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In The 1970’s, Cold Winters Were Due To Global Cooling!

January 11, 2014
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By Paul Homewood


h/t Arnd B



We’ve all no doubt heard about the ice age scare of the 1970’s, of which the above Newsweek article was just one example.

But, with the current debate about polar vortices, cold winters, and the weak, meandering jet streams that are supposed to be causing all these problems, it is worth looking closely again at the paragraph marked as Extremes above.




So, in a cooling world where the Arctic was getting much colder, and sea ice was expanding rapidly, we had:

  • The break up of the normal flow of winds.
  • Stagnant air (i.e. blocking zones)
  • Extremes of local weather such as droughts, floods, long freezes and monsoon failure.

In other words, exactly the same things, and worse, that are now blamed on the exact opposite, a warming world.


And before anybody tries to dismiss this as mere media hype, can I suggest they read up on what HH Lamb had to say on the matter. In his epic work, “Climate: Present, Past & Future”, originally published, I believe, in 1977, he talks about exactly the same blocking systems and meridional jet stream patterns.

And he goes on to describe how these things led to “extremes of cold and warmth, drought and flood associated with the occurrences of blocking in middle latitudes.” Worse still, though, the result of such changes was even more catastrophic. He states:


The greater yield of equatorial rains since 1961 over the equator led to abrupt rises of the levels of the great lakes there, drowning harbours and much land.

But , far more serious were the droughts in the zones to the North and South. In the Sahel between 200,000 and 400,000 died in the drought of 1972-73.

In those parts of N and NW India, near the limit reached by the summer monsoon, Bryson (1973) has noted a corresponding effect, scarcely less threatening to the inhabitants than the 6 year drought from 1968-73 in the West African Sahel.

In the first quarter of the century, there was a severe drought in N and NW India every 3rd or 4th year. Then, as the Earth warmed up and the circumpolar vortex contracted, the monsoon rains penetrated regularly into Northern India, and drought frequency declined to 2 in 36 years, from 1925-60. But since 1960, with the cooling of the Earth and the southern movement of the subtropical high pressure areas, drought frequency has been increasing again and the probability may be now more than once a decade.

Bryson adds that if a drought frequency like that which prevailed at the start of the century were to occur now, with India’s population having increased by a factor of 4, the human and political consequences would be enormous.


There was a time when proper scientists worked out that a cooling climate had some disastrous consequences.

Nowadays, charlatans try to make us believe otherwise.

  1. January 12, 2014 12:30 am

    @” Nowadays, charlatans try to make us believe otherwise.”

    Only few decades ago scientists on atmospheric issues were not necessarily more competent, but more honest, if one considers the following two comments from HH Lamp (1969) and F. Kenneth Hare (1979):

    __“Only thirty years ago climatology was generally regarded as the mere dry-as-dust bookkeeping end of meteorology.”
    H.H. Lamb, Meteorological Office Bracknell, Berkshire (UK), “The New Look of Climatology”, NATURE, Vol. 223, September 20, 1969, pp.1209ff;

    __“This is obviously the decade in which climate is coming into its own. You hardly heard the word professionally in the 1940s. It was a layman’s word. Climatologists were the halt and the lame. And as for the climatologists in public service, in the British service you actually, had to be medically disabled in order to get into the climatological division ! Climatology was a menial occupation that came on the pecking scale somewhat below the advertising profession. It was clearly not the age of climate.”
    F. Kenneth Hare, 1979; „The Vaulting of Intellectual Barriers: The Madison Thrust in Climatology“, Bulletin American Meteorological Society , Vol. 60, 1979, p. 1171 – 1124

    More about the term CLIMATE:

  2. January 12, 2014 12:37 am

    Reblogged this on CraigM350.

  3. GregO permalink
    January 12, 2014 4:24 am

    Oh yes, I remember the global cooling scare quite well – it was commonly referred to as “the imminent ice-age”. I find it amusing, to say the least, when the warmista deny there ever was such a scare. I am old enough to have been an adult back then and I remember it well – all either caused by or complicated by Man-Made Pollutants and atmospheric particulate.

    Interesting how many of the particular predictions, forecasts and explanations of weather are identical between the two scares; cooling caused by X (something Mankind does, always bad, bad, bad), and warming caused by Y (something Mankind does, always bad, bad, bad).

    Fads. Fashions. Fetishes. Capitalized on by charlatans. Not much has changed. Well, at least we don’t burn witches at the stake for cursing the weather – but our superstitions are still quite strong.

  4. John McEntee permalink
    January 12, 2014 5:46 pm

    From Library of Congress Nov. 1922 The Monthly Weather Review-The Changing Arctic

    “The Arctic seems to be warming up. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers who sail the seas about Spitzbergen and the eastern Arctic all point to a radical change in climatic conditions, and hitherto unheard of high temperatures in that part of the earth’s surface…………”

    all of which indicates the climate is cyclic and that the earth is probably about to go into a cold spell.

  5. Richard Bell permalink
    January 12, 2014 6:41 pm

    I walked on the Thames in 1963 with my family …… I was only 3 years old and it is one of my very first real memories ….. as a teenager I also remember hearing about the coming colder world ….. now as a soon to be 54 year old I am classed as a ” DENIER ” just because I question what the media tell us …… with basic common sense and looking at the DATA I have come to the fairly obvious conclusion that the BIG yellow thing in the sky is the main driver of our climate ……. follow the patterns, see the LIGHT .

    • January 12, 2014 9:20 pm

      A global warming trend since the end of the Little Ice Age (~1850) reversed to a 30 years global cooling trend in winter 1939/40, as the NYT reported as follows (Extract):
      “London , January 27, 1940. A blizzard raged over the British Isles last Saturday (January 27) [1]. Newspapers permitted publishing the first details of the blizzard, called it the coldest weather in a century. (NYT, Feb. 1st.). On Jan. 28 the NYT titled the event:
      “British Cold Snap Can Now Be Told. Military Censorship on the Weather Lifted – Freeze Severest Since 1894. 7-Degrees Low in London . Press Has Noted Subzero Spell in Europe without a word of Arctic conditions locally.” …..
      “In close vicinity of London the river Thames has frozen for the first time since 1814. (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, January 29, 1940). ” (extract from )

      At one can find this text:

      “January 1940 a remarkable month
      January 1940 was a severe wintry month with frequent frosts and heavy
      snowfalls. The CET for the month was -1.4C, the first sub zero CET month of
      the 20th Century and the coldest month since February 1895.

      On the night of the 23rd, a minimum of -23.3C was recorded at
      Rhaydaer(Powys) a record low for that date. Other lows include -20C at
      Canterbury, Welshpool, Hereford and Newport in Shropshire.
      The Thames was frozen for 8 miles between Teddington and Sunbury and
      ice covered stretches of the Mersey, Humber and Severn.
      The sea froze at Bognor Regis and Folkestone and Southampton harbours
      were iced over. Thr Grand Union Canal was completely frozen over between
      Birmingham and London. Central London was below freezing for a week and
      there was skating on the Serpentine on 6″ ice.
      However January 1940 will always be remembered for the Snowstorm and
      Icestorm that struck the UK.”

  6. M E Wood permalink
    January 13, 2014 4:11 am

    I learned about climate change thing back in the 1960’s at Edinburgh University.
    There was also a polar outbreak in Eastern Canada in the 1960s when we lived there for a while. ( Or may be it just seemed like a Polar outbreak )

  7. January 14, 2014 12:57 pm

    Reblogged this on CACA.

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