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Covid-19 is a frightening dress rehearsal of the climate agenda

May 13, 2020

By Paul Homewood



While armchair experts squabble over COVID-19, we are in danger of missing the real threat.

Ben Pile writes:


Months into the pandemic and many unknowns still cloud our understanding of the virus. The basic parameters of its transmission rate are still contested by scientists. Rather than shedding light, experts from prestigious institutions descend into acrimonious, politically charged, point-scoring debates. Even the grim daily ritual of the body count is slated as either an overestimate or a grotesque underestimate. But the biggest unknown yet is the damage the virus and attempts to control it have done to society and the economy, and how we will recover. From this wreckage, the green blob has re-emerged from an all-too-brief period of obscurity with a list of demands that will destroy any hope of recovery.

From the outset, there has been a palpable sense of green jealousy of the virus as it stole attention from the climate fearmongers. For half a century, greens have been prognosticating the imminent collapse of society. Yet with each new generation, deadlines to stop the destruction of the planet pass without event. In reality, the world’s population has become healthier and wealthier, and we live longer lives than ever before. Panic about the virus achieved in days what greens have been demanding for years: grounded planes, empty roads, and a halt in economic growth.

Countless lives and livelihoods throughout the world have been destroyed – either by the virus or by the draconian policies intended to stop it. But the anti-population campaigner, David Attenborough, has still managed to complain that human beings have it too good. ‘Human beings have overrun the world’, he told the BBC’s Andrew Marr. Attenborough said that living ‘in a more modest economic way’ should be an ‘ambition’: ‘The world is not a bowl of fruit… if we destroy it, we destroy ourselves.’

Full article here.

  1. Thomas Carr permalink
    May 13, 2020 5:32 pm

    Spiked is soliciting funds. Who or what is spiked?

    • May 14, 2020 2:22 pm

      Good online magazine that calls out woke-mob
      but joins in their sneering at Trump

  2. Harry Passfield permalink
    May 13, 2020 6:21 pm

    But in order to live in a bowl of fruit (among a load if fruits, Attenborough) we need to destroy our world. You stupid, selfish, self-opinionated, over-rated, human-hating, arrogant, hubrustic, self-obsessed gob on a stick.
    And that’s when I’m stuck for words. (Thank God you have great cameramen!).

    • May 13, 2020 9:50 pm

      The man is a menace, unfortunately backed by the lying BBC naturally, they hate us too. But this should tell Boris to get rid of the thing, a thing that denigrates our island at every opportunity

    • Redge permalink
      May 14, 2020 2:24 pm

      The man is a menace, however, a dangerous one.

      Attenborough is a patron of Population Matters AKA The Optimum Population Trust.

      In its Optimum Trust guise, Populations Matters accidentally released a spreadsheet showing exactly where the world population would be culled.

      This link takes you directly to the spreadsheet thanks to the Wayback machine:

      These people need outing for what they really are – a bunch of racists dressed in green clothing

      Spoiler alert: The culling takes place amongst all those funny little brown and yellow people.

      • Fred Streeter permalink
        May 14, 2020 5:47 pm

        I remember, Armand and Michaela Denis expressing similar sentiments to Attenborough regarding Humanity vs the “Natural World” on TV in 1960s. No attempt to sugar-coat the pill, either.

    • Robert Jones permalink
      May 14, 2020 7:20 pm

      Harry, why on earth did you hold back! Sir David isn’t that great!

  3. Broadlands permalink
    May 13, 2020 7:03 pm

    Why is it not obvious to the greens that this virus-created dress rehearsal does indeed make them look foolish? They persist with their incessant demands that we get rid of fossil fuels by lowering carbon emissions all the way to zero and beyond (negative emissions). If those protests and demands are to continue, as the health-crisis subsides, the economic and social damage will be no different and can only get worse. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere will continue to rise regardless. They cannot expect the world to stop using carbon fuels in an instant, so by the time their impossible zero goal was reached the atmosphere could be as high as 500 ppm, if not greater. We are being told this week that it has again set a new record…in spite of the pandemic. The economies are setting new records as well…devastating ones. Frightening indeed… but not to the the ‘green blob’…mob?

  4. Mack permalink
    May 13, 2020 7:17 pm

    Another excellent deconstruction of ‘eco-feudalism’ by Mr Pile. Alas, there appear to be hardly any politicians in mainstream politics who want to confront the blob so, ultimately, any push back will have to come from the great unwashed. And, with western economies in tatters, the public will soon realise that the green wet dream is simply unaffordable. Who’s going to be able to afford to buy a stonkingly expensive EV, never mind afford to power it when you can’t even afford to feed, clothe and accommodate your family properly?

  5. MrGrimNasty permalink
    May 13, 2020 9:43 pm

    Not sure it’s the dress rehearsal, certain authorities are already using the lack of public resistance and powers under the CV19 ’emergency’ to make extraordinary decisions to exclude cars in favour of cyclists and pedestrians that they know they could never have got away with ordinarily.

    Brighton has been deliberately obstructing private motor cars for decades, then blaming them for the congestion and the supposed pollution. They have been dying to ban them for years, the latest permanent ‘redevelopment’ even deliberately obstructs the main coastal through road.

    What’s ridiculous is that private motor cars are obviously the best way to avoid CV19.

    Temporary changes? We’ll see.

  6. May 14, 2020 1:14 am

    “David Attenborough, has still managed to complain that human beings have it too good. ‘Human beings have overrun the world’

    Doomology holds that human beings have overrun the world but the reality is very different.

  7. StephenP permalink
    May 14, 2020 8:41 am

    Giver the rather disappointing performance of wind in the UK over the past few weeks as shown on Gridwatch Templar, with production of electricity varying between next to nothing and some bursts of production, how big a battery would have been needed to keep us in electricity over the low periods?
    Also how many extra windmills would we need to recharge the batteries when the wind is blowing?

  8. May 14, 2020 8:50 am

    The Manhattan Institute paper The “New Energy Economy”: An Exercise in Magical Thinking answers a comparable question for the US:
    “The annual output of Tesla’s Gigafactory, the world’s largest battery factory, could store three minutes’ worth of annual U.S. electricity demand. It would require 1,000 years of production to make enough batteries for two days’ worth of U.S. electricity demand. Meanwhile, 50–100 pounds of materials are mined, moved, and processed for every pound of battery produced”.

    Click to access R-0319-MM.pdf

  9. May 14, 2020 12:05 pm

    Do you not find it interesting that the good Mr. Attenborough continually rails against humans infesting the earth, yet here he is, older than dirt? HE could do something to reduce the world’s population by one, but does not seem inclined to do so. Hmmmm.

  10. Peter permalink
    May 14, 2020 1:29 pm

    “From the outset, there has been a palpable sense of green jealousy of the virus as it stole attention from the climate fearmongers. “

    When the Malaysian airliner was shot down over Ukraine with a Russian SAM, the Israelis had been bombing Gaza for a couple of weeks in retaliation for the endless rocket attacks.

    Several anti Israeli ci me gators complained that it had taken the spotlight off “Israeli terrorism”

    They didn’t give a rats about the people killed in the aircraft.

  11. May 14, 2020 2:23 pm

    job advert

    Programme Manager Sustainability The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS

    2 days ago £38,890–£44,503 a year Full–time
    In June 2019 Newcastle Hospitals became the first healthcare organisation in the world to declare a climate emergency, recognising the threat that climate breakdown poses to public health

  12. M E permalink
    May 16, 2020 4:57 am Sir David is an old man and in his younger days this view of world population was popular again after the National Socialists had misused it to mean getting rid of the unfit and promoting a Master Race. A lot of politicians had these ideas before World War I. according to this extract. I remember Environmentalists were of these opinions in the 1960’s . It is typical of those who see other people as units rather than individuals like themselves. A psychologist may be able to explain why they do. Perhaps it is to do with sociology which has spoiled so many other branches of learning.see Thomas Sowell et al.

  13. saparonia permalink
    May 16, 2020 12:30 pm

    I have to say that my throwing out of tv, not using windows, and use of my phone only for calls and text has saved me from a lot of anxiety.
    It’s important to be selective about what you take in, whether by choice or by passive incident. Read around the subject and watch your sources. Look at it objectively.

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