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No, Climate Change Is Not ‘Pushing Birds North’

December 18, 2020

By Paul Homewood


James Taylor debunks the latest rubbish from the Guardian:



Among the top Google News search results today under “climate change, the UK Guardian and other media outlets are claiming a new atlas of bird habitats shows global warming is “pushing” birds further north. The atlas itself, however, tells a completely different story. Rather than “pushing” birds out of their normal ranges and forcing them north, birds are benefiting from a warming climate by expanding their overall ranges, thriving in new, northern regions while still thriving in southern regions as well. The result of climate change is not a negative “pushing” of birds out of their habitat, but rather birds enjoying larger habitat ranges, while adding to biological diversity in their new ranges.

The Guardian story is titled, “Atlas reveals birds pushed further north amid climate crisis.” The title leads casual readers to belief birds are being stressed by climate change, consistent with the notion of a climate crisis. If you dig deeper into the story, however, the Guardian admits, “Overall, 35% of birds increased their breeding range, 25% contracted their breeding range and the rest did not show any change, or the trend is unknown.” That is, of course, a positive development. Indeed, even the Guardian admits, “Generally, if a species is present in more areas it is less likely to go extinct….”

So, if you come across one of the “news” articles claiming the climate crisis is forcing birds to flee north, remember the facts – birds are taking advantage of a warmer climate by adding to their overall habitat ranges.

  1. Joe Public permalink
    December 18, 2020 10:14 am

    Please stop using facts & logic Paul, you’re making them look like proper idiots.

    • Gerry, England permalink
      December 18, 2020 10:29 am

      I don’t think they need much help with that.

  2. Gerry, England permalink
    December 18, 2020 10:41 am

    So not surprisingly birds are doing much the same as butterflies. And it will be no surprise that there was a paper published claiming butterflies were shifting northwards without mentioning the southern range limit was staying the same. Jim Steele commented on this and I think the generally shoddy paper produced by somebody called Parmesan.

    Dr Peter Ridd’s leave to appeal the High Court decision will be on 11 February. Let us hope he is successful and the appeal will be heard. In his update he notes the Cambridge University rejected a change to their academic freedom rules to require they argue ‘respectfully’ given how that is part of the JCU case against him. As he says, how do ‘respectfully’ say much of your research is flawed and fraudulent. They opted for ‘tolerate’ instead.

  3. Phillip Bratby permalink
    December 18, 2020 10:41 am

    If you assume the opposite of a Grauniad headline to be true, then you won’t go far wrong.

    • stevejay permalink
      December 19, 2020 10:11 am

      The only thing you can really believe in the Guardian are the page numbers, maybe.

  4. December 18, 2020 11:57 am

    ‘Pushing Birds North’

    What? Are there fewer wind turbines in the North?

  5. Hugh Sharman permalink
    December 18, 2020 12:49 pm

    Hold on! “…remember the facts – birds are taking advantage of a warmer climate by adding to their overall habitat ranges.” So is the climate warming, or not?

    • December 18, 2020 1:17 pm


      But birds moving North makes two assumptions.
      1. Birds are, in fact expanding into the North
      2. Warming is the cause.

      But, yeah, when you just take their word for it, it does appear a bit contradictory. You’ve possibly just caught them in circular reasoning, that birds “move” North due to warming, which according to their reasoning proves the warming.

      Recently Paul posted on a news item about the poor tits who were going to hatch after their food source was no longer available. Funny how the ecology experts always fail to mention the ability of fauna to adapt to new environmental conditions (assuming those conditions are new), except when they have something to blame humans for.

  6. mjr permalink
    December 18, 2020 1:18 pm

    I wondered why the penguins had disappeared from my back garden and been replaced by Flamingos

    • December 18, 2020 1:59 pm

      When you give them (the flamingos) a tap with your knuckles, to they stay put and sound hard and hollow, or do they run away? Just curious.

      • mjr permalink
        December 18, 2020 2:05 pm

        Cant check because of the Polar Bears. They havent got the message about warming and just love the flamingos. After all, they couldnt get the wrappers off the penguins so were very peckish

      • December 18, 2020 4:07 pm


        Those darned Polar Bears. More trouble than their worth, if you ask me.

  7. Broadlands permalink
    December 18, 2020 2:10 pm

    Animals of all kinds have responded to climate/weather and did so in the warm 1920s and 30s when the dreaded CO2 was pre-industrial. What these alarmed “climatologists” are trying to do is make it the fault of other people enjoying a lifestyle made possible by carbon buried geologically. They have twisted it into a climate crisis and emergency which it is obviously not. The global mean temperature has risen about 6% since 1900 while the dreaded CO2 has climbed almost 50%.

  8. Devoncamel permalink
    December 18, 2020 3:01 pm

    Ok, so it’s a fact, birds adapt to changes in the climate, in this case warming. I doubt very much that it’s catastrophic and a crisis/emergency.

  9. David V permalink
    December 18, 2020 4:02 pm

    6% increase in temperature – that might be worrying. I make 1 degree in about 290 (Absolute) a little over 0.3% – did I miss something?

  10. MikeHig permalink
    December 18, 2020 6:02 pm

    It is blindingly obvious that flora and fauna adapt to changes in climate.
    Afaik, many, if not all, of the species alive today survived the last ice age. If they did not adapt their range to suit changing conditions the enormous areas that were under ice would never have been repopulated.
    Of course they also survived the Holocene Optimum which was considerably warmer than today – indeed they probably thrived.
    Lastly, year-to-year variability is far greater than the projected change for the rest of this century. Nature copes.

    • Graeme No.3 permalink
      December 18, 2020 7:54 pm

      But the Holocene Optimum was well before 1979 when climate change started. Just before that it was noted in the USA that the range of armadillos was moving southward, proof that we were heading into the next ice age. They have since moved back northwards again (possibly even further north than in 1972) which is proof of global warming.
      What the range was in the warmer times (1920-1940) is never shown by comparison, and may have never been delineated then. Which raises the question “What was the ranges of these birds before WW2? “

  11. auralay permalink
    December 18, 2020 6:59 pm

    Next weeks headline:- Outgoing tide forces sunbathers further down the beach, research shows.

    • Graeme No.3 permalink
      December 18, 2020 8:01 pm

      A friend sent me an e-mail just this morning of press headlines, too long to include all but the first 3 are
      Homocide victims rarely talk to police.
      Miracle cure kills fifth patient.
      Bridges help people cross rivers.

  12. December 18, 2020 9:18 pm

    But here is the rub. Just look how much work they put you all to to refute their baseless claims. They are published despite making unsubstantiated claims. We on the other hand struggle to publish when supported by robust empirical data..

  13. saparonia permalink
    December 19, 2020 1:33 pm

    The climate is definitely changing. There has been a shift in snow cover. I recently, (5 minutes ago) read that, “Record-busting snow buried the Northeast United States Wednesday and Thursday this week as a mass of brutal Arctic air rode south on the back of a weak and wavy “meridional” jet stream flow.” We can expect this because the tilt of Earth is changing and the mid-regions are getting snow that usually is confined to the North.

  14. Gamecock permalink
    December 19, 2020 3:23 pm

    “Generally, if a species is present in more areas it is less likely to go extinct….”

    You can’t scare children with that.

    “Atlas reveals birds pushed further north amid climate crisis.”

    Much better.

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