual Grantham Institute reps. will be given the last word of reply.

    • Rowland P permalink
      March 13, 2020 5:55 pm

      The originator is a member of the Alliance of British Drivers (ABD) – a persistent little bunch of people endeavouring to look after the rights of every motorist. Please consider supporting them as we are increasingly coming under the cosh!

    • Adam Gallon permalink
      March 14, 2020 9:51 am

      I’ve signed it, however I’ve not received the email to confirm my signature.
      Tried twice now.

      • Adam Gallon permalink
        March 14, 2020 9:54 am

        Belay that, just found the link email in the spam box.

  8. Vernon E permalink
    March 13, 2020 10:37 am

    Lord save us from a re-emergence of UKIP – it should be laid to rest. We need Nigel Farrage but not in any guise of the self-destructive UKIP.

    • Adam Gallon permalink
      March 14, 2020 9:56 am

      Farage is the problem.
      He alienates many who’ve helped him, as they might be a threat to his position as Great Leader. Surrounds himself by sycophants in the same way Borisconi does.
      Thus we don’t need him.

    • March 15, 2020 9:56 pm

      I disagree , many of us held our nose to vote Tory
      They are still at heart a posh socialist party.

  9. It doesn't add up... permalink
    March 13, 2020 12:37 pm

    Off topic.

    A very good analysis of the statistics of testing for coronavirus here

    It explains why more general testing really isn’t useful. Explaining these things should be the responsibility of the press and broadcasters. Merely asserting the conclusions is insufficient.

  10. keith holland permalink
    March 13, 2020 3:29 pm

    Excellent letter in Conservative Woman today, drawing a parallel of the whole climate movement to the Nazi movement before the last war. Worth a read.

  11. MrGrimNasty permalink
    March 13, 2020 5:01 pm

    The Renewable Heat Incentive ‘inquiry’ is out, lest we forget about that particular fiasco.

    One high profile bad green idea, but pretty much a blueprint for them all – a minority get rich whilst damaging the environment (burning wood pellets) and claiming to be green.

    Also came across this report of anaerobic digester ‘incidents’, sounds like another fine mess in the name of green.

    Click to access incidents-report–2010-2018–final.pdf

    A fair while ago I posted a story about one plant that went bankrupt and no one was left to clear up the mess, it was on the local news a few weeks ago again, still waiting to be cleaned up.

  12. March 14, 2020 10:51 am

    Any one else not receiving subscription emails from this blog?

    I seemed to get unsuscribed, so re-subscribed but still not getting anything. Nothing in spam folder either (which is where they used to land).

  13. john cooknell permalink
    March 14, 2020 11:44 am

    I was happier when we just taled about the climate and weather.

    Politics is just what it always is, nothing is quite as it seems.

    As to coronavirus, I wonder how things went only a few years ago when we all probably would just have said ” the Flu was quite bad this year, it has seen off more than normal.”

    Viruses mutating and species jumping from animals has been around just as long as animals and humans have been around, the media are completely mad.

    Never before in human history have we had the ability to understand and control such things, but never before have we had such facility for mass hysteria.

    • El Toro permalink
      March 14, 2020 2:42 pm

      Well said!

  14. March 14, 2020 5:10 pm

    I see the dreaded Earth Hour is looming again 28 March. Letter from the hypocritical WWF in my local paper reminding. Seem to remember being told a few years ago that the mass switch-off followed by similar switch-on actually increases CO2 emissions. Can’t be much fun for the National Grid either. More Green nonsense with no thought.

    • Stuart Brown permalink
      March 14, 2020 8:24 pm

      Brenda – last year Earth Hour was 20:30 to 21:30 on the 30th of March. In the UK from 19:00 demand for electricity was steadily dropping as it usually does from the early evening peak (35.36GW). At 20:30 demand went UP by a tiny 14MW out of a demand for 33GW. It then followed a more or less linear decline past 22:00 with no discernible difference at 21:30 as it headed toward the night time low. It was just over 25GW by midnight.

      I would guess that the National Grid evening shift were all fast asleep, undisturbed by Earth Hour, as they will be this year 🙂

      • Gerry, England permalink
        March 16, 2020 8:38 pm

        I must put both my ovens on this year then. As each year passes and our grid contracts it should be easier for us to kick off a power surge as Power Hour starts and crash the grid.

  15. M E permalink
    March 15, 2020 3:04 am

    Did I point you to Dr Seheult on MedCram also available on Youtube.? A specialist in lung diseases he comes off ward and gives reasoned lectures as for Medical Students and Nursing staff on the pandemic ,not epidemic, of this corona virus which is unlike any previous viral sickness in humans,
    Just up the street for this type of blog. plenty of peer reviewed ,well thought out information built on cell biology lectures

  16. March 15, 2020 8:52 am

    What is really needed is a complete reform of our governance whereby the ‘People’ become sovereign and our politicians our servants and not our masters. What we need is this –

    • Gerry, England permalink
      March 16, 2020 8:48 pm

      Something has to change as most people only voted in the Bumbling Buffoon Boris because the other options were far worse. There is no choice other than abstaining.

  17. Rowland P permalink
    March 15, 2020 10:15 am

    Why doesn’t British Summer Time start at the end of February – about 70 days after mid-winter’s day since it ends at only about 50 to 60 days before? At present it starts after about 90 days.

    • Stonyground permalink
      March 15, 2020 4:38 pm

      I think that it is more related to the time that most people get up for work. The best use of daylight depends on most people getting up just as it’s getting light. Once we get to the point where we have an hour of daylight before we get up, that would be a good time to put the clocks forward an hour. That gives us an extra hour of daylight in the evening that we would otherwise have used up laying in bed.

      • It doesn't add up... permalink
        March 15, 2020 4:55 pm

        For me the last day of BST had sunrise at 7:55 a.m. On March 1st, it was at 6:56 GMT, so we could have shifted back again for the same sunrise time. Sunrise on the last day of GMT will be at 5:54 a.m.

        I did try taking a look at times for the extrema of the UK – Out Stack Shetland, Belleek (the Western most point in NI), Scillies, Lowestoft, North Foreland (though I didn’t consider Rockall relevant). The conclusion is much the same. Sunrise is much later when we shift to BST than when we shift to GMT.

        If you want to play try here:

    • March 16, 2020 8:27 pm

      Sunrise today in John O’Groats is 06:22am
      If the clocks had gone forward a farmer starting at 6am wouldn’t be seeing sun until 7:22am

  18. Robin Guenier permalink
    March 16, 2020 12:33 pm


  19. Stuart Brown permalink
    March 16, 2020 4:18 pm

    “The cost of excess wind power in the first two months of 2020 amounted to £72 million in payments to wind farms to reduce output, mostly (£69 million) in Scotland. Last year’s annual total of £139 million was a record, but does not seem likely to remain so for long.”

    So that’s a cool half billion sorted by Christmas then? 2019 total was over 7 times the amount for Jan and Feb. For doing nothing.

    But wait – we can avoid that cost by spending more!

    “[T]he latest National Grid Network Options Assessment January 2020 report on forthcoming grid expansion recommends that three more Scotland to England interconnectors are built off the East Coast at a projected cost of £8.5 billion to accommodate the expected growth in Scottish wind generation (p. 96).”

    I can’t believe there are only 6000 of us that want that referendum!

    • It doesn't add up... permalink
      March 17, 2020 2:04 am

      I’ve been doing some other statistics. I used the System Buy/Sell prices to value the output (and in the case of pumped storage and interconnectors, the input as well) of various kinds of generation over January.

      Wind was worth a total of £211m as generated. If we allow for the £31.2m of constraint payments, it was worth an average of £28.40/MWh, with onshore wind generated worth £0.87/MWh more than offshore wind (I don’t have a breakdown of the constraint payments). Solar was worth an average of £32.49/MWh, but only £8.4m.

      Coal was worth £55.9m and £37.56/MWh
      CCGT was worth £331.3m and £39.95/MWh
      Nuclear was worth £175m and £35.20/MWh
      Hydro was worth £19.1m and £36.95/MWh
      Pumped Hydro redelivered at £50.56/MWh some 77.4% of what it used in pumping at a cost of £25.15/MWh, and provided cash generation of £2.5m (it was paid for providing ancillary services on top of the basic trading margin)
      OCGT was worth just £0.5m but £59.63/MWh, meeting tight supplies.
      Biomass was worth £63m and £35.92/MWh
      Other was worth £4m and £36.85/MWh

      On the interconnectors we paid
      £38.41/MWh to import from France, who paid just £25.93/MWh for our exports
      £36.23/MWh to import from the Netherlands, who paid £34.25/MWh for our exports
      £36.26/MWh to import from Belgium, who paid £34.15/MWh for our exports
      £33.25/MWh to import from Northern Ireland, who paid £38.04/MWh for our exports
      £32.18/MWh to import from Ireland, who paid £39.07/MWh for our exports.

      The Irish have similar wind surpluses and and deficits to ourselves, and having no other trade alternative lose out. The French seem to have worked out how to capitalise on some of our wind surpluses.

      Of course, these valuations are very different to the ones actually paid to subsidised renewables. ROCs are now worth over £50/MWh, and many onshore wind farms and most of Drax get 1 ROC/MWh generated, while offshore ones get 1.9 or 2 ROCs. CFDs look even more generous – at £158.75/MWh, Hornsea is getting a subsidy worth over £130/MWh.

  20. MrGrimNasty permalink
    March 16, 2020 7:13 pm

    All the Guardian/Bob Ward etc. climate change insinuations and attribution, all dismissed in the Whaley Bridge Dam report.

    [the collapse was caused by] “poor design of the spillway, exacerbated by intermittent maintenance over the years which would have caused the spillway to deteriorate”.

    “With consistent good quality maintenance over the years leading up to the event the spillway may not have failed.”

    “However, it would have been unlikely to survive the probable maximum flood which is many times greater than the flood in which it failed.”

    Funny how us lunatic anti-science skeptics had the caused nailed straight away!

    • It doesn't add up... permalink
      March 17, 2020 2:11 am

      Did it finally get unredacted?

  21. March 16, 2020 8:22 pm

    Green issue videos from tonight’s BBC Inside Out local 3 item magazine progs
    East Mids – Is it time climate activism became more diverse?

    Southeast Vegan materials item

    East Plastic affects local rivers

  22. Coeur de Lion permalink
    March 16, 2020 9:25 pm

    One needs to re-advertise the petition – move it up to lead position?

  23. Coeur de Lion permalink
    March 16, 2020 9:25 pm

    One needs to re-advertise the petition – move it up to lead position?

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