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Antarctic Ice Cap To Grow Despite Global Warming–New Study

March 29, 2023

By Paul Homewood

h/t Ian Cunningham



This study seems to have gone under the radar last year:





So in short, under high emission scenarios, they reckon that the Antarctic ice cap will actually grow, with heavier snowfall more than offsetting glacial melt, leading to lower sea levels. And even under lower emissions the rate of melt will still be lower than currently.

Indeed according to scientists like Jay Zwally, the Antarctic ice cap has actually been growing in recent decades, for precisely this reason.

  1. thecliffclavenoffinance permalink
    March 29, 2023 3:06 pm

    Complete nonsense

    Antarctica has not melted, and will not melt, from more CO2 in the atmosphere

    The permanent temperature inversion over most of Antarctica causes global cooling from more CO2 in the atmosphere

    Some local warming of ice shelves and the peninsula due to nearby underseas volcanoes — not caused by CO2 — is not enough to offset the cooling and ice mass increase of the remainder of Antarctica

    The trends I have described have been observed since the 1970s. There is no need to speculate about what increased CO2 will do to Antarctica. That is already known.

    The speculation in this paper is complete claptrap.

    There is not a slow response to CO2 levels increasing — there is NO RESPONSE.

  2. John Halstead permalink
    March 29, 2023 3:19 pm

    Another nail in the coffin of net zero.
    Nice to hear that the EU has shown rare sense in allowing IC engines running on synthetic fuel, it will be expensive but another small step towards debunking the net zero nonsense and avoiding European bankruptcy.

    • John Halstead permalink
      March 31, 2023 6:15 pm

      I wrote this comment a few days ago in response to the EU’s decision to allow cars to run on synthetic fuel. somehow it’s got posted here, not my doing.

  3. David Coe permalink
    March 29, 2023 3:25 pm

    Yet another example of climate scientists pretending to be real scientists again. Best if they stick to reading tea leaves.

    • AlanD permalink
      March 29, 2023 3:32 pm

      Indeed David. I was saddened to hear of the demise of Mystic Meg recently: by far the best chance we had of predicting the future.

  4. Carbon 500 permalink
    March 29, 2023 3:27 pm

    The extract below was written by Alistair Fothergill in his book ‘Life in the Freezer’, published in 1993 before the climate hysteria took off:

    “Beneath your feet at the South pole lie over 3000 metres (about 9800 feet) of ice, 4000 metres (13,123 feet) in parts, which rests not on the sea but on land. Antarctica is a frozen continent larger than Europe, larger even than the United States and Mexico combined. A massive icecap covers 98 percent of that land, swallowing a continent higher than any on Earth. The length of the polar winter night increases with latitude until at the pole itself, the sun sets just once a year. For a while after it disappears, the setting sun provides a glow above the horizon, and then leaves the polar world in complete darkness for half the year.
    The warmth the polar regions absorb in the summer is far less than the heat they lose in the winter. Only in November and December, the very height of the Antarctic summer, does the South pole actually gain heat. The Antarctic is much colder than the Arctic. The average winter temperature in the Antarctic is minus 60 degrees Celsius. Even on a good summer’s day it’s minus 30 degrees Celsius, colder than the coldest winter’s night at the North Pole. Antarctica is the highest continent on Earth, three times higher than any other.
    There are larger waves, stronger winds, and more powerful currents in the Southern Ocean than anywhere else on the globe. Icebergs are a real threat to shipping. At times they show up on the radar screen as hundreds on tiny white dots, which in reality could be an iceberg which could easily sink the largest vessel. It is absolutely essential to keep a lookout posted around the clock, and many captains prefer to avoid travelling at night whenever there are lots of icebergs about. On land, cold air from the high continental plateau rushes down the gradient to the sea causing katabatic winds. These can reach over 300 kilometres an hour and add terrifying windchill to the already freezing conditions.
    If you sail around Antarctica, you will see mainly white ice. Sometimes it towers over you as mighty ice shelves. Elsewhere great glaciers tumble into the ocean, calving off icebergs which make navigation very dangerous.”

    That’s the harsh reality, contrasting with the world of imaginings derived from computer models, forcings, scenarios. uncertainties, simulations and so forth.

    I recall the words of a researcher based in the Arctic, quoted in National Geographic. His view was that climate scientists working from their desks should get out more.

  5. ancientpopeye permalink
    March 29, 2023 3:27 pm

    Oh dear, bloo dy facts, back to the lying/drawing board?

  6. Cobden permalink
    March 29, 2023 4:11 pm

    @Paul. Something you might like to investigate up at the other pole. When looking at the Polar Portal data for the Greenland Ice Sheet I noticed that meltwater measurements from the Watson River stop on a low in 2018. One wonders if their instrumentation has been subsequently swept away in a flood or perhaps this data is no longer considered to be a ‘safe and effective’ indicator of climate change?

    ‘Surface Conditions’ [Click tab for “Run Off”]:


    The Watson River flows from the Greenland Ice Sheet, past Kangerlussuaq (formerly Søndre Strømfjord) and into the sea. Most of the water comes from the ice sheet: meltwater from approximately 12000 km2 of the ice sheet drains into the Watson River. The amount of meltwater, however, varies substantially from year to year. The amount depends on whether or not the summer is warm (or cold) but also on how much water the ice sheet is able to retain. For example, whether or not the water is refrozen in the ice. Those processes are difficult to monitor and that is why it is important to measure the discharge from rivers such as the Watson River.

    Since 2006, the amount of water flowing through the Watson River has been measured every hour.

  7. March 29, 2023 4:40 pm

    Negative climate feedback strikes again. When will alarmists learn?

  8. T Walker permalink
    March 29, 2023 4:45 pm

    Its clever stuff that CO2.

    It is troubling how almost everybody has to give a nod to Global Warming (sorry climate change, sorry climate emergency) even when pointing out that it is all bunkum.

    If you don’t, you will get smeared and cancelled. Sometimes you will anyway. The AGW lot love to enforce a no doubts policy. The science is settled you know.

  9. Mad Mike permalink
    March 29, 2023 5:28 pm

    If you get an infinite number of monkeys creating and infinite number of climate models, one of them might be right.

    • gezza1298 permalink
      March 30, 2023 10:59 am

      Generally the Russian model is far closer to reality than anything from the WEF-controlled west.

  10. Druid144 permalink
    March 29, 2023 5:37 pm

    Sea level fall is accelerating. By 2050 all the world’s harbours and ports will have dried out. Need more grant money.

    • James Mason permalink
      March 29, 2023 5:53 pm

      Interesting. NOAA claims the rate of acceleration in sea rise is 0.084mm pa. On what data is your claim based, Druid?

      • March 29, 2023 6:19 pm

        His infallible computer model?

      • Chaswarnertoo permalink
        March 29, 2023 6:31 pm


  11. Broadlands permalink
    March 29, 2023 8:19 pm

    “Indeed according to scientists like Jay Zwally, the Antarctic ice cap has actually been growing in recent decades…”

    Back in 2008, the same Jay Zwally (NASA) said this: “Within five to less than 10 years the Arctic could be free of sea ice in the summer.” And that’s where Al Gore got his famous forecasts.

    Remember… all of this is climate modeling and hypothesis.

  12. It doesn't add up... permalink
    March 30, 2023 4:09 pm

    Never mind. The circumpolar currents are going to slow down and cause massive climate change.

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