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The evidence that shows climate change is already impacting our lives

October 29, 2023

By Paul Homewood


Even by the i’s standards, this really is a load of unbelievable twaddle:



So just what are these profound ways?

Mental Health


“Experiencing the effects of climate change first-hand, for example by a flooding event, directly raises the risk of experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression or low mood, and extreme distress.

“People with mental illness are also more vulnerable to impacts of the changing climate, such as high temperatures, which worsen their physical as well as mental health. Damage to infrastructure and supply chains arising from climate change impacts also risk disrupting the provision of mental healthcare.”

The only mental health issues are the direct result of climate scaremongering, fed to a gullible, mainly young public by the media.

Unintentional Injury and Accidents

The ONS have long stated that warm weather tends to increase these injuries, for the simple reason that people go outdoors more for leisure and sports activities, which is obviously a good thing.


“Heat typically leads to a reduction in work intensity or an increase in breaks, according to a report prepared for the Climate Change Committee”

I suspect cold weather has a much greater effect on productivity, not least when people cannot get to work because of snowbound roads.

And if warm weather reduces productivity, then the north of England must be more productive than the south – something which is self evidently absurd.

Heat Deaths

More than 4,500 people died in England in 2022 due to high temperatures, the largest figure on record, with the number of heat-related deaths increasing over recent years, the ONS said last month.”

On the contrary, 4500 people did not die due to high temperatures last summer; as the ONS has previously stated, these deaths were merely displaced, brought forward a few days.

Every year, mortalities in England are at their lowest in summer months.


“overheating was found to reduce good sleep by one or two hours “

There is nothing new in warm sleepless nights; we’ve always suffered from them in summer. That’s why most now have fans and cheap water coolers.


A report on food prices in 2022 by the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit research group found that extra costs relating to climate change added £170 a year to the average UK household food bill – representing 37 per cent of food inflation.

The cost of making a chicken tikka masala has rocketed by 17 per cent in a year – and it’s largely the fault of climate change, according to a separate new analysis, by ECIU for the climate change charity Round Our Way.

This finds that the cost to an average family of four of producing ‘the nation’s favourite dish’ has shot up by £3.67 in the past year as prices of key ingredients have jumped. Supermarket canned tomato prices has risen by 32 per cent over the period, while onions are up 26 per cent and cooking oil by 38 per cent.

Whatever is causing food price increases, it most certainly is not climate change, as year by year food output continues to hit new records.



They also claim:

A report from the government’s climate change advisor, Committee on Climate Change, finds that, according to UK businesses, “extreme weather is already a significant source of supply chain disruption”

The study gave UK wheat yields as an example.

Wheat yields in 2020 (9.7 million tonnes) were the lowest since 1981.

The CCC can’t even get its facts right, as wheat yields were lower in 2012, and several other years since 1981. Large swings from year to year are perfectly common, but much more important is the fact that the long term trend is up:



There is not yet enough data to know how the number of football matches cancelled in the UK due to climate change-induced extreme weather has changed over time, but there is a growing body of anecdotal evidence that the situation is getting worse.

At the same time, there are many scientific studies saying that extreme weather is increasing – and that this is as a result of climate change.”

In other words, there’s no evidence, but we think it must be getting worse anyway!

Most football matches are cancelled because of ice and snow, not a spell of warm weather.

In fact, anybody born in the last thirty years would no even be aware of any “climate change”. Any changes have been so small as to be invisible against the background of daily variability:


Do the i’s readers actually believe this gibberish?

  1. SimonfromAshby permalink
    October 29, 2023 2:03 pm

    “Do the i’s readers actually believe this gibberish?”
    Yes they do! it’s why they buy the ‘i’.

    • Dave Andrews permalink
      October 29, 2023 4:07 pm

      I buy the i, not for it’s reporting about climate change but because they have a number of very good reporters on other matters including Stuart Ritchie their science correspondent who regularly debunks many science studies reported without question by by breathless science correspondents in other papers. He doesn’t comment on climate change but did do a thorough debunk of the gas cooker health scare some months back.

      As for Tom Bawden, zero credibility since he referred to the Arctic as a “continent” in an article about Arctic warming many months ago!

      • 1saveenergy permalink
        October 30, 2023 12:36 am

        referred to the Arctic as a “continent”

        Maybe he’s found the lost continent of Atlantis ??
        A good example of continental drift.

        Give him a No Balls prize !!

    • Phil O'Sophical permalink
      October 30, 2023 10:23 am

      I assume the “i” is for idiot; covering both content as purchaser.

  2. Curious George permalink
    October 29, 2023 2:30 pm

    One thing the author missed, it makes the Scottish government inherently racist.

  3. markl permalink
    October 29, 2023 2:45 pm

    “… opinions of leading researchers and institutions” says it all.

  4. Realist permalink
    October 29, 2023 2:49 pm

    Strange they missed all the taxes, regulations and even bans imposed by the control freak politicians as “solution” to a non-existent problem. It is those taxes, regulations and bans that are making life worse.

  5. bobn permalink
    October 29, 2023 3:06 pm

    The principal reason for high food inflation is increasing energy prices. Farms run on diesel and greenhouses are warmed by gas. Fertilizers are mined and processed with fuels, and then food inputs and outputs are transported by energy fuelled means. Nutty zero and all the green policies are ramping up energy costs and reducing supply, and as energy costs go so food costs will follow.

    • Stuart Hamish permalink
      October 31, 2023 12:59 am

      Yes , a perceptive observation bobn. Another consideration is the flow on effect to the economy and food prices of draconian Covid -19 lockdown supply chain disruption . In any case the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit’s and Committee on Climate Change studies could be construed as a tribute to the scarcity and surplus sophistry of the Ministry of Plenty in George Orwell’s 1984 :

      “The cost of making a chicken masala has rocketed by 17 per cent in a year – and its largely the fault of climate change according to a separate new analysis by ECIU…………..Supermarket canned tomato prices has risen by 32 per cent over the period while onions are up 26 per cent and cooking oil by 38 per cent ”

      “Actually, as Winston was aware , the chocolate ration was to be reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the week………..It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week. And only yesterday , he reflected , it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grammes a week . Was it possible they could swallow that after only twenty four hours ?. Yes they swallowed it “

  6. 2hmp permalink
    October 29, 2023 3:12 pm

    “leading researchers” ? Are they the ones at the head of the queue to the funny house ?

    • gezza1298 permalink
      October 29, 2023 4:51 pm

      Front of the queue for the grant handouts….

  7. David Williams permalink
    October 29, 2023 3:34 pm

    What a load of tosh. The calibre of journalism these days is quite unbelievably deceitful and downright ignorant; it makes my blood boil. What would these wasters and bed wetters have done during the summer of 1976. For those of you who weren’t around and did not experience the continuous heat, it was damn hot. I can testify that between the 19th July and 24th September I was on a course in the North West and it didn’t rain at any time during that period. We just got on with it, it was weather; none of the feeble minded nonsense spouted by these obnoxious infantile louts. I’m not usually known for getting my ‘gander up’ but I couldn’t help myself on this occasion.

    • robertliddell1 permalink
      October 29, 2023 4:16 pm

      It was really nice weather…

    • Orde Solomons permalink
      October 30, 2023 7:57 am

      Makes mine boil too. I graduated in 1976 and then had a wonderful time in all that heat. The Labour government did start to get rather worried about the low reservoirs and stand pipes and appointed Denis Howell as minister for drought. Like the inflation issue today, he managed to sort the problem out, in time.

      • devonblueboy permalink
        October 30, 2023 8:15 am

        It rained a lot after Howell’s appointment. He had bugger impact on the weather

      • 186no permalink
        October 30, 2023 9:24 am

        The FACT of his appointment triggered the rain – Mr Howell had zero effect on the drought which I lived through….

      • Orde Solomons permalink
        October 30, 2023 9:36 am

        You obviously didn’t get my sarcasm there.

  8. October 29, 2023 4:24 pm

    The “climate scientists” redefined climate to only be around 30 years, now. It’s basically long-term weather. So, like the weather it is always changing.

  9. October 29, 2023 4:26 pm

    This recent study shows that the cold weather we have every year causes about 4.6 million deaths a year globally mainly through increased strokes and heart attacks, compared with about 500,000 deaths a year from hot weather. We can’t easily protect our lungs from the cold air in the winter and that causes our blood vessels to constrict causing blood pressure to increase leading to heart attacks and strokes.
    ‘Global, regional and national burden of mortality associated with nonoptimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019: a three-stage modelling study’

    This study from 2015 says that cold weather kills 20 times as many people as hot weather and that moderately warm or cool weather kills far more people than extreme weather. Increased strokes and heart attacks from cool weather are the main cause of the deaths.
    ‘Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multi-country observational study’

  10. Jack Broughton permalink
    October 29, 2023 4:29 pm

    I also read the i, and have done so for a long time and agree with Dave Andrews’ comments about it. I have written a number of letters about Tom Bawden and his previous co-activist, Mad Elaine Huff, (who, fortunately, seems to have move on now): none got published!!! I think that he is “i”rritated because the “i” seems to have reduced its previously incessant AGW fear campaign recently, and moved on to more pressing environmental issues like river management.

  11. October 29, 2023 4:46 pm

    It’s totally believable that they write twaddle about climate, even if the content may be unbelievable.

  12. gezza1298 permalink
    October 29, 2023 4:53 pm

    There have definitely been more matches cancelled for my club due to a waterlogged pitches in all the years since I have been a fan. “How long has that been?” Oh, since 2017…..

  13. gezza1298 permalink
    October 29, 2023 4:54 pm

    Sleeping on warm nights has got harder since the addition of unreliable generation has made it more expensive to run a cooler or fan.

  14. John Hultquist permalink
    October 29, 2023 5:04 pm

    I found a definition of the sort of stuff this young fellow writes.

    tiresome /tīr′səm/
    Causing fatigue or boredom, as from being unvarying or overly long; wearisome. synonym: boring

  15. October 29, 2023 5:04 pm

    What utter utter gibberish…. and this nonentity is their “science” reporter? It matters not one jot what researchers or scientists or whatever “reports” say, IT IS WHAT THE EMPIRICAL DATA SAYS and nothing else matters.
    Oh and by the way climate change is a continuous 4.5BILLION year old process. Where is the evidence that it is speeding up? Where is the evidence that what is happening now is unique and not perfectly natural?Answer, THERE IS NONE!
    Where is the evidence that the current fourth warming in recent human history is cause by man? THERE IS NONE!
    Models do not produce empirical data Mr Bowden! Averaging wrong model output does not give a correct answer and is still not empirical data.
    There is NO empirical dataset in existence which supports the claims against CO2 returned to the Carbon Cycle by the actions of man as having any measurable effect on global temperature or climate or whatever your psychosis, a result of a feeble and impressionable mind is about.
    There IS however evidence to show that never ever during the last 650 million years of Earth’s history has there been any correlation of any kind between atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and surface temperature. NONE!
    Also why is it that if Klymutt Cyense is so correct, is the industry not doing real science instead of this perverse mockery to support the CO2 hypothesis in every way it can including lying? The founding documentation of the IPCC states that CO2 is the problem now go and prove it! If a teenager submitted that as a plan for a science project they would get an F grade! Never start a science experiment from a conclusion. This is fundamental to science yet the perverse joke perpetrated by the IPCC keeps giving and giving as they desperately try to keep their corrupt truck on it’s wheels.
    Science Mr Bowden is based on statistically significant empirical data obtained via falsifiable methodologies and is not gleaned from the “opinions” of people who’s salaries depend on promoting this garbage.
    Climate change is a NATURAL process. Get over it and also over yourself Mr Bowden.

  16. October 29, 2023 5:16 pm

    Climate change has been affecting humans for approximately the last two million years

  17. Borneodann permalink
    October 29, 2023 5:28 pm

    Clearly this reporter didn’t live through the Summer of 1976 when the hot weather was relentless for weeks not days! And the stupid thing is, he spouts all this negative stuff but the article is headed by a photo of a couple in a Leeds street, frolicking around in a paddling pool having a great time! Give me hot weather any day! Slight adjustments to lifestyle are enough to cope with it!

  18. glenartney permalink
    October 29, 2023 6:16 pm

    I watched this interesting video today. Some powerful stuff, more power to their elbow.

    • xmbea permalink
      October 30, 2023 12:04 pm

      Well done Colchester rebels/realists!

  19. glenartney permalink
    October 29, 2023 6:19 pm

    This might interest others who make complaints to the BBC.

    BBC shake-up to tackle complaints of bias
    Tim Davie, corporation’s director general, will take direct charge of overseeing its complaints unit

    • 186no permalink
      October 30, 2023 10:06 am

      WTGR, it will only interest those who know that The BBC is rotten to the core, which starts with “the head”. Davie states and restates that “impartiality” is what drives him and The BBC’s editorial output – that is a downright, repeated lie; the fact that he repeats it in the face of evidence to the contrary tells me he is the problem and is following the ultra far left woke tropes rather than the Reithian principles but what do you expect of a marketing careerist with not a scintilla of journalistic experience. The BBC have:

      A) Stated that the science is settled on CC and they no longer have to adhere to balanced reporting with opinions from all sides – clear unadulterated mendacity, bias in plain sight;
      B) Refused to describe, from THEIR editorial standpoint, HAMAS atrocities as terrorism; their fawning big dogs being wheeled out fool no one, certainly not me, and to bandwagon the description of other entities which they report citing that reportage as evidence of their impartiality;
      C) Consistently promoted the “safe and effective” narrative of all matters SARS COV2/experimental gene editing mRNA drugs AND trashed anyone or article that deviates from that line – viz the statement by Andrew Bridgen on excess death stats in the HoC, 23rd Oct 2023 which was shown on BBC Parliament with a running strapline of opinion and references countering, as if Bridgen was mistaken/wrong/lying, every aspect of Bridgen’s statement;
      D) Allowed BBC website HYS topics, which BBC editors alone select, to contain abusive, defamatory terms from posters who are rabidly anti Tory, anti Fossil fuels, anti Brexit, pro “Green”, pro Net Zero, to be published BUT censor anyone who dares to counter these posts.

      This is just 4 subjects where The BBC stance – code for what they “know to be true” – is in plain sight, 24/7 and 1/365.

      As I have stated before I have very successfully proved how The BBC HYS editorial censors act and even though any post by me is automatically flagged and often removed for allegedly breaching internal BBC HYS “Rools” , time and again I show how they shoot themselves in the foot because my posts refer to topics The BBC have either already allowed or reported upon – and my post is usually reinstated, certainly a majority of the time (I select my targets with great care).

      The only doubt whether The BBC is editorially partial is not that that statement is wrong – Robin Aitken and others have proved that unequivocally beyond any doubt – but how long before the weight of their corporate lying brings them down.( IMHO, of course, and YAFTD..)

  20. October 29, 2023 7:22 pm

    Why re-print that ‘Daily Means’ graph which shows last year as the hottest in the series, we all know recent temperature maximums are baloney and taken from cherry picked ‘hot’ weather stations. If I forward this article to anyone they’ll immediately say ‘Look! It’s getting hotter!’

  21. CheshireRed permalink
    October 29, 2023 7:34 pm

    As a United fan I wish today’s Manchester derby had been ‘cancelled due to climate change’.

    • devonblueboy permalink
      October 29, 2023 7:54 pm


  22. October 29, 2023 8:25 pm


    • Realist permalink
      October 30, 2023 6:29 am

      Interesting. Using a web browser works, but if I reply using my e-mail client, I get this error:

      We ran into a problem with your recent comment reply by email. Specifically, we weren’t able to find your comment in the email.

      • Orde Solomons permalink
        October 30, 2023 7:52 am

        Walls have ears.

  23. cookers52 permalink
    October 30, 2023 8:18 am

    The quest for sustainable growth policies puzzles me.
    Net migration of 700,000 increase in population annually is not sustainable.

    • Gamecock permalink
      October 30, 2023 10:54 am

      Unrestricted immigration isn’t supposed to be sustainable. They are trying to destroy you and your culture.

      • cookers52 permalink
        October 30, 2023 12:05 pm

        I do not share your confidence that there is a Gov plan, to have a plan requires intelligence and none is evident

  24. October 30, 2023 11:47 am

    If there are more sports events being cancelled, it is most likely due to organisers being more risk averse, not wishing to be sued by a more litigous crowd.

  25. energywise permalink
    October 30, 2023 3:17 pm

    Well done Paul, keep flushing them out, then down

  26. Phoenix44 permalink
    October 30, 2023 5:10 pm

    “leading researchers” again.

    Amazing how they find the time to discuss such stuff.

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