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Climate Change “Obsession of the Elite”

May 18, 2021

By Paul Homewood





Despite the media propaganda onslaught, climate change still ranks well down the list of things the public worry about. only 18% see it as one of the most important problems, with a negligible 6% listing it as top concern.

Note that the question asks about Pollution/Environment/Climate Change. No doubt, if the climate change had been set as a separate question, which an honest poll would have done, the vote would have been much lower still.

IPSOS comments:



In other words, it is only of real interest to the better off: interestingly there no are no significant differences between age groups, which rather destroys the BBC argument that the young have fallen for Greta’s propaganda.

Damningly, Labour supporters are double as likely to worry about climate change. Given that the working classes are less likely to worry, this shows that Labour is fast losing its working class base.

  1. Chris permalink
    May 18, 2021 7:13 pm

    Driven perhaps by their feelings of guilt?

    Sent by CJ Matchette-Downes


  2. May 18, 2021 7:17 pm

    Just posted on your About page before seeing this – sorry.

    Paul – in case you are more sensible than me and don’t listen to The World Tonight on BBC I thought you’d like to know that from last night every night we are being treated to a few minutes discussion on that very important issue – Climate Change. It was towards the end of the programme which incidentally claims “intelligent analysis”. That would be a first.

    Wonder how many listeners will switch off when this is announced with a weary “not again”, as I will.

    • May 18, 2021 7:38 pm

      Brenda…. my take on this is that it is desperation. There is still too much resistance after all this time. Too many people who neither care one way or the other about climate are sick and tired of being lectured to. So the rhetoric is winding up and up. They have tried everything else from guilt trips to blackmail using children so now because we have been so bad, it is no longer one or non items sold as climate change on the BBC but those items PLUS but a daily indoctrination session.

      I wonder how long it is before an attempt is made to make it mandatory. Scarier than that, this nonsense IS already mandatory in schools with them now indoctrinating children who unlike us cannot turn it off.

      Finally does it not hit you as odd that opinions on climate in the UK are basically split along voting lines…..How could that be….when they keep telling us “it is all about “the” “science”? If that were indeed the case then this nonsense would have been binned years ago.

  3. May 18, 2021 8:01 pm

    In Afghanistan the *Taliban* think they are the good guys, saving the world.

    Likewise the *BBC Taliban* think they are the good guys, saving the world.
    I imagine that if I go to a region which has a BBC building
    there will be a flagpole with green Eco-Taliban flag to indicate their belief that windturbines & solar panels are the only way
    ..and other flagpoles with the EU flag, and the “Tories Out” flag, The BLM flag, the love the NHS flag, the vaccine-Taliban flag
    and all the other BBC groupthink flags

  4. Cheshire Red permalink
    May 18, 2021 8:05 pm

    Spot-on about how they framed the question Paul. Ask it in a certain way to elicit a certain type of answer.

    If they’d had ‘climate change’ (‘the greatest challenge in all of human history’) on its own it would’ve been a humiliating damp squib.

  5. Mack permalink
    May 18, 2021 8:39 pm

    Climate change is one of those trendy middle class things to be really worried about:: a bit like gender, neo-.colonialism, race, hate speech, quotas, diversity, critical thinking, Christianity, patriotism, populism etc etc. For the majority of people in the real world, who can’t afford such indulgences, their main worries are putting food on their tables, their health, the security and prosperity of their families and their future happiness and getting along with their neighbours and work colleagues. The weather is something we talk about in polite conversation. And all of us are up for improving our natural environment and reducing pollution. However, the climate is something that, even the average bloke in the street realises, is not within the wit of man to change no matter how much it’s rammed down their throats by the MSM that their actions can alter it.

    • Devoncamel permalink
      May 18, 2021 10:13 pm

      Agree with you except for dragging Christianity into the indulgence bracket.

  6. Devoncamel permalink
    May 18, 2021 10:17 pm

    Interestingly I clicked on the comments of a BBC news item on their website today. The subject was the latest nonsense about banning new gas boiler sales after 2025.
    Most were derisory and critical.

  7. teneb permalink
    May 18, 2021 11:00 pm

    “Obsession of the Elite”? Of the gullible more like.

    • Is it just me? permalink
      May 19, 2021 12:24 am

      Covid lockdown is more of an obsession with the gullible – no?

  8. Graeme No.3 permalink
    May 18, 2021 11:32 pm

    The BBC should set an example; only use electricity from renewables to power their transmitters.
    Rather than waiting years I suggest they be told to start before the Glasgow Climate Conference.

    • Matt Dalby permalink
      May 19, 2021 2:08 am

      Even better, they should only use renewables and only when generation exceeds, let’s say, 50% of installed capacity. We would all be better off if their propaganda stopped each evening when the sun went down.

      • StephenP permalink
        May 19, 2021 7:45 am

        And the electricity for COP26 should only be available from renewable sources after the hospitals and emergency services have had their needs covered.
        Looking at the performance of wind over the past month I don’t think there would be much to spare.
        I imagine that cold suppers eaten in the dark would be the order of the day.
        Maybe holding the conference at the time of the equinoctual gales would have suited them better.
        Let’s see what the first half of November brings.
        I can foresee a lot of hot air and virtue signalling and the UK cutting off its nose to set a good example to the rest of the world who won’t take a bit of notice and think us foolish for doing so.

  9. Douglas Dragonfly permalink
    May 19, 2021 9:25 am

    With a healthy disregard to travel restrictions, climate envoy John kerry visits european cities. They included London, Berlin and Rome where he met Pope Francis.
    Maybe planning our funerals ?
    B.T.W. I love those ideas of the BBC and COP26 leading by example and and running exclusively on renewably sourced electricity. Brilliant !

  10. Coeur de Lion permalink
    May 19, 2021 10:18 am

    Oh deary me, oh lord-save-us -Sir Whoever. the President of the ROYAL SOCIETY no less, oh dear, has a longish, innumerate letter in today’s Times all about what we must do to achieve Net Zero. And the Today programme had him calling for money for research into yet uninvented methods of energy storage etc. Chartered in 1660, an astonishing number of great scientists, motto ‘nullius in verba’ – take no man’s word for it. Sad sad sad.

    • Thomas Carr permalink
      May 19, 2021 11:31 am

      I had’nt planned to buy today’s Times afgter the treat from Tom Bower yesterday on page 26. Must change my mind and nip out before it starts raining again. Dubtless it will be a hot summer after all. Trouble loading my text so mistakes proliferate. Apols. to all.

      • Thomas Carr permalink
        May 19, 2021 3:23 pm

        Isee what you mean Coeur de Lion
        Sir Adrian seems remarkably inarticulate. He might as well have said ‘ we would like a blank cheque to be able to invest to achieve ideal objectives by unknwn means and an independant expert group should be set up to those ends’. It’s all a bit familiar and the taxpayers money promised so far will not be enough. The letter coincides with the addition of a 12 page supplement ” Green growth – How business is tackling the climate change”. Some coincidence.

    • May 19, 2021 9:22 pm

      Sir, In the battle to reach net zero, much attention has rightly focused on the need to deploy available clean energy technologies such as wind and solar
      (“No new fossil fuels to hit net zero”, business, May 18)
      but we also need to invest in low-carbon tech and ideas that are still in development.
      New ways to heat our homes, new fuels for shipping and aviation and new ways of storing electricity from renewables when there is no sun or wind will be crucial to our transition to a net-zero economy.

      Britain needs large-scale public and private investment to kickstart these innovative new industries in the UK, creating jobs and a green economy. *
      To do that, the government needs to establish an independent expert group to guide that investment and shape a technology road map.
      We need to back our innovators: the £12 billion over ten years that the prime minister has promised in his green industrial revolution will not green our £2 trillion a year economy.
      Sir Adrian Smith ..President of the Royal Society”

      * If ideas really work, then they don’t need government backing.
      The gov should not try to pick winners, it should leave it to the market.

      • May 19, 2021 9:24 pm

        There might be something in the Times reader comments but they are mostly not visible to me these days.

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