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CCC Say England Not Prepared For (Non Existent) Climate Change

March 29, 2023

By Paul Homewood


The latest propaganda from the Committee on Climate Change:



England is not ready for the unavoidable impacts of global warming, the government’s advisers on climate change say in a new report.

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) said the government hasn’t achieved any of its targets and needed a policy "step change" to avoid loss of life.

The CCC reviews the government’s adaptation plans – preparations to cope with the effects of global warming.

The government said it would take the recommendations into account.

The committee, also known as the CCC, is an independent group of experts set up to provide the government with advice on the climate crisis.

Baroness Brown, chairwoman of the CCC’s sub-committee on adaptation, said that the government wasn’t taking the issue seriously enough.

"The government’s lack of urgency on climate resilience is in sharp contrast to the recent experience of this country," she said.

Over the last couple of years, England has faced a series of extreme weather events, likely made worse by climate change.

Last year was the warmest on record for the UK – temperatures broke 40C for the first time and more than 25,000 wildfires broke out.

As well as extreme heat, rainfall has been consistently low for parts of south and southeast England, affecting crop yields.

Andrew Blenkiron’s 6,000-acre (24 sq km) farm in Thetford, Norfolk saw just 2.4mm of rain in February compared to the local average for that month of 43mm. He has now been forced to cut back on plans to plant potatoes, onions, parsnips and carrots by around a fifth.

He said: "Farmers are at the very forefront of climate change on a day-to-day basis… we are used to working with these issues, but we are concerned with the extremes we are now facing."

To cope with the impacts of extreme heat Mr Blenkiron has enlarged reservoirs on his farm and shifted harvesting patterns to prevent wildfires.

But he said that farmers needed more money from government to implement their climate plans, especially if they involved new infrastructure projects like reservoirs.

The report singled out England’s internet networks as being woefully unprepared for climate change despite their crucial importance.

England’s internet networks – made up of hundreds of data centres, and extensive networks of cables and masts – underpin the UK’s service-based economy.

This infrastructure is already at risk from extreme weather, including heat and strong winds during storms. In November 2021, Storm Arwen left one million British properties without power and internet supply.

The committee found "there was no visible plan by the industry or government, to manage long-term risk".


It really is time that the CCC was shut down. It fulfils no useful purpose, and exists only to promote its radical climate agenda.

The idea that the government needs to do anything differently to what it has in the past regarding weather events is absurd. Indeed given the projections of milder winters, it arguably needs to do less. The pretence that two days of hot weather last year needed government action is an insult to our intelligence.

And let’s test the claims of climate-related drought in East Anglia:

February this year was certainly very dry, but it was drier in 1891 and 1959. More importantly the winter as a whole was actually wetter than average in East Anglia, and the trend is to wetter, not drier winters. Similarly annual rainfall is not trending down either.

So why is Farmer Blenkiron blathering on about climate change? I suspect there is more here than meets the eye, as we have come across his type before. They are often NFU officials, out to extort money from the government.




And finally the lies about the internet networks.

According to the Met Office, storms have become significantly weaker on average in the UK since the 1980s.

And I have certainly never heard of cables and masts being endangered by heat – what on earth do they do in hotter countries? But I have certainly heard of damaged lines in blizzards.


UK State of the Climate



It is time that the government grew a pair, and told the CCC in no uncertain terms that it is not prepared to spend taxpayers’ money on the warped priorities of the CCC, and that they are going to file their report in the waste paper basket!

  1. jamesrethomas permalink
    March 29, 2023 6:06 pm

    Paul, can you find the time-line data for the 40degC record at Coningsby. I read that it is rather suspicious, holding only for a few minutes, possibly as Typhoons were maneuvering on the runway?

    • Chaswarnertoo permalink
      March 29, 2023 6:29 pm

      4 Tiffies taking off on reheat, AFAIK.

    • March 29, 2023 11:20 pm

      The change to new types of thermometer has confused the temperature records;

      In the absence of any other influences, an instrument with a faster response time will tend to record higher maximum and lower minimum temperatures than an instrument with a slower response time. This is most clearly manifested as an increase in the mean diurnal range. At most locations (particularly in arid regions), it will also result in a slight increase in mean temperatures, as short-term fluctuations of temperature are generally larger during the day than overnight.


      The Met Office in UK and probably the RAF stations have newer themometers so the Typhoons at Coningsby and other airports may not be wrong – a quick blast of heat – or even a natural gust from over hot concrete couls create a very short temperature change which an old thermometer wouldn’t react to.

      • lapford permalink
        March 30, 2023 10:03 am

        I think you are quite correct in that the electronic thermometers now used will record a short (perhaps only over a couple of minutes) peak in temperature that the old mercury maximum thermos. would not have reacted to. I certainly see this effect in my own weather station on occasion.

      • gezza1298 permalink
        March 30, 2023 11:07 am

        Jennifer Marohasy has shown that the change from mercury in glass to electronic sensors has increased temperatures in Australia and they record every second not minutes. If fact it is easy to do since I use dataloggers as they are not expensive and the software is free plus you can export to excel to play around with it. Even my sub £30 dataloggers have the option to vary the reading time from seconds to hours. Your choice affects the length of your data run given the limit of your storage is fixed, and you would choose a recording interval relevant to your rate of change. On the hot day last year I ran my datalogger at a minute interval to see what really happened.

    • March 30, 2023 9:11 am

      I was nearby at the time and my car temperature display showed 41C at 5pm, probably a slight overestimate but it was incredibly warm all day. It’s not going to be fruitful to argue about their reading IMO.

      • Ben Vorlich permalink
        March 30, 2023 10:21 am

        Had your car been parked out of shade, if so how much did the temperature drop once you became mobile and how lon did it take to re-stabilise?

    • March 30, 2023 11:27 am

      Reply to Ben – I had been mobile for over 20 minutes at the time of the reading.

  2. liardetg permalink
    March 29, 2023 6:21 pm

    As exposed recently here, Baroness Brown is deep in remunerative directorships in various windmill companies including large Danish Oersted Energy. She’s probably not corrupt as she believes her nonsense but her activities will hurt the taxpayers. She should be called out by the BBC, so keen to expose this sort of scam

  3. John Brown permalink
    March 29, 2023 6:23 pm

    “The report singled out England’s internet networks as being woefully unprepared for climate change despite their crucial importance.”

    We will see/are seeing large monopoly service industries reducing spending on maintenance because they believe they can always blame “climate change” for their inadequate performance.

    Hence water companies not investing in reservoirs despite population increases, power supply and communications companies not replacing old infrastructure.

    Railways blaming extreme weather for accidents rather than poor and inadequate maintenance, such as was the case for the Stonehaven train crash where Network Rail and the BBC blamed climate change but the Rail Accident Investigation Branch’s report said that that the cause was because the drainage system and earthworks “had not been constructed according to the original design” by the contractors and their work not checked by Network Rail.

    Another example is the Environment Agency using “climate change” as an excuse when flooding occurs, when in fact there is no increasing rainfall, but rather a lack of flood management measures, including dredging and pumping, as was shown to be the case for the flooding of the Somerset Levels in 2014. The charts of SW England precipitation showing no unusual rainfall patterns.

    • Mark Hodgson permalink
      March 29, 2023 7:15 pm

      John Brown, you beat me to it. It is a long time since provision was made for extra water supplies. In that time, the country’s population has increased substantially. That is far more relevant than climate change, but climate change is the card that can be played by those who have fallen down on the job.

    • tomo permalink
      March 30, 2023 1:46 am

      The EA are the epitome of bloated, constipated and dysfunctional bureaucracy – they can’t ( won’t?) recruit people with technical competence and cronyism and “consultants” abound… EA officials don’t have any scruples fibbing an misrepresenting for their own ends.

      – yes, sounds like CCC!

      – I’m biased I know … but that bias is driven by over a decade of wrestling with them – the EA should be disbanded


    • gezza1298 permalink
      March 30, 2023 11:12 am

      The water companies – surprisingly – are NOT to blame for the lack of new reservoirs – the government is. As usual the trail leads to Brussels where the Water Directive made water a scarce resource – try telling that to my football club or the organisers of two early ploughing matches last weekend as waterlogged ground caused cancellations. The huge rate of water loss from pipes is also down to the government as these levels are permitted under their rules.

  4. Jack Broughton permalink
    March 29, 2023 6:27 pm

    According the the CCC, climate is a day by day event that we used to call weather and anything above or below a nominal average is bad. The WMO defines climate as 30 year period average and even 30 years is too little, given that the main cycle of climate is about 60 years.


  5. March 29, 2023 6:50 pm

    When will these fools ever admit there is no such thing as man-made climate change? It is called weather, enough said. Climate is a ploy by the CCP to destroy the economies of the West, from within, and it is proceeding as planned.

  6. 2hmp permalink
    March 29, 2023 6:52 pm

    It is a fact that these announcements on the BBC do persuade people of an impending crisis. It is surprisingly accepted by the the great and the good without question. Two friends, one a Cambridge graduate and retired senior lawyer, and the other a retired wealthy financier learning of my position on the climate issue asked how I arrived at my view that there is not now, and will not be, a climate crisis. I replied by asking them what they thought the percentage CO2 occupied in the atmosphere. One said 10% and the other 20%. When I told them the actual figure they said that if that is the case why have we got NetZero ? Excatly.

    • teaef permalink
      March 29, 2023 7:17 pm

      Did they do NO science at school?

      • David Coe permalink
        March 30, 2023 10:55 am

        They probably did “modern” science.

  7. Peter permalink
    March 29, 2023 7:06 pm

    The UN uses the ridiculous RCP8.5 emission scenario to generate alarmist projections to help drive their wealth redistribution project. The CCC probably does the same to frighten ministers with horror stories. The GWPF reported recently that the Met Office has been using RCP8.5 to generate extreme rainfall projections.

    Labour is going to be even worse than this lot. We need to do something before these idiots destroy our lives.

  8. Malcolm Skipper permalink
    March 29, 2023 7:23 pm

    “I suspect there is more here than meets the eye, as we have come across his type before. They are often NFU officials, out to extort money from the government.”

    Learn lessons from the past, says Andrew Blenkiron, new chairman of Suffolk National Farmers’ Union, SUFFOLK NEWS, 21 March 2022

    ‘We must farm as our grandfathers farmed’, says Suffolk’s top farmer, 17 February 2022, EASTERN DAILY PRESS

  9. Broadlands permalink
    March 29, 2023 7:27 pm

    “England is not ready for the unavoidable impacts of global warming.”

    That’s the real problem. Instead of trying to reach some poorly defined Net-Zero goal with hopeless mitigation plans, improved infrastructures to survive and adapt to extreme weather should be the agenda. It will have to be done anyhow and weather extremes will not go away by lowering emissions to zero.

  10. Curious George permalink
    March 29, 2023 7:34 pm

    “England is not ready for the unavoidable impacts of global warming, the government’s advisers on climate change say in a new report.”
    Fire them and don’t stop there. Better late than never.

    • Graeme No.3 permalink
      March 29, 2023 9:40 pm

      Has King Charles moved into Buckingham Palace yet? As a fervent believer in Global Warming surely he would believe those Scientists (including Steven Schneider) who warned that global warming would see Buckingham Palace 7 feet underwater.
      That was in 1981 so I assume the precautions are well underway. Perhaps a move to the Tower of London which has stood by the Thames River for over 700 years without being flooded.

  11. catweazle666 permalink
    March 29, 2023 8:15 pm

    “is an independent group of experts “

    Each and every one of which has its snout in at least six big Green troughs and has precisely no understanding of the relevant science whatsoever.

    • Harry Passfield permalink
      March 29, 2023 9:19 pm

      Beat me to it!
      The reason they exist, “to provide the government with advice on the climate crisis”, is merely to give politicians the ‘Blair Defence’ of plausible deniability. Basically, MPs don’t want to think for themselves, they just want to take the money. (Monies, for many of ’em)

  12. Adam Gallon permalink
    March 29, 2023 8:31 pm

    Dry February, pissing it down March!

  13. teneb7 permalink
    March 29, 2023 9:38 pm

    Someone should tell these AGP alarmists that reduction to net zero will have no noticeable effect on our weather here since any effect of increased CO2 is worldwide and not just limited to the UK. Because we only produce a tiny part of the world’s CO2 (about 1.4%?) which is dwarfed by the annual increases from the tiger economies of Asia, world CO2 will continue to grow despite our best efforts.
    It should therefore be obvious that our main reaction to the scare should be to mitigate any effects on our own shores, work to reduce CO2 without damage to our economy and help others to cope where we can.
    And, knowing that current warming is basically a natural cyclical phenomenon caused primarily by forces beyond our control, regard this climate alarmism as an affront to common sense.

  14. MrGrimNasty permalink
    March 29, 2023 10:38 pm

    Record heat in parts of N Africa and SW Europe, up to 40C already, doesn’t bode well for summer.

    • T Walker permalink
      March 29, 2023 10:59 pm

      Meridional flow. Warm comes north, cold goes south. Have you seen the GFS forecast for Europe for the next week?

    • Rowland P permalink
      March 30, 2023 12:39 pm

      Record cold temperatures in many other parts of the world; see

  15. julianflood permalink
    March 30, 2023 8:20 am

    The last East Anglian development plan I saw as a county councillor was in 2017. The plan ran up to 2030 and envisioned a population increase equivalent to the then population of Norfolk. All those people are demanding roads, sewerage, water for their baths and gardens. The Great Wen, the Cambridge growth hub, is already sucking this driest area of England even drier. One source is sucking millions of gallons from the estate of the Duke of Grafton, and last summer led to severe shortages of water in the Thetford rivers.

    Andrew Blenkiron has an unenviable dilemma: the EA infrastructure problems are less climatic than political. Water companies see less profit if they develop storage, preferring to exploit the resource and take the occasional dry year hit. Conservative philosophy accepts that approach as adequate, which it isn’t, but farming subsidies rely on HMG.

    So how to survive as a business? The Sunnica solution, cover farmland with solar glass is about to cause a political backlash, and His Grace’s paulownia plantations are unproven.

    Be bold, let’s advocate a major infrastructure project bringing water from the NE of the UK down to the dry East, a UK water Grid. Who knows, maybe one of the HS2 tunnels could carry needed water rather than unnecessary trains, and irrigated light soils of the Breckland will help feed the teeming millions that threaten our future.


  16. ancientpopeye permalink
    March 30, 2023 8:26 am

    Yet another useless quango trying to justify their existence? Most flooding could have been avoided if the Environment quango kept rivers dredged. Do we have any information on what the CCC costs us taxpayers?

  17. Devoncamel permalink
    March 30, 2023 10:08 am

    A quick check of the data shows eastern England received the February rain total in the first week of March. It’s been raining rather a lot since then. It’s called the weather. Be careful what you wish for Farmer Blenkiron.

  18. George Lawson permalink
    March 30, 2023 10:15 am

    “Last year was the warmest on record for the UK – temperatures broke 40C for the first time and more than 25,000 wildfires broke out”.
    Just one day broke the temperature record, Baroness Brown, and you know it and this so called record was questionable.

    “As well as extreme heat, rainfall has been consistently low for parts of south and southeast England, affecting crop yields.”
    What about other areas of the country where warmer weather produced record crops? Farming has always been reflective of varying weather conditions. Just ask any farmer.
    The Climate Change Committee is not a group of experts Baroness Brown, and should be abandoned forthwith.

  19. Ben Vorlich permalink
    March 30, 2023 10:26 am

    Does the report mean England only?
    Does that mean that, thanks to devolved government, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland safe?

  20. tomo permalink
    March 30, 2023 8:52 pm

    The EA are the epitome of bloated, constipated and dysfunctional bureaucracy – they can’t ( won’t?) recruit people with technical competence and cronyism and “consultants” abound… EA officials don’t have any scruples fibbing an misrepresenting for their own ends.

    – yes, sounds like CCC!

    – I’m biased I know … but that bias is driven by over a decade of wrestling with them – the EA should be disbanded


  21. April 2, 2023 6:25 pm

    The CCC is far from independent they are a biased bunch of eco fanatics wedded to renewables, opposed to nuclear and fossil fuels. Their purpose is politically compromised as they provide Ministers and MP’s a constant diet of climate alarmism intended to avoid curiosity and intellectual enquiry by hapless groupthink MP’s. This is why Parliament and the Lords are pretty much in lockstep with the CCC. However, they are far removed from the views of millions of working people and their families who now realise the lunacy of the CCC’s climate agenda.

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