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War, Covid and climate change push 122 million more people into hunger-UN

July 13, 2023
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By Paul Homewood


Over 122 million more people are now facing hunger than in 2019, according to a United Nations report, which says the war in Ukraine and Covid-19 pandemic have had a devastating effect on food supplies.

In total, between 691 and 783 million people went hungry in 2022, the UN’s latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report found.

It said that global food insecurity has worsened in recent years due to a “perfect storm” of Covid-19, extreme weather events and ongoing conflicts, with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and its blockade of the port of Odesa, exposing the world’s dependence on Black Sea grain and sunflower oil imports.

Nearly 2.4 billion people, equivalent to 29.6 per cent of the global population, did not have constant access to food in 2022, according to the report. One in five people faced hunger in Africa, more than twice the global average.


However these claims are directly contradicted by the UN’s own food production data, which shows a steady increase in both cereal production and overall agricultural output, culminating in record outputs in 2021:




No data has been published for last year yet, but UN data also shows that global cereal output in 2022, though slightly down on the year before, was still the second highest on record:

And the USDA is forecasting yet another record year for wheat production this year:



Despite the floods last year, or maybe because of them, even Pakistan has just announced a record-breaking wheat harvest this spring as well:




So how does the UN reconcile its hunger claims against a backdrop of increasing food production?

The UN’s report mentions two measures:

1) Undernourishment

2) Food insecurity



Our World in Data describe the UN’s methodology:

To judge whether someone was undernourished we would need to know two things:

  1. How many calories they consume;
  2. How many calories they need to maintain a healthy life.

This might be easy for a known individual, but measuring this across a whole population is more difficult.

The amount of calories that people need can be very different: factors such as someone’s height, weight, sex, age, and activity levels will mean that some people need more calories than others.

The amount of calories that people consume also varies widely – some people eat more than their requirements – which can lead to obesity – while others eat well below their requirements.

This means we cannot simply calculate undernourishment from an average of calorie consumption and requirements.

To take account of this, the UN FAO address inequalities using three factors: 1:

  1. They estimate the average availability of calories (energy) across the population.
  2. They measure the levels of inequalities in food consumption within a population. This is called the Coefficient of Variation (CV) of energy intake. This metric is shown in the map. As we see, this value varies from country to country depending on the inequalities in food supply.
  3. They use demographic information – such as age structure, sex, height, and activity levels – for each country to assess the distribution of energy requirements. This means the ‘minimum energy requirement’ for each country is slightly different, as shown on the map.

Using these three factors, they then calculate undernourishment using a ‘parametric probability density function’. This indicates the cumulative probability across a population that someone has a daily energy intake that is lower than the minimum requirements. 


In short the index tells us little about overall food availability in a country, and more about the inequalities of income etc. Moreover, the methodology is highly subjective, to the point of being virtually useless, not least because we know that far fewer live under extreme poverty than in the past:



Food Insecurity

The methodology behind the calculation of this is even more suspect. Again, Our World in Data explain:

Food insecurity is one of the major causes of poor nutrition.

Food insecurity can be caused by several factors: food might be physically unavailable in a particular country or region; it can be unaffordable even if it is available to buy; or there might be an unequal distribution of food between household members.

Food insecurity is measured by the FAO using its Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) global reference scale.

Food insecurity can be based on how having enough food (the quantity) or having inadequate quality and diversity of food. Someone might get enough food to meet their energy requirements, but they might rely on only a few basic foods (such as cereals) and have a diet with very little diversity.

The FIES measures the share of the population that has experienced food insecurity at moderate or severe levels during the period of measurement. Data is collected at the household level using a food security questionnaire. This survey asks households about a number of conditions that someone with food insecurity would typically experience.

It’s based on eight questions (the full list is given at the end of this article), such as:

“During the last 12 months, was there a time when you (or any other adult in the household) were worried you would not have enough food to eat because of a lack of money or other resources?”.


“Was there a time when you (or any other adult in the household) had to skip a meal because there was not enough money or other resources to get food?”

These eight questions increase in severity: the first question is about worrying that you might not have enough food to eat at some point over the year. This evolves to actually eating less than is sufficient, then finally to going a whole day or more without any food.


In short, the UN’s claims are not based on actual data, but are derived from household surveys!


Regardless of the issues of inequality, it is abundantly clear that any increases in hunger have nothing to do with lower food production, which makes the statement made by the UN’s Division Director, reported by the Telegraph, utterly mendacious:

David Laborde, Division Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, told the Telegraph that the war in Ukraine must be seen in the context of existing global crises – including the pandemic, conflict in Ethiopia and Yemen, and extreme weather events.

“It is a combination of shock. Ukraine is a tragedy, but it also happened at a time when the system was particularly vulnerable,” he said. “We are talking about the pandemic and the global economy stopping as we have never seen.”

Mr Laborde added that the report is the “wake-up call we need”.

He warned that although food systems have not entirely collapsed in the face of these global challenges, there is no promise that they will hold in the future.

“Despite all the shock that has hit all our food systems, the systems are still there,” he said.

“The system has not collapsed, but this does mean that it’s going to take much more. We cannot rely anymore on luck.”


To suggest that the world’s food supply is on the verge of collapse is an outright lie, given record amounts are being produced.

It is sad to see a once serious newspaper descend to publishing UN propaganda, with no attempt to do any factchecking first.


  1. Tim Leeney permalink
    July 13, 2023 12:17 pm

    Her name is Verity. Curiouser and curiouser.

    • John Hultquist permalink
      July 13, 2023 3:55 pm

      Agree, but it is used just like Hope and Faith and Grace; this one means “truth”.
      Name of James Bond’s fencing instructor in Die Another Day, so maybe mom liked the Bond movies.

  2. bobn permalink
    July 13, 2023 12:19 pm

    Agree its a faked up report of no value.
    While good quantities of food have continued to be produced, what we have experienced is disruption to the supply chain – moving stuff around.
    This wasnt because of the covid flu, but due to the unnecessary Lockdown panic many stupid countries implemented disrupting supply chains.
    Also the reason Ukrainian exports were blocked was due to Western sanctions on Russia. Russia reopened exports from Odessa with the grain deal where we the West promised to remove some sanctions on Russian goods in return. We the West have NOT honoured our side of the bargain so Russia will shut down Odessa again. If the West only kept its word and stopped interferring none of these problems would occur. But Western Govts are inveterate liars and refuse to look in the mirror.

    • Matt Dalby permalink
      July 15, 2023 2:17 am

      Part of the problem could be that increasing amounts of grains and soya are being fed to intensively reared animals. Depending on the species and breed as much as 90% of the calories are lost, although for pigs it’s generally 50% and is even lower for poultry.
      I’m not a militant vegan, but feeding food that humans can eat to animals does have an impact.

      • catweazle666 permalink
        July 15, 2023 2:06 pm

        So you think that humans should be forced to eat animal feed?
        I’d rather eat the animals than the grain and soya myself!
        But each to their own, I suppose…

  3. Joe Public permalink
    July 13, 2023 12:48 pm

    “Over 122 million more people are now facing hunger than in 2019”

    Since 2019, thanks in part to our benign climate, global population has increased from 7,713 million to 8,000 million.

    An increase of 287 million. So our globe is successfully feeding 165 million more people. That’s great news.

  4. Jack Broughton permalink
    July 13, 2023 1:00 pm

    It is the fear of climate change that is costing lives; the climate is improving. The worldwide policies of investing in second-rate, unreliable power systems and displacing simpler low cost fossil fuels is diverting money from useful and beneficial projects towards boondoggles.

    • Micky R permalink
      July 15, 2023 9:25 am

      “…. diverting money from useful and beneficial projects towards boondoggles . ”

      Net Zero cost to the UK to date > £500 billion . Religions and belief systems generally carry a heavy cost.

  5. July 13, 2023 1:45 pm

    It is the policies of the Collective West that are responsible for these and many other problems, and they are in turn mainly due to the mad people in the US State Dept.

  6. David V permalink
    July 13, 2023 2:09 pm

    Perhaps a better comparison would be global food production per head of population – the fact that food production has increased year on year does not necessarily mean it has increased more than the population.

    • Chaswarnertoo permalink
      July 14, 2023 7:43 am

      So limit excess population.

  7. Ted Andrews permalink
    July 13, 2023 2:51 pm

    Paul did you see?
    What could possibly go wrong?

    • Ray Sanders permalink
      July 14, 2023 10:24 am

      Ever read or seen “Snowpiercer”?
      “It takes place aboard the Snowpiercer train as it travels a globe-encircling track, carrying the last remnants of humanity after a failed attempt at climate engineering to stop global warming has created a new Snowball Earth. ”

  8. John Hultquist permalink
    July 13, 2023 4:06 pm

    I’ve no doubt many people in the world have inadequate diets.
    If the UN could get rid of autocrats, tyranny, corruption, and —
    Wait a minute — those adjectives fit the UN!
    Never mind.

    • Curious George permalink
      July 13, 2023 4:27 pm


  9. pardonmeforbreathing permalink
    July 13, 2023 5:12 pm

    That she has not even bothered to look at the UN’s own production numbers and smelt a rat speaks volumes.

    It is now open season for bare faced lying in support of all of the marxist, sorry left wing invented or taken over “causes”. There are no penalties. No loss of job or loss of face. No being named and shamed by the captured media, worse like the lickspittles they are they just dutifully parrot what the political commissars tell them. That someone from the UN has the bare faced effrontery to make such comments WHEN THEIR OWN DATA says the exact opposite is nothing less than the scandal of history, a scandal and provides more weight to the compelling argument that the UN has been captured by a cabal of dangerous lefties. This is pure unadulterated left wing politicking by a UN which is infested from top to bottom with lefties.

    Being virtuous by lying in the name of the cause….now where have I heard that before?

  10. July 13, 2023 5:16 pm

    And not let us forget the exponentially growing world population chiefly in Africa India and Asia that due to the fortunate increase in CO2 food production can keep pace. Just imagine if the just stop oil morons got their way. The shock would cause the global economy and the global agricultural system to collapse over night. How many of the current 7.5 billion would survive? Any guesses? Well an easy punt is back to the numbers they were before oil and gas began revolutionizing agriculture, and then some.

  11. Kieran O'Driscoll permalink
    July 13, 2023 6:48 pm

    Last time I looked it was all the climate cult imbeciles that were destroying agriculture in Europe, which is helping to feed the world, so these morons posing as politicians can meet made-up bullshit targets for made-up bullshit problems and justify grand theft and destruction of western culture because white men….

  12. catweazle666 permalink
    July 13, 2023 6:50 pm

    “It is sad to see a once serious newspaper descend to publishing UN propaganda, with no attempt to do any factchecking first.”

    Could this have anything to do with it?

    • alexei permalink
      July 14, 2023 4:44 am

      Exactly. You pipped me to the post. One has to always keep in mind that the DT has been funded by Bill Gates to the tune of £3,446,801, a bit less than to the BBC at £3,668, 657. Does anyone seriously believe such ‘gifts’ come without strings?

  13. Harry Passfield permalink
    July 13, 2023 7:17 pm

    Story Tip, Paul: AEP on ‘white hydrogen’.


  14. Gamecock permalink
    July 13, 2023 9:32 pm

    When the UN says ‘security,’ they mean UN takeover.

    ‘Over 122 million more people are now facing hunger than in 2019’

    Ipso facto, the UN must take over global food production. To end ‘ inequalities in food consumption.’

    As with all communist plans, inequality will be ended by all getting the smallest portion. Starvation is okay, as long as all are starving.

    The purpose of the UN report is to get people to accept UN takeover. That it doesn’t reflect reality doesn’t matter, creating fear and sorrow is the goal.

    Flashback almost 70 years ago. Gamecock’s mom trying to get him to eat his broccoli: “Think about all the poor, starving kids in Mississippi!”

    ‘In total, between 691 and 783 million people went hungry in 2022’

    Without names, I don’t care. UN is telling us to think about all the poor, starving kids in Mississippi.

  15. July 13, 2023 10:16 pm

    This is some interesting information about bloody windmills.

    Turbine Accident Statistics – Scotland Against Spin ________________________________

  16. MrGrimNasty permalink
    July 13, 2023 10:17 pm

    There’s plenty of food. War and politics and chaos prevents distribution. Either aid agencies can’t get access or aid just gets stolen. Islamic extremists and Wagner are sowing chaos. How do you feed North Korea, Afghanistan, Sudan. Blaming climate change as a significant factor is just silly.

  17. gezza1298 permalink
    July 13, 2023 10:34 pm

    Just like us, Germany has seen grid management costs rocket in the last year. Up from 2.3bn euros in 2021 to 4.2bn euros in 2022. Curtailment costs for electricity generation that could not be put on the grid reached 900m euros.

  18. MrGrimNasty permalink
    July 13, 2023 11:05 pm

    Remember the iconic images of the wildfire that spread to houses in last year’s heatwave.

    Apparently climate change causes people to set light to caravans in back gardens. It didn’t spread to the houses, it started there, and was probably arson.

  19. kathy marquard permalink
    July 14, 2023 5:03 am

    Everyone knows you can get a good panic if you convince people that they might not have enough food. Whatever the concocted reason. They should be expressing more concern that while there is enough food, there are mostly economic reasons for food insecurity but clearly it’s more fun to blame the usual culprits rather than just state the truth without bias. To the media: War, COVID, and climate change……really? Are you still trying to sell that old tired snake oil? People have more important concerns, people will eventually get over hearing you cry wolf.

  20. europeanonion permalink
    July 14, 2023 7:23 am

    Not so much food production as the phenomenon we see, the elites moving ahead in their wealth, security and comforts and the rest…

  21. In The Real World permalink
    July 14, 2023 9:10 am

    Off topic , but the Green Loonies are now trying to claim a new ” Worlds Hottest Temperature ” in death valley by saying all of the previous higher ones were not real ????

  22. Kieran O'Driscoll permalink
    July 19, 2023 5:36 pm

    There have been dozens of food production/processing plants suddenly explode without explanation all over the USA and Europe, you would almost imagine that there was a connection…. but that would require my tin foil hat… I an binned that after the 10th conspiracy theory bit the dust….


  1. UN report on growing world hunger criticised for climate hype  - Net Zero Watch

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